Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

Take A Chance On Me

August 30th. The one and only day I got to see Dougie durring their entire summer tour of 2007. And guess what? Theres about a million other people here to see him. Not including the fans.

Okay, so I might be exagerating a tiny little bit, but still. Everyone got here way before Keighty drove us up. The Fletcher family were all sitting together, laughing at God only knows what. Their a bit of an odd lot, but it makes them more loveable. Carrie was sitting on Toms lap and he was hugging her waist, almost protectivly. The Jones' were sitting with the Poynters, talking and joking quietly. Kathy was always alot happier about these kinds of get-togethers since Alan was gone. She seemed to enjoy them more. She was sitting next to Sam and they were both pointing at stagehands and sound geeks, whispering and giggling about them. Dougie and Jazzie were sitting on the floor across from Danny and Vicky, and they were all smiling as they drank and talked quietly. The Judds were sitting with the Fletchers, mostly talking to themselves though. Tyler made her way from my side to behind Tom and she messed up his hair, drawing his attention to her. He leaned his head back, smiling, and she smiled back and kissed him lightly. Carrie groaned quietly and pushed herself off Toms lap, so Tyler made her way around to take over her spot. Lexee walked over and sat next to Danny, then started braiding his currently straight hair whilst he paid her no mind. Keighty walked over to Harry and covered his eyes, which made him smile slightly.

"Guess who." She said quietly. Harry grinned his 'im-going-to-be-a-smart-ass' grin.

"Hm... Dougie?.... Kathrine?.... Brigid?...." He trialed off and she pouted and uncovered his eyes. He turned to face her, smiled, and hugged her, just as I felt arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and leaned into them, right into Dougies chest. He kissed the top of my head and squeezed me.

"I missed you." He breathed. I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

"I missed you too, Dougie." I sighed and kissed him lightly. When I broke off, he smiled and pulled me over to where he had been sitting before.

"Jayden!" Danny smiled, leaning up and hugging me lightly.

"Hey, Dan." I smiled and hugged him back, then leaned back into Dougie.

"Dont you just love how he greets Jayden but not his girlfriend?" Lexee asked from beside Danny. He looked over at her and smiled, then turned back facing us again. She slapped his arm and he laughed and hugged her.

"Hi Lex." He said, still laughing. She hugged him back and then squealedn and pulled away from him just before a shoe hit the back of his head. "OI!" He yelled, rubbing his head. He turned around, and Tyler and Tom were both looking at eachother, smiling slightly. "Who threw this?" He asked, holding up a shoe. Tom shifted, covering his left foot.

"Tyler." Tom said. Tylers jaw dropped.

"NUH-UH! I STILL HAVE BOTH MY SHOES ON! SEE!" She pointed at her converse clad feet. "Toms the one missing a left shoe." She smiled and Tom groaned.

"Not like Danny can tell his left from his right." He mumbled, making everyone except Danny laugh. "Mate, I swear Ty threw it at you." Tom said. Danny made a face.

"Whatever. Take your stupid shoe back." Danny mumbled, throwing the shoe at Tom, missing Tyler by inches.

"You are so lucky that didnt hit me." Tyler said.

After getting no alone time with Dougie, Fletch came in and said that it was time for the boys to go on. When they got off stage, they ran to the showers and when they came out, Fletch made them get onto the bus. Completly useless trip, but at least we got to see them.

Soon after that, school started up. Senior year is supposed to be so fun and exciting, but I couldnt get into it. Dougie was still out on tour and school just wasnt fun without him. I had been given the exact same roster as him so that when he returned, I could catch him up on his missed work and hopefully pass him with at least a C-. Otherwise, hed have to go to summer school and wouldnt be allowed to graduate. This was going to be fun, beucase Dougie only hardly passed everything with a D, except his instrument classes- which we had three of this year. Advanced Bass 4, which i was barely passing, Guitar Tech 3, and Precussion 4. I was head of class in the last two, but seeing as I'd never taken a bass class before, I could barely maintain a C in there.

It was October 7th, around 9pm, and I was sitting in my living room watching a Lost rerun, when the front door opened. I figured it was Logan coming home from the studio with Brigid, so I just turned the volume on the TV up a little, and pulled my school sweatpant clad legs to my chest. Then a commercial for some interview airing later tonight and, of course, McFLY were on it. It previewed them singing Sorrys Not Good Enough.I sighed and changed the channel to X-Factor. I heard Logan walk into the living room and stand in the doorway.

"Hows the new songs?" I asked, not looking away from the TV.

"There great, but thats not the greeting I was expecting." That voice pulled me from the TV. I looked towards the doorway and smiled, then jumped off the sofa and into Dougies arms.

"Your home." I stated, rather than asked. I didnt want him to leave again.

"Im home." He repeated quietly, then kissed my cheek. "I love you." He said quietly. I squeezed him tighly and smiled, contently.

"I love you too, Dougie." I replied, looking up at him. I leaned in and kissed him. He broke off and hugged me tightly again, then let go.

"How much have I missed around here?" He asked. I laughed and let go of him, then sat down on the sofa and pointed at a gray backpack across the room.

"Everything in there." I said. He walked over and pulled it across the room to the sofa, then sat down next to me and pulled out the Advanced Bass 4 textbook. He grinned when he saw it.

"Great, this is easy!" He smiled, opening the book. "What chapter are we on?" He asked.

"3." I answered and he skimmed to chapter 3. He looked over the notes, then mimed playing the song as though he had a bass infront of him.

"Sweet, its easy. Alright, what else?" He asked, closing the book.

"How in the hell is that easy?" I asked, picking up the book. He looked up at me, confused.

"You have my class?" He asked. I nodded, and opened to chapter one.

"I couldnt even play this!" I yelled, pointing at the page. Of course it wasnt exactly an easy song, it was Whats My Age Again by Blink 182. Why did the school have to have text books from 2003?

"This is one of the first songs I learned how to play on bass." He laughed. I frowned and closed the book, which made him laugh harder.

"Your a dickwad. I dont miss you anymore. Go back on tour." I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest. He laughed again and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.

"Im sorry. How about I help you with the bass and you help me with everything else?" He suggested.

"Somehow, that doesnt seem fair." I mumbled.

"If i get you an A+ in AB4, will it be fair?" He asked. "You only have to get me C+." He tried to sell it. I sighed and smiled.

"Fine." I said and kissed his cheek.


June 13, 2008

We were on our way home from graduation, but Dougie wasnt there and he wasnt called. That made me worry about his grade in Guitar Tech. He was barely keeping up a C+ and he had his final exam earlier today.

"Dont stress it, Jay." Tom said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Im sure Mr. Naggy was probably procrastinating grading him. You know how that man is. Either that, or hes still reading Doug the instructions. Probably put himself to sleep a few times reading them." He tried to lighten my mood, but it didnt help.

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed. "But what if he has to go to summer school? Or what if he has to repeat?" I asked. Danny walked up beside me and laughed.

"Love the confidence you have in him, Jayme." Danny said, using his stupid nickname for me again. I still have no idea why he decided to call me that to begin with. "If he failed, he'll just sweet-talk his way into passing. Hes Dougie."

"Exactly why Im worried.." I trailed off, looking into the boys driveway. "Tom, isnt that your car?" I asked. Tom looked out and nodded.

"Yeah, thats weird.... I thought Dougie it to school earlier.." He trialed off.

"He did..." I mumbled and Logan stopped driving, so I jumped out and started towards the boys house.

"Where are you going? The partys at your house!" Harry yelled.

"Shes getting Dougie, you git. Sit back down." Tom scolded, but I didnt even turn around. I went inside the boys house and Dougie was sitting in the living room, holding his head in his hands.

"Dougie?" I asked. He looked up at me and his eyes got wide.

"Jayden!" He exclaimed, jumping up and he backed away a little. "Your back already?" He asked, glancing at the clock.

"Yeah." I nodded, un-zipping the annoying, long, purple gown I was wearing. "Where were you?" I asked.

"Mr. Naggys class room." He answered, looking away from me nervously. "Taking the GT exam." He added.

"And? What did you get?" I asked. He smiled slightly.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I just hope you passed. Thats all I care about." I said, walking towards him. He smiled slightly again, then looked up at me with a smile.

"I got a B." He said just before I reached him. I smiled and he grinned and I pulled him into a hug.

"Thats the best grade you've gotten in there, Dougie!" I exclaimed.

"I know!" He laughed, hugging me back. "Its all because you hounded me on it. Thank you, so much Jayden." He breathed and kissed my cheek.

"Anything for you, Doug." I replied quietly. He hugged me tightly again, then pulled back.

"Lets get to your party. We have to go get my diploma tomorrow morning, so we cant drink too much." Dougie said.

"Why are you telling me? Im not the one with a drinking problem." I laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door.

"Neither am I!" He said, jokingly offended. "Maybe we should tell Danny." He smiled.

"That would be logical, but he wouldnt listen." I said and he nodded.

"Very true." He laughed and we went across the street to my back yard, towards the graduation party being held for both Dougie and myself. When we walked in, Lexee and Tyler were dancing on a table, belting out the lyrics to Take A Chance On Me by Abba.

"Alexandria Brianne Kowalski and Tyler Jaquline Kiba get the hell down from there!" Logan scolded. They smiled at eachother then him.

"If you change your mind, Im the first in line, honey Im still free, take a chance on me!" They sang and he sighed.

"Your name is Alexandria?" Danny asked, causing Harry to laugh. Keighty slapped him and he stopped.

"Im sorry." He mumbled. Then You Cant Stop The Beat from Hairspray came on and everyone turned to see Shannon standing infront of the small DJ stand Logan set up earlier, looking around innocently with a smile on her face.

Tyler smiled and sang along with Tracys part. Tom jumped up next to her on the table and sang Links parts. Lexee took over Pennys parts, which lead to Danny singing Seaweeds parts. Tyler tried to get Tom to sing Ednas parts, but he wouldnt do it, so Harry started singing it until Tyler pushed him off the table lightly. Everyone laughed at him, then Dougie and I got up with them and joined took turns with Motormouth and the assembly's parts. When the song was over, we all got off the table and pretended like nothing happened.