Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

The Locals Who Went Postal

Next Semester:

I was sitting infront of Dougies locker when him and the guys came running at me. I jumped up and laughed at the way they were acting.

"Jay! Your never going to guess what we were just told!" Dougie yelled whilst the other three jumped up and down.

"Whats that?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"WERE GOING TO AMERICA!" He yelled. I screamed and hugged him and we jumped up and down. If everyone in school didnt know it was me and Dougie, they probably would've watched us like were retarded, but they know better.

"No way! Thats awesome! When?!" I asked when we stopped jumping.

"Two weeks!" He answered, smiling. I frowned, making him frown. "Whats wrong?"

"How long will you be gone for?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Were going to be in a movie, so we can probably film our scenes really quickly.. I'd say about... a month." He answered, making a face, then he caught on and frowed. "I'll see if i can bring you with us, I promise." He said.

"No, no. Its alright. I dont want to potentially ruin an awesome experience for you guys.... Plus, we have two weeks, right?" I asked, smiling. He nodded and grinned back, hugging me again.

"Jay, this could be it. This could be our big break in America!" He said quietly. I squeezed him.

"I know. And you guys are too awesome to not make it big." I said, then he let go of me. I gave the other three hugs and then Dougie and I walked to our homeroom. Once we sat down, Angee, Erin, and Shannon came in. Their addopted sisters from America who are in a band called I Am Not Afraid with their older addopted sister, Kaeightlyn. Shes in Tom's grade. They came over and took their seats; Angee sits infront of me, Erin sits infront of Doug, and Shan sits next to Doug. They all looked at us.

"What was the scene in the hallway about?" Angee asked, smiling.

Jordin walked over and sneered. "He probably finally asked her out. Not that he has the courage to." and with that, she sat down next to me and started talking to Brock and Erik, two boys on the football team.

"Bitch wants to get her face punched in." Erin growled lowly.

"Shes just trying to fit in." I defended.

"Come on, Jay. She hates you. Stop defending her." Shan sighed.

"I cant help it. Shes my twin. I cant just let you shit talk her." I said. Dougie rolled his eyes and smiled.

"She doesnt know what getting even is. Shes too nice to shit talk anyone." He said. I stuck my tounge out at him and he laughed.

Our homeroom moderator, Mrs. Sharp came in and took attendence, then left as the bell rang. I grabbed my bags and Doug and I walked down to the first floor.

We walked in and Tom smiled and waved at us, took papers from Mr. J, and then put them out on all the desks. We sat down in our seats in the far back of the left side of the room. Tom sat down at Mr. J's desk which is right near our desks after he handed all the papers out and the bell rang. Mr. J started some lecture about how to hit a b flat correctly but Tom, Doug, and I talked in the back of the room just like every other day.

Before I knew it, the bell rang again and we left. Dougie has Advanced Bass second period which is in room 210 across the hall from my Advanced Guitar class, so we both went up. On the way up, I tripped up the stairs. Dougie laughed.

"Your more accident prone than Danny!" He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up the stairs.

"Yeah yeah. Your so not nice." I laughed when we got infront of the class rooms.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I twisted my wrist a few times.

"Yeah, i think I'll live." I said and he grinned.

"Dont let the guitar stings cut you. I'll see you next period." He said and went into the class room, so I turned and went into my class. I took my seat next to Brigid, whose in a band from Ireland called Starlit Sky. She smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, smiling back. She shook her head and handed me my guitar case. "Thanks." I said. She nodded.

"Did he tell you yet?" She asked, still smiling.

I sighed. "Bridge. He does not like me! Were best mates is all!" I explained. She rolled her eyes.

"Keep on telling yourself that." She said as the bell rang and Mr. Ryan walked in.

"Alright everyone, play Take On Me by A-ha, on three. One, Two, Three, GO." He said

After class, Brigid and I waited outside 210 for Dougie who didnt come out for a few minutes. When he did, he looked annoyed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, linking arms with him as Brigid did on the otherside.

"Danny left." He said, sounding thoughtful.

"What do you mean?" Brigid asked.

"Kathy called school and picked him up... thats not normal. Kathy normally doesnt allow Danny to miss classes without a reason. Somethings wrong." He mused, sounding worried.

"Im sure nothings wrong, Doug. Maybe a minor family emergency or something?" I suggested. He shurgged.

"I hope." He mumbled as we got to the class room and the bell rang.

All the rest of my classes went by with Dougie being spaced out, which worried me, and Brigid trying to snap me out of them. The final bell rang after 8th and I met the guys out front where we always wait for everyone until were all out then we walk to Harrys house and get rides from there. Logan came over with Lexee and Tyler.

"Whats up?" Logan asked.

"Dan left early and wont answer his phone." Tom sighed, shutting his cell phone and putting it in his pocket.

"Maybe he had a doctor appointment or something." Lexee suggested.

"Eh... I've got a feeling its bigger than that." Harry sighed. "I hope Kathy didnt catch Alan." He breathed.

"Why is it bad for his mom to catch his dad?" Tyler asked, confused. I sighed. Even i know this part.

"Alans cheating on her." Dougie said quietly. "They have no solid evidence but me and Dan saw him all over this chick in a pub last week."

"Thats horriable!" Lexee screached. "Why didnt he tell us?" She asked.

"Hes in denial." Tom shrugged. "Lets get to Harrys." He sighed and we all left school.


Two weeks went by before I knew it. It was insane. Turns out, Danny only had a doctors appointment that day that Kathy had forgotten about, but they all knew that Alan was different. The boys left on a Sunday and were gone for three months. For three months my only communication with them was texting. Then the glorious day finally came when I was to meet them at the airport. I flipped my phone open while I was sitting in the waiting area next to Logan and read over the texts again.

Jayden Alexis Powers, you better show up at the goddamn airport tonight to greet us. I cant take Dougies rambling about how he misses you any longer! -Hazzardous

Jaymeee pleaseeeeeeeeee pick us up! Dougie wont shut the hell up and i think once he sees you he'll stop fucking talking!- DJ

Jayden, you really need to come pick us up. Dougie misses you and I cant take him anymore.- Fletcher

Jay. The guys want you to come pick us up tonight. We'll be landing around 8:30. Cant wait to see you.- Pugs

Within moments of me putting my phone away again, I heard my name being screamed 4 times. I looked up and smiled, stood up, and ran towards the four boys who embrased me in a huge group hug.

"I missed you guys!" I said.

"We missed you too." Tom laughed.

"Dougie missed you loads." Harry said as we let off the hug and Dougie blushed and glared at him.

"We all missed you loads." He said through gritted teeth.
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two more written!