Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

We Break and Break Your Dreams

As we walked to the baggage claim, Tom and Logan were talking about their tour plans for this summer, Harry and Dougie were explaining the movie to me, and Danny was listening to voicemails. Suddendly, he threw his phone and stormed ahead of us. We all stopped and looked at eachother, then Dougie and I took off after him.

"Danny!" Dougie yelled when he ran ahead of me and grabbed Dannys shoulder.

"Danny, whats wrong?" Dougie asked. I caught up just as Danny pushed Dougies hand off him.

"Dont touch me." He growled, looking at the ground. Dougie steped back and looked at him, confused and hurt. I sighed, looking at Dougie, then looked at Danny.

"Dan, whats wrong?" I asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear from behind him.

"Its none of your business." Danny shot, not looking up from the ground. Harry, Tom, and Logan caught up then and Harry grabbed Dougies shoulder.

"Dougie?" he asked, shaking him lightly. Dougie looked up at Harry for a minute, then back at Danny. Harry looked over at Danny, then me. "What did he do?" He asked.

"Dougie was holding his shoulder and Danny told him not to touch him." I answered. Harry looked back at Danny and let go of Dougie.

"You know that Dougie doesnt trust many people. You know that! Now explain what the hell your problem is before Dougie thinks you hate him!" Harry yelled, grabbing Danny by his shoulders. Danny took a deep breath and very quickly turned the tables and held Harry by his shoulders against the wall.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me." Danny said. Harry looked scared for a minute, then worried.

"Mate, whats wrong?" Harry asked, looking at Danny who slowly let go of his arms and looked down.

"N... nothings wrong." He answered. Dougie took a step towards him, still looking hurt. Danny looked up at him and I saw how red and watery his eyes were. I gasped and grabbed ahold of Logan.

"Danny... just tell us whats wrong." Dougie said quietly. Danny closed his eyes then took a deep breath.

"He left her, Dougs. That bastard left my mum for some whore he met at a pub. And he did it while I was gone because he knew Vick wouldn't be able to hurt him when he came to get his stuff." Danny answered, then started crying. We all joined in a group hug to console him, until he let out an un-danny-like laugh. "People are gonna start staring. We better go get our stuff." He said, wipping his eyes as everyone let go.

"Dude, were McFLY and 2/5ths of Evacuate. Of course people are looking." Logan said lightly, trying to lighten the mood. It worked a little. We went to the baggage claim and helped them get their bags, then helped them pack Logans van. Logan then drove Tom and Harry home, then looked back at Danny. "Do you want to stay at our place over night, man? Its only gonna be Me, Jay, Ty, and Bridge."

"And Dougie." I said and Logan nodded, then looked back at Danny.

"No, i really need to get home. Mum and Vick need me." He said, taking a deep breath. I wrapped my arms around him and Dougie wrapped his arms around me and Danny and Logan laughed.

"You all look retarded." He sighed as he drove away from Harrys house towards Dannys. When we got there, Danny sighed and climbed out of the car, then turned around.

"Thanks guys. Really. I'll see yous on Monday." he said as Logan opened the trunk.

"Anytime, Dan." I smiled and he smiled at me lightly.

"And Im sorry, Doug." He said, about to shut the door.

"Its alright." Dougie said, catching the door. Danny smiled at him and Dougie pulled the door shut, smiling back. Logan helped Danny get his bags out and in to his house, then he came back out and drove back to our flat. "Um... where are we?" Doug asked as we got out of the van.

"Me, Logan, and Brigid's place. Like it?" I asked, smiling. He smiled back, nodding, but looked confused.

"Yeah." He smiled, realizing Jordin will not be here. "Can I stay over night?" He asked. Logan looked at him, confused.

"Why?" He asked.

"Mum took Jazz to some cheer compation in Essex and I really dont want to have to get picked up and taken to a hotel with millions of preppy screaming girls." Dougie answered.

"Normal 18 year old boys like that kind of stuff, you know that right?" Logan asked. Dougie shurgged.

"Im not normal, and Im famous. I dont want to die." He answered and we laughed and we went inside. Tyler and Lexee attacked Dougie before he got through the door. "Oh crap!" He laughed as they brought him to the floor.

"Wheres Danny?" Lexee asked.

"And Tom?" Tyler asked.

"We dropped them off, along with Harry, at their places." Logan answered. Dougie frowned and wouldnt lookat Lexee.

"Whats wrong, Doug?" Lexee asked, grabbing his arm. Brigid walked over to him and poked him a few times till he smiled, then he looked back at Lexee and frowned.

"Alan left Kathy." He answered. Lexees face dropped and she let go of Dougies hand.

"Oh... oh my god." She said, sounding lost for words. "I've... I've got to call him." She said, running to grab her phone and then she ran into the kitchen and proceeded to call Danny.

"Anyway.. what were you guys about to do?" Logan asked, wrapping an arm around Brigid and his other around Tyler and walked into the living room. Dougie looked at me, then smiled and we linked arms and skipped after them.

"Watch a movie." Brigid answered, pulling out The Pacifier as we all sat down. Then the door opened and Tom walked in.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Logan asked.

"Carrie has her weirdo friends over so I left." He shrugged, sitting down on the love seat next to Tyler. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he smiled, wrapping his arm around her. She looked up at him.

"How was America?" She asked.

"Amazing. Dispite a few minor details that we'll talk about when everyones here, it was amazing." He smiled again.

"Thats good. Do you mind being my pillow?" She asked. He looked at her oddly, then laughed.

"No, I guess not." he said and the movie started.


I hadnt realized I had fallen asleep until i felt Dougie shift under me, then felt myself being carried. I wrapped my arms around Dougs neck and he laughed lightly.

"Logan thinks your asleep so keep it shut." He whispered. I nodded and pressed my head against his chest. Before I knew it, he put me down and I frowned, opening my eyes up at him. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, pulling the beater he had on half way up his chest in the process. To make sure that he didnt catch me staring at his abs, I rolled over and pretended I had fallen back asleep. Dougie climbed in next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wanted to smile so badly, but i had to be convincing, so i held it back.

"Jay, I know your still awake. Your breathing hasnt changed." He said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at him.

"You focus on my breathing?!" I asked, smiling. He smiled back and shook his head.

"No, but you reacted." He laughed and let go of my waist. "Woah, I just realized how awkward that would've looked if Logan walked in.... laying in bed together, my arms around you, you facing me..." He said, looking at the other side of my room. I pushed my head into my pillow incase he decided to look back over he wouldnt see me blush.

"Good night Dougie." I said, still smothered in the pillow.

"G'night Jay." He whispered back. When I heard his breathing even out (and yes, i focused on his breathing to prevent me from staring at him), I sighed.

"I love you Doug..." i whispered, then rolled over and went to sleep.


Dougie's POV

Jay rolled over and I opened my eyes and looked at the cealing.

So she does love me, I thought. Damn, lost that bet. How can she love me?! Shes like... my sister!

But she is fit. Dannys voice said in my head.

Get out of my head you pig! Ugh. Jaydens my best friend... I dont see her that way. I thought.

Dougie, your in denial. If you didnt think she was hot, we wouldnt be talking to get you to realize that you love her. Toms voice said smugly in my head. I wanted to slap him, but the 'him' thats talking is a figment of my imigination, and i dont intend to slap myself.

I started to think, really think, about Jayden. I mean, the first day of school I thought she was really cute, and then when she didnt completly freak out over me being Dougie Poynter, I thought she was perfect... but now that I know her... shes more like a sister... right?

'Then why did you blush when I made a comment about how much you missed her?' Harry asked. Dammit, why do I have friends like these asswholes?!

'Just admit it, Pugsley!' Dannys voice complained. I sighed and looked at Jayden. I smiled. She looked so peaceful.... like an angel almost.

'Alright guys... I get it. I'm in love with Jayden. Can we drop it before I do something stupid?' I asked, looking back up at the cealing.

'Yeah, sure mate. Why dont you go to sleep? Its 2 am and you know Im gonna wake you around 11.' I could practically see the smile on Toms face as he said that in my head.

'Ugh. Fine. Goodnight.' I complained in my head. I think im going crazy. Oh well, not like i wasnt already.

'You know, this talking to you in your head is really cool. I feel like Edward Cullen!' Toms voice said.

'Well how about you leave my head, Edward?' I shot back. Yep, I've really lost it now.

'Fine. Goodnight'. Tom sighed and stopped talking. The other two did as well. I fell asleep shortly after.
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one more, then thats it for the night!