Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

But Im Loving Every Second

I woke up with Dougie's arm thrown around my waist and blushed lightly. I carefully picked it up and moved out form his grasp, replacing myself with a pillow, and went downstairs. Tyler and Tom were laying out on the sofa. Tom was laid out and she had her head on his chest. He had been playing with her hair till he heard me, then he looked up and smiled at me, and went back to playing with Tyler's hair. I rolled my eyes and looked at the sofa. Logan was laying out with Brigid laying on him, both out cold. So i sat down in front of Tom.

"Where'd Lexee go last night?" I asked quietly. He pointed at his phone, so i picked it up and looked at at it.

'T, tell Log I'm stayin' at Dan's tonight and if my mum calls, cover for me!- Lx'

I smiled. That's good. Danny needs support, it wouldn't hurt to come from the girl he loves who secretly loves him.

I heard bare feet start to pad down the stairs so I turned and looked up them and smiled at Dougie. His hair was sticking up in random directions and he looked incredibly adorable. When he got the the bottom, he turned towards us and showed that his eyes were still closed, and then he scratched his head and sat down on the floor next to me.

"Why are you awake?" He mumbled, laying down with his head on my knee.

"Because I woke up." Next to you and didnt want it to be awkward. I didnt dare say that out loud.

"Oh. Whys Tom awake?" He asked. I looked down to make sure his eyes still werent open, and they werent.

"Becuase hes a creeper?" I asked, smiling and Tom glared at me, even though he was smiling.

"Oh. Can I go back to sleep here?" He asked quietly.

"Let me get a pillow and a blanket." I said and he nodded and sat up to let me get up. I went to my room and got a pillow and a blanket for Dougie. I ran back downstairs and put the pilliow on the floor near Dougie and he fell into it. I rolled my eyes and threw the blanket onto him, then laid ontop of it.

"No." Dougie groaned. I looked up at him and he had his eyes open slightly, looking at me. He pulled the blanket from under me and held them up, indicating that i get under with him. I laid under the blanket and he pulled me close to him so I could rest my head on his chest. We laid in silence, and suddendly my breath matched Dougies and i slowly fell asleep, laying on his chest.


"I KNEW YOU TOO LIKED EACHOTHER" Logan yelled dancing around the room waking me up. I shifted slightly to look at Dougie who was blushing and squeezing his eyes shut. He noticed me shift and looked down at me I smiled slightly and his blush faded. I placed my finger to my lips to tell him to keep quiet and shut my eyes again.

"Dude shut it your gonna wake her." Tom said.

"Logan." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"How much longer till we leave and I can stop acting?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"Does she always talk in her sleep?" Tom asked.

"Sometimes." Logan smiled.

"When can I stop acting like I like Dougie?" I asked.

"What?! Your acting." Logan asked. I tried hard not to laugh.

"Well he's a great guy but he's more like a brother. I like Tom." This is great.

"TOM'S MINE!" Tyler yelled hitting me and I started laughing.

"Gotcha." I smiled opening my eyes.

"Hate you." Logan sighed.

"Well this is awkward." I said sitting up.

"Stay, Jay, your warm." Dougie said pulling me back. I moved my head from his chest to the pillow and he played with my hair.

"Me and Dougie do not like eachother." I said finally.

"Sure you too keep telling yourselves that." Everyone said.

"So, Tyler..." Tom smiled, turning towards her.

"What?" She asked

"Im yours?" He asked, grinning. Her eyes got wide and she blushed.

"I... um... I dont.... oh screw it." She sighed and leaned into him. He laughed and wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"Well now that they finally know they like eachother, we should go see how the Jones' are." Logan said, sitting back down on the sofa next to Brigid.

"I'm down." Tom said. Tyler just nodded.

"Im warm. I dont want to get up." Dougie complained, playing with my hair.

"Thats horriable, you little shit!" Tom scolded, kicking dougie lightly.

"I dont wanna see them upset! If i see Kathy and Vicky crying, I'll feel like its my fault." Dougie said.

"Why would it be your fault?" Logan asked. Dougie sighed and shook his head and Tom nodded.

"Sam and Jazzie cried when Gary left, and Dougie blames himself for that, so its basically the same case for Danny. Hopefully he wont be so thick as to think that hes the reason Alan left." Tom answered for him.

"Hey. Dont call me stupider than Danny." Dougie whined.

"Oh shut it." Tom laughed.

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose-

Tom picked up his phone and looked at it. "We gotta go to the Jones' anyway. Lexee needs a ride." he said.

"How'd she get there last night?" I asked.

"She walked. Its not like its that far away, but her moms coming to get her in an hour and she doesnt want to chance being late." He explained.

"So we have to get up?" Dougie asked.

"Yes, Doug, we have to get up." I answered.

"Ugh. Jayyyydeeennnnnn why do gotta be a partypooper?" Dougie whined and stopped playing with my hair to sit up. I just rolled my eyes and got up from the makeshift bed and held my hand out for him. He took it and I tried to pull him up, but he didnt budge.

"Come on! A little help, Doug. Your not exactly as light as a feather." I complained, trying and failing to pull him up again.

"I dont want to get up." He said.

"Fine. You sit here while we all go see your best friend whose family is falling apart and he doesnt know what to do about it." I said. He rolled his eyes and allowed me to pull him up.

"Now go get changed." I said. "Take your clothes and get changed in Logans room."

"Why my room?" Logan asked.

"Beucase im getting changed in my room. Duh." I said. Logan rolled his eyes and walked over to the house phone which was blinking New Messages. I ran upstairs, Dougie following slowly behind me. I was standing in my rooms doorway, holding his bag out for him when he finally got to the top. He rolled his eyes, took the bag, and went off to Logans room.
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last one for the night!