Status: updated as written!

This Is How We Do

So Commemorate This Hour As The Last I Spend

Third Semester:

Dougie, me, Shannon, and Erin were waiting for Danny and Lexee at our lunch table. Lexee came running through the cafe like a madwoman. She threw her bag onto her chair and pulled me, Erin, and Shannon away from the table.

"Hey!" Dougie cried, following after us to the food line. "Are we waiting for Danny or no?!" He asked, confused. Nobody answered him, so he sighed and got in line, deciding not to wait for Danny.

"You'll never guess what just happened at my locker!" Lexee squeeled, taking deep breaths as she stoped running and turned towards us, smiling.

"Did a giant squid attacked Mrs. Lagroan and now I dont have to go to Chemestry becuase shes not here?!" Dougie asked. We all just turned to look at him. "Hey, a man can dream cant he?"

"What happened?!" I asked, turning back to Lexee as we moved up a few steps in line.

"Well....." She smiled. "Danny asked me to go to Finklers party with him!"

"Oh my god! Lexee! Awww!" Shannon yelled and hugged her.

"How did he ask? Was he nervous? What did he say? Speak woman!" I yelled. Lexee laughed.

"He just came over and said, "Hey, Lexee, wanna go to the uh... party at Finklers tomorrow night with me?" and I just nodded and he smiled and said "Cool, see you downstairs." and then he left and I ran down here!" She explained.

"Your impression of Dannys accent was weirdly good." Dougie mused. We all turned and looked at him. "What?! I dont get why its such a big deal! He asked her to a party, its not like he proposed." He flipped his side bangs out of his eyes. Erin laughed and took a barette out of her hair and stood infront of Dougie. She pushed his bangs back and then put the clip in to hold them back. "Oh yes, make me seem more gay then everyone already thinks. Thanks Eri." He laughed and hugged her.

"Anytime, Dougie!" She laughed and hugged him back, then stood infront of him.

"Alright, sush up! Dannys coming." Lexee smiled as Danny cut his way through line and stood infront of me with his hands in his pockets and his head down.

"Whats wrong Dan?" Erin asked. He looked up at her and shook his head, smiling slightly.

"Nothing, just asswholes. Come on, your next." He said, causing Erin to turn around and get her food.

"Are you sure your alright dude?" I asked. He nodded and took a tray with cheese fries on it and walked over to pay.

Lexee looked over at me and frowned, then waited for all of us to get our food before we headed back to our seats. We sat and ate in quiet for a few minutes, then Brock and Erik walked over and stood at the end of our table.

"What do you asswholes want?" I asked, looking up at them. Brock frowned.

"Your nothing like your sister. And were not here to talk to you. Were here to talk to mommas boy." He responded, looking at Danny.

"We hear your dad walked out on your family because your moms a slut." Erik smiled. Danny closed his eyes and dropped his head again. "Aww, sweet! Its true! How much does she get paid a night?" He asked.

"Go away you duche bag!" Lexee screached and threw her iced tea bottle at him.

"Hey, bitch, watch it." Brock growled. Danny got up and walked away from the table, taking his bag with him.

"Wait, Danny!" Lexee yelled and grabbed her bag, running after him.

"Congradulations, your a dick." Dougie said, picking up his bag and going after the two of them.

"Jayden, your sisters friends are asswholes." Shannon said, following after everyone. Erin and I looked at eachother.

"You go, I'll take care of the morons." She said. I nodded and grabbed my bag and as I got up, Erin had dropped her chesse fries on Eriks head, and Dannys on Brocks. I smiled and highfived her, then ran after everyone else.

"ERIN RYAN!" the lunch moderator yelled.

"Yeah, yeah, i know, i know." Erin sighed and grabbed her bag, walking up to the front.

Then the bell rang for 6th to end and 7th to start. I caught up with Shannon, Dougie, and Lexee.

"I have a really bad feeling about this, but i cant afford to skip Chem again." Doug sighed.

"I cant skip vocal, Mrs. Alberta will kill me." Lexee sighed as well, then looked at me and Shannon. "Whose your study admin?"

"Mr. Wolffe today, Mr. Rayer is out sick for the week." Shannon sighed. Mr. Wolffe is really strict and makes us have a silent study.

"Dammit. Alright, Im sure he'll be at vocal class when I get there. I'll see yous at the end of the day." Lexee said and ran off.

"Yeah, I gotta go too." Dougie said, starting to leave.

"Wait for me outfront of your class room. Harry will stall until we get there, so its okay if were late." I yelled after him. He laughed and nodded, giving me a thumbs up and I headed into study with Shannon.

"Time to be quiet." She whispered as we made our way into seats in the auditurium. Mr. Wolffe looked up and glared at her. "What?" She asked, loudly. "I didnt say anything." She said at a normal tone, then sat down and put her iPod in. I couldnt help but laugh quietly at her, then I put my own iPod on.

>> After 8th Period>>

Harry, Dougie, and I were walking from my locker when we saw Lexee standing at Dannys, looking around anxiously.

"Whats wrong, babe?" Harry asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I cant find Danny. He never went to vocals and Mike said that he never went to 8th." She said, sounding worried.

"Maybe he went to the nurse and faked being sick. Look, dont get worried, its Danny." Harry said, rubbing her arm. She turned and we all walked outside.

"Thats why Im worried." She said. Tyler and Tom walked over as well.

"Worried about what?" Tom asked.

"Danny." Lexee said quietly. Tom looked confused and Dougie sighed.

"He ran out of lunch becuase Erik and Brock were making fun of him. Then he didnt go to either of his last two classes." Dougie explained.

"Thats not like Danny. If hes going to skip, he usually asks someone to skip with him." Tom said, running his hand through his hair, looking around nervously.

"What did Erik and Brock say to make Danny leave?" Tyler asked.

"They called Kathy a slut and then Lexee a bitch." I answered and Harry hugged Lexee closer to him. Tyler looked up at the door just as Jordin, Angee, Brock, and Erik came out.

"Why did Angee start talking to them?" Dougie asked me quietly.

"Because shes a bitch. Shes trying to move in with mom and Jordin. Thats why me and Logan moved out." I answered. Tyler started up to them, but Tom grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Come on, babe. We dont have time for this. We've gotta find Danny." Tom said soothingly. Jordin looked over and nodded towards us and Brock grinned.

"What, mommas boy run back home? Or did he leave, like his dad?" Brock shot. Toms hold on Tyler faltered and she pushed him off and ran at Brock. She punched him in the stomach and then pushed him against the wall, slamming his head against it.

"Anybody else have a comment?" She asked, looking at Jordin, Angee, and Erik. Angee went to talk but Jordin put her hand over her mouth.

"Nope." Jordin said, pulling Angee after her. Erik grabbed Brock and pulled him over to their car. Tyler walked back over and Harry smiled at her.

"Remind me not to piss you off." He said, amused. She smiled at him and then Tom wrapped his arm around her waist.

"We really should check to see if he went home. If not we should break up into two groups, us guys will go to our houses and the studio, you girls can go to your houses and the football field." Tom said. We all nodded and Tyler, Tom and Harry went in Toms car and Lexee, Dougie, and I went in Lexees car. We followed Toms car to Dannys house, and all got out and Tom knocked. Vicky answered, and looked inside, then came out and closed the door.

"Please tell me Dannys with yous." She said. Tom sighed.

"I'll take it hes not here then." He turned and kicked the ground.

"Well dont let my mom hear you, he called her and told her hed be with you guys out late tonight." Vicky said.

"Guys, I really dont have a good feeling about this." Dougie mumbled.

"Alright, well dont tell your mom that we came. We'll go look for Danny and bring him back as soon as we find him." Tom said.

"You better. This isnt something Danny usually does. School called saying he skipped two classes as well. Luckly, I got the messages before Mom did. Was he with you then?" vicky asked. We all shook our heads. She sighed.

"Look, Vick, dont stress it. We'll find him, I promise." Tom said. She nodded.

"Then get, before she catches you." She shooed us as she headed back inside.

"I guess this means that were going looking for him." Tom sighed as we all walked back down to the cars.

"Lets call him first, see if he answers." Harry said and pulled his phone out, and started pressing buttons. "Oh dammit! Dougie! Its locked again! Fix it!" He complained, holding it out to Dougie. He rolled his eyes and took the phone from Harry and pushed it open. Then he handed it back to him. "Thank you. Now whats Dannys number?" Harry asked. Lexee sighed and pulled her phone out and pressed a few buttons, then put the phone to her ear.

"Danny?!" She asked after a few seconds. "Where are you?! What? I cant understand you." She said, holding her hand to her other ear in an attempt to hear him better. "What? NO! DANNY DONT YOU DARE HANG UP THE-" She stopped and sighed. "Phone. Dammit." She sighed and hung up.

"What did he say?" Tom asked.

"All i understood was something about not wanting to hear it and then he said he was turning his phone off." She sighed. Harry hugged her and she leaned into his chest.

"Alright, i guess we should go look for him. Meet back at my place at 6 if you dont find him. And if you do, call me right away." Tom said, kissing Tylers cheek, then jumping into the drivers seat. Harry let go of Lexee and got into the car. Dougie followed them, so we all got into Lexees car and parted ways.

5:45- Toms POV
"Guys, I hate to say it, but we might as well give up. We've looked everywhere possiable, and the girls havent called. Hes obviously not anywhere he wants to be found. I just dont know what Im supposed to tell Kathy." I sighed, sitting down on the pavement in the middle of the sidewalk. Harry sighed and fell into the grass next to me, pulling it out of the ground. Dougie looked around one last time, then sat cross legged infront of me, leaning back looking up at the sky. Then his head snapped forward and he looked at me.

"Theres one last place!" He yelled.

"Where?" Harry asked, blowing a piece of grass into the air, only for it to come back down and hit him in the face.

"Just come on!" Dougie yelled, booking it down the street. I looked at Harry who sighed, but got up, and we both took off after Dougie.

"THIS IS WHY I HAVE A CAR!" I yelled, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear. Finally, we got to a playground that I'd never been to before. Dougie ran into the Rec center and up the stairs, so Harry and I followed. Dougie threw a door open after four flights of stairs and we ended up on a roof. When we all got up there, we stopped, panting.

"You made me run 19 blocks and four flights of stairs to get nothing?" Harry asked, half growling. Dougie looked around, then behind us
and held his breath. He walked past us and I turned and saw Danny standing at the edge, arms crossed over his chest, looking down at the ground. Dougie was about to run towards Danny, but Harry grabbed him.

"Stop it!" Harry scolded. "We dont know what hes thinking. You advancing towards him could make him...." Harry trailed off. Dougie glared at him.

"Danny would not jump! Hes not going to kill himself! Hed never do that!" Dougie fought Harrys grasp.

"You shouldn't be here." Danny called over, his voice sounding horse and his accent thicker than usual. I frowned.

"Why were you crying?" I asked, taking a few slow steps towards him.

"I wasnt bloody crying!" He yelled, wipping his eyes, but not turning to face us.

"Its alright if you were crying Dan. Its no big deal. But your moms going to be worried if you dont get home soon." I said, advancing towards him again slowly. He seemed to think about that for a few minutes, and then dropped to his knees, scaring the shit out of me. I thought he was jumping. "Harry, take Dougie down and call Lexee. Tell her we've got Danny." I said. Harry nodded and practically carried Dougie downstairs. "Is it alright if i sit next to you?" I asked. He didnt answer, so I walked over and sat next to him, hanging my feet off the edge.

"Why are you here?" Danny asked quietly.

"Because your my best friend. Why wouldn't I be here?" I asked in responce.

"How did you know I'd be here?" He asked.

"Dunno. Dougie did. You cause quiet a scene, Mr. Jones." I laughed lightly. "I mean, you got us all worried, and Ty even stood up for you." I said. Danny laughed softly and wipped his eyes again.

"What do you mean Tyler stood up for me?" He asked.

"She punched Brock and then slammed him into a wall. That shut him, Erik, Jordin, and Angee up pretty quickly." I explained. He stood back up, so I did too. He took a step forward so the tips of his shoes were hanging off the ledge. "Come on, Dan. Back up, please." I said quietly. He took a deep breath, but didnt budge.

"Its my fault, isnt it?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"He left becuase of me, didnt he?" Danny said speaking louder now.

"Why would he leave because of you?" I asked. "Because your a sucess? Becuase you did something right? Beucase your talanted?" I asked, at a complete loss for why he would think his dad leaving was his fault. He backed up and looked at me, tears falling down his face. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his torso and he wrapped his around mine in return and started to cry. After a few minutes, Harry came up and walked over slowly.

"Guys, the girls are waiting at Toms. Lexees a wreck." Harry said softly. Danny let go of me and we all walked down to the car. When we got in, Dougie was in the back seat with Danny. Danny looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Thanks for bringing them here." He said quietly.

"Of course." Dougie nodded.

Jaydens POV

When Harry called, we drove back to Toms house and waited. After about 15 minutes, Toms car drove down the street. When he stopped in the drive way, they didnt get out right away. Finally the back doo opened to reveal Danny, rubbing his eyes. Tyler and I both looked at Lexee and she smiled and ran towards him. He smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Come on, guys. Lets give them a minute." Tom said, waving us inside. Tyler got up and walked to his side, so i walked over to Dougie, then inside.

"Where was he?" I asked, once the door was shut. Harry sighed and shook his head, walking into the living room.

"Yo estoy en la casa, madre!" He yelled on his way in there.

"Harry, this isnt your house and shes not your mom." Tom sighed.

"Hello Harry!" Debbie yelled back. Harry turned and stuck his tongue out at Tom.

"She loves me more than you." He said in a taunting voice and Tom gave him the finger.

"Where was Danny?" Tyler asked agian for me. Tom sighed and walked into the living room. Harry was flipping through the channels on the TV, sitting cross legged on the floor, so Tom sat on the recliner with Tyler on his lap and Dougie and I sat on the sofa.

"He was on the roof of a rec center." He answered quietly. I looked at Tom, wide eyed. He sighed and shook his head. "It doesnt matter, hes okay now."

"Are you going to tell us what happened up there?" Tyler asked. Tom shook his head again.

"If Danny tells you, thats a different story. I dont see it as my place to tell you." He answered, then drew his attention to the cricket game Harry put on. "Mate, put a real sport on." He laughed lightly.

"Cricket is a real sport. The only other thing on is football." Harry replied.

"Exactly. Put it on. My house, my tv, my channel." Tom said.

"I believe your mom said this is my house too." Harry shot back without turning, and never changed the channel.

Lexee's POV

When I saw Danny, I smiled and ran towards him. He caught me in a hug and held me into him tightly.

"Im sorry." He breathed. Everyone else went inside and he closed the door to the car with his leg and leaned against it, still hugging me. "Im so sorry." He said.

"Its okay, your okay." I said, sqeezing him. He let go of me a bit and I looked up at him.

"Um... about Finklers party... I dont... i dont really want to go." He said. My heart sank, but I didnt let my smile fail.

"Oh, well, thats okay then..." Danny cut me off.

"But i still want you to go out with me.... if you... if you want to..." He said, blushing now. I smiled and brought my hands to his face and wipped away tears that were still visible.

"Of course." I smiled and kissed him lightly. He smiled when I broke off and pulled me into his chest. "But i swear to God, if you ever scare me like that again, I will get Tyler to kick your ass. Shes willing to do it at any moment." I added and he laughed lightly.

"She loves me, she just doesnt know it yet. And I promise you, I wont ever do that again." He breathed, kissing the top of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
dont hate me please!