Status: For The Oh My Gods! Contest by Taste the Sky

Electric Shock

Electric Shock


Zeus, King of the Greek Gods, was bored.

His sister Hera was off visiting her worshipers, which used to give him a little laugh since the mortals insist that they were married, but now the idea disgusts him.

Really, marry his sister?

Zeus held back a shudder at the thought.

Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, and Aphrodite were doing whatever it is they do now-a-days.

He highly suspected they were throwing a naughty little party with a few mortals, but he could never prove it.

The other Gods were all enjoying their immortal life, so why was Zeus the only one tired of it all?

Sighing he thought about his older brother, Hades.

Normally Zeus could always go to Hades and have a Woe Me Pity Party, but since the God of the Underworld’s marriage the woe and pity turned into mush and love.

Really, what was his brother thinking?

Tired of having no one to complain to, Zeus decided to visit the Three Sisters of Fate, Atropos, Lahkesis, and Clotho.

Blinking into the Chamber of Fate, Zeus found the siblings gathered around a thread of hair.

“Good evening, sisters.”

“Oh! It is good to see you Zeus!” Lahkesis claimed

“We were just about to seek you out,” Atropos informed

“Were you? What for?” Zeus inquired

“Why the hair of course!” Clotho giggled as she twirled around the room.

Not for the first time Zeus wondered if Clotho was a little lost in her head.

“What about the hair?”

Atropos brought the hair closer and handed it to Zeus, “Feel for yourself."

With the first contact of skin and hair, Zeus felt electricity shoot from that one spot and travel throughout his body. He stared in wonder as the hair began to glow, what looked like static flashing from within.

“Do you feel it?” Atropos whispered

Zeus couldn’t talk; all he could think about was why the hair would react this way when in contact with him.

The hair, or soul as the sisters like to call it, belonged to his mate.

The last time a mate was found was almost seven hundred years ago, when the Three Sisters of Fate brought a thread to Hades.

“Where is she?” he whispered through the lump in his throat.

“A small town in the United States.”


Zeus stared in shock.

He knew what the modern world looked like.

He knew what cars where, how to use a cell phone, and the current fashion style.

But it looked like this town was still set in the past.

It was so small that he could walk the entire length within about fifteen minutes. He hadn’t seen a car drive on the dirt road and there were only a few people walking the... well... dirt.

Gathering his thoughts Zeus set out to find his mate.

Though he didn’t know what she looked like he knew that the bond between them would guide him to her.

Pushing his golden hair out of the way Zeus kept his light eyes scanning the town.

She was close, he could feel her.

Taking a right at what he assumed was the next street Zeus stopped to see a young woman and a little girl walking toward him holding hands.

Zeus felt the air leave his body as he gazed at the woman. Her dark hair was pulled into a messy pony tail, no cosmetics masked her beautiful face, and she was as tall as she was lovely.

Which suited Zeus just fine since he was a little over seven feet tall.

The little girl was one of the cutest Zeus had seen in a while. She had thick dark hair, dark eyes, and the most adorable smile in the world, both new and old.

As they walked closer, Zeus began to panic for the first time in his life.

How would he get her to understand that even though they have never met and he didn’t even know her name, he loved her with all his immortal heart?

The little girl spotted him first, and with the acceptance and innocence of a child well loved, she confidently strode up to him, “Hello! My name’s Davina, what’s yours?”

Zeus opened his mouth just as his mate stared in horror, “Davina! How many times do I have to tell you not to talk to strangers?”

She quickly pulled the child away, placing the girl slightly behind her.

“I’m so sorry. She’s just used to a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Please, excuse us.”

Zeus was unable to speak as she quickly moved past him, shuffling the girl along.

Why was there fear in her eyes?

Hurrying after her he called out, “Wait!”

She stopped, making sure to stand between him and the child, “There’s no need to apologize. My name is Zeus.”

She didn’t accept the hand he held out, “Like the God?”

He smiled, “Just like Him.”

She gave him another weary glance and tried to move away again, but he cut her off, “Please, what is your name?”

She scraped her teeth over her lower lip, “Ajax.”

Zeus smiled, “Ajax means strong warrior in Greek.”

She nodded and the little girl popped her head around, “What does my name mean?”

Zeus smiled and knelt down, “Davina is a Celtic name meaning beloved.”

The child gasped in pleasure as Ajax began pulling her away, “Come on, we need to leave now.”

“But I wanna talk with him! Please mommy?”

So this child was his mate’s?

Zeus’ pleasure grew, fore Davina already had him wrapped around her finger with her cuteness.

“No, we need to move along.”

Ajax tried to hold onto her daughter’s hand, but the child pulled away and ran into Zeus’ arms, “Bye, I’ll miss you.”

The warm feeling in Zeus’ heart grew to encompass his soul, “Do not worry, fore I will never leave you,” He whispered into her ear.

“Davina!” His mate pulled the child from him.

Seeing what was possibly his only opportunity Zeus latched onto her arms, his big hands circling her elbows.

He watched as she gasped, feeling the electricity shocks shoot between them.

“You feel it? The bond between us recognizes its match.” He said quietly

She looked up at him, fear and wonder in her eyes, “What’s happening? What are you?”

Zeus smiled softly, “I told you, my name is Zeus and I am the King of the Greek Gods, God of the Sky. And what you’re feeling is our souls merging together for all time.”

“I don’t understand.”

Zeus lightly stroked her arms, “You are my mate, just as I am yours.”


Zeus sat beside Ajax on the bench as Davina played with the other children in the park.

“How old is Davina?” Zeus asked

“She’s six.”

He frowned, “But you don’t look that old.”

Ajax gave a sad smile, “I’m not, I’ve lived for only twenty-three years.”

“So you were seventeen when you had her?”

Ajax nodded, gazing at her daughter, “Her birth can only be explained as a mistake that gave me the greatest thing in the world as a consequence.”

Zeus took her hand, silently asking her to continue.

His mate took a large breath, “I was young and stupid, sneaking from my house to go to a party. I was so mad at my parents because they wouldn’t let me go I never thought about what could happen.”

Zeus feared what was coming next as she grew silent.

“It didn’t happen until close to the end of the party. A couple of guys wanted to have a little fun so they drugged a random drink and waited to see whom the cup belonged to.”

She held his hand tighter, “The game was to gang bang whichever girl grabbed the cup. So when I picked it up, and after the drug took effect, they dragged me to a room.”

Zeus tried to hold his anger back as a tear fell from her eye, “I was too far out of it to understand what was happening. Even when I tested positive for carrying Davina I denied everything.”

She looked into his eyes, “But I quickly faced the truth and when I first held Davina I knew that something good came out of something bad.”

She looked back to her child, watching as the girl rode down the slide.

Zeus gulped, his rage overwhelming, “Is her father here? In this town?”

The fear came back into her eyes, “I hope not, we’ve already move twice before because he wants to take Davina away. He’s trying to get a judge to say I’m not a fit mother.”

Zeus began to see red, “What’s his name?” He growled.

She looked to him, “You can’t go after him!”

“Of course I can!” He bellowed, “I am Zeus, King of the Gods! Tartarus will welcome him with open arms!”

“No,” she shook her head, “Don’t. He may have done a mean and evil thing, but he’s still Davina’s father. Without him I wouldn’t have my little girl.”


“No, please.” She interrupted, “I may hate him, but I want to give Davina the choice of whether or not she wants to know her father.”

Zeus didn’t understand, but he could still do something about it.

“Come with me.”

“What do you mean?” she asked

“Come with me, both you and Davina. I want to show you my home, and I want you to live there with me.” Zeus said softly.

She shook her head, “I couldn’t do that to you. It’s not even considerable since I haven’t known you for a day!”

Zeus frowned, “We are mates, you feel the pull just as I do and if you don’t want to live on Mt. Olympus with me then I will live here with you.”

“What?” she gasped, “You couldn’t possibly live here! You’re needed up there!”

Zeus framed her face with his hands, “I’m needed where ever my mate is. I already love Davina and couldn’t possibly leave her, but you? You are my soul. To leave you would be like living with out a soul.”


He brought their faces closer, whispering, “Stay with me. Let me love you like a mate should.”

She gazed into his eyes, tears on the brink of flowing, “I want to, but-“

“No buts. What does your soul say?”

She closed her eyes and rested their foreheads together, “Yes, my soul says yes.”

Zeus attached his lips to hers, a sigh of relief leaving his body as she accepted him while they both shuddered with pleasure at the electricity shocking from one to the other.

And when Davina shrieked in delight at seeing them together he knew his world was right again.

Life for the King of Gods was finally perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think!

I hope you like it!