Short Tellings of Tall Tales

Cover My Eyes

When I see you walking with her I have to cover my eyes.
Every time you leave with her something inside of me dies

It’s been three days twelve hours and four phone calls since it happened. Since I saw them. You parallel family. She’s only two years younger than me. Is she a better daughter? It looks like she is pinker than me. Is that you gave up on us, on me and Tris, the ones you had first? Where we not good enough?
I saw you at parent’s day; did you forget that she went to the same school as us? It’s not fair, why did you pick them, most dirt bags pick their first family and leave the affair, act like it never happened. I should hate you but I don’t, I cherish every post card from the business trips you used to take, or at least I did. I’m not sure now, not now I know the truth.

Why did you leave? It’s all I can think about, plenty of people have kids from different relationships. They don’t feel the need to cut all ties with the first family. I saw you picking her up from school. I know you saw me too because I waved and you pretended not to see. You were always a bad actor. I’m surprised you kept them hidden from mum for so long.

Did you stop visiting because I yelled at you? Because I won’t yell at you again, it’s just, I was so hurt. Did you know Trisha never talks about you? With her friends at Uni she liked to pretend that she still has a family. We, Tris and Iare going to try and cook Christmas dinner this year. You’ve got to find that funny.
Do you remember the time we tried to make you breakfast in bed and we burnt the toast. You thought the house was on fire. Mum just stood in the doorway and laughed. It took you ages to see the funny side.

It’s not fair dad. You had us first. We are moving today. This will be the last letter. Now you have a reason not to write back.
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Written to Cover My Eyes by La Roux.