Crazy Beautiful

I'm A Little Bit Of Everything All Rolled In To One.

August 2006. I headed off to college with my sister. I was still very much the introverted person I’ve always been, but I was willing to start over (well the best that I could). No one but my sister knew who I was and even then, she and I weren’t close. I made friends that first year, friends I no longer have, but that’s ‘cause we all grew separate ways. We keep tabs on facebook with each other, but that’s about it.

A month into the school year, mid-September, I randomly met one of my best friends. She barged into my dorm room, I was sitting on my bed and my sister was standing by our in-room sink, and the girl just blurted out, “do you guys have a car?” We affirmed and she then asked if we were busy November 30th. Two months or so away—I laughed. I found out she wanted to go see her favorite band and given our location (in some forsaken valley in south-western Virginia), the Richmond show was the closest and she wanted to be there. She offered to buy the second ticket if we could get here there. She’s how I got into My Chemical Romance.

If I wanted to pick a band that ‘saved my life’ it wouldn’t be MCR, it’d be Linkin Park. I’ve listened to them since I first noticed their Hybrid Theory album on the shelves. But I don’t say a band saves my life—they only help me improve it. However, unlike LP, MCR got under my skin. I was having MCR101 daily after classes and homework. I would listen to their albums repeatedly and watch their DVD. They’re the first band I ever got to know more than just I saw of them. I learnt who parts of those men are and I’ve come to respect them a great deal for what they do and what they’ve done. Despite the fact that music has always been my saving grace, MCR is the band that deepened that connection for me.