Status: Tragedy

The Love of her Life

The Bells

I had spent the past few months planning non-stop for the wedding. And on the side of that, I was helping Emily out and spending as much time as I can with her. It makes a lot of sense to do that when she has done so much for me. She does not deserve to die. Nobody deserves it. Everything happens for a reason. Adrian died because my mother murdered her. Sometimes I wonder, why did she kill Adrian and not me? I hated the pain I had to watch her suffer as my mom beat her until she was dead. I immediately ran out of my house because I was scared. That innocent dead girl, should have been me. Not Adrian. Adrian would be proud of me though. I did make it this far and, in a couple weeks, I'll be 19. I kept thinking about all these things as I went to sleep. I remember graduation day just 2 months ago. It was one of the saddest days of my life because Adrian should have been there standing right next to me with her Diploma. I'm starting to go to the community college a couple blocks from my house. I'm going to major in drama and art. Such as dance,art work,theater,music (flute), writing and much more. I still cannot believe I have got this far. Emily has made it far enough , as much as I hate to admit it, not far enough. She says's she is going to die soon. That's why I said 'she made it far enough' and it just saddens me. She doesn't deserve to die young. I finally fell asleep after thinking for so long.

I woke up and the aroma of fresh lavender filled the air. I inhaled the scent and opened my eyes and smiled. It was my wedding day. No longer would I be 'Marilyn Elizabeth Thompson', now I will forever and always be 'Marilyn Elizabeth Williams'. I knew my mother was watching. She knew where I was. Soon, she will get me. Meanwhile, Emily woke up in the morning and ran to her bathroom and vomited. She looked in the toilet, she noticed the horror. Emily vomited blood. She looked outside to see a Raven sitting on her window. She dropped her mouth open in terror. A Raven is the first sign of death. She was going to die soon. She swallowed. She swallowed hard and loud enough to hear. She shook her head. Tears came out of her eyes. "I'm not going to die."she said.

I went to the hair salon and smiled. They had a professional make-up artist there and professional hair stylist just for me and my brides maids. I had to look the best out of everyone at the wedding though, I am the bride. Emily walked in. Her eyes weren't red. She looked happy. Maybe pale, but tried hiding it. She got a wig that was dark brown with shiny brown flawless curls flowing down past her shoulders. It looked as if she never had cancer. They made her look healthy. The make-up covered it all. She wore a black strapless gown that was floor length. It had black roses on it and had black gems and black satin all over it. It was gorgeous on her. I looked in the mirror. I saw a lady staring at me in the window, it was my mother once again,staring me down,in anger. Then I stared at my reflection. I was beautiful. My dark brown hair was curled up into an up-do. It had glitter and diamonds in it. My white netted veil went down to my back. It had a little tiara at the top. My face glowed with shine. My blue eyes sparkled at the sudden glance.My eye-liner was very pretty and my mascara made my eye lashes full of volume and made my eye lashes look longer, and prettier. My lips were glossed with pink lip gloss. I was so beautiful. At the church I finished getting dressed.

My dress, was strapless and floor length. I had diamonds all over my dress and it had a pattern going on with some diamonds. The bodes was tight and was in place. It had some lace on it and the skirt was poofy and beautiful. It was a flawless dress with pearls and beading and sequence all over it, and I mustn't forget the diamonds. All embroidered in the dress. The dress was unique and was the prettiest dress I had ever laid eyes on, or have dreamed of. My shoes, were white and they were not open toed. They were made of silk and had many diamonds on it as well. I wore white silk gloves, and my bouquet of roses were pink and white. I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

It was now time for my Maids to walk down the Isle. I still could not believe this was happening. Then it was my turn. The men opened the doors. I faced them. Once Jasper saw me walk down the isle as everyone was standing, tears filled his eyes, along with my eyes as well. Everyone stared at me. They all smiled at me in awe. When I reached the Isle, Emily winked at me and I smiled back at her. Jasper stared at me. His eyes never left my face. He held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and walked up the little steps and gave him my other hand. We said our vows,exchanged our rings,said our 'I do's'. I was now Marilyn Elizabeth Thompson. I knew one thing in particular, nothing, not even my mother can change the mood I was in. I listened to what the priest said but everything and everyone around me disappeared as I stared into Jasper's everlasting glance. I smiled. Another tear fell down my face of joy. The priest closed his book. He stared at us. "I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jasper smiled at me. He put his hand on my cheek, and wiped my tears. Then he took his hand off my face and then grabbed me and dipped me backwards and kissed me so tenderly, so romantically, I felt like I was floating. Everyone clapped. Not one dry eye was seen. He lifted me back up and kissed me for a long moment, then let go. I opened my eyes. I smiled. We ran out of the church, hand in hand. We smiled. I was never this happy in my life. I saw my sister's ghost outside the church around many people blowing bubbles at us. Her eyes were wet, with tears and her face, was filled with sadness and happiness. She was sad because she was dead, but happy to see I made it this far. She just wanted a hug from me. I looked at her. Tears streamed down my face once I saw her. "Mary! Mary? What is it? What's wrong?"Jasper asked me in concern. I didn't answer, just moved forward. It was like Adrian had hypnotized me or was possessing me. She wasn't though,her presence sucked me in like a vacuum cleaner. I walked slowly,one step at a time, towards her lifeless body. I finally was standing right in front of her. I became still as a statue. Not a single tear, no sudden movements, just still. Adrian stared back at me, she wasn't smiling, actually she was crying. And since identical twins have the power to read each others thoughts and emotions, they can feel what they feel. I felt her die. It hurt badly, I didn't die but I felt it. I watched her cry. I tried so hard to hold it in but failed to do so. I cried along with her. I couldn't stop. She stopped. I struggled to do so, causing Adrian to put her ghost arms around me and try to console me. Everyone stared at us. They could see Adrian to. She looked exactly like me. Except she is stuck in the age she died in, she looks like me when I was 15, when we were together. I look exactly like her but aged by 3 years almost 4. It is sad, reuniting. Her arms went right through me. She couldn't help me. "Mary, I am trying to hug, that's all I want, I wish I can give you at least one more hug but...can't. My hands go right through you. I am dead, and you, you're not. Stop crying, I know how much it hurts. It is very painful. I love you sis, nothing is ever going to change that. Stop crying. You are the bride here, be happy. You made it!"she said. I looked up at her. With tears in my eyes, I nodded my head. She put her arms around me. I put mine around her. I couldn't feel her because she was a ghost. I gave her the hug she wish she could have felt. It made me cry a little more. She tried to calm me down again. It worked. She put her hand up. I did the same with my hand. I remained, motionless on all parts of my body except my arm that was moving. I put my hand up to hers. We both closed our eyes. Then I felt it, her smooth palm,was now real once again. She opened her eyes. I did the same. I looked at our hands. She was still a ghost and her body was see-through, but I could feel her hand touching mine. It was the power of loving you identical twin. It was strong. Then I leaped over and hugged her. I felt that too. She was the one now in tears. "It was good seeing you."Adrian said. Her ghost was walking away. "I love you Adrian."She turned around to face me. Tears appeared again in her eyes. "Oh, I love you to Mary, with all of my heart."she said. Then she was gone. Once she was long gone, I passed out. Before I could hit the ground Jasper caught me. He hugged me. "She loves you."he said to me after I gained consciousness. I smiled at him.
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I am adding more tomorrow. I usually write more but I need to stop right now.