Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Alone In This Bed

We were both curled up on the couch together, watching some comedy show on the t.v , when Matt's phone began to ring.

It was on the table beside me so I picked it up and handed it over to him. The screen was lit up, with 'Moose' displayed across it. Matt put the phone to his ear and started talking.

"Hey, what's up man?...when, now?...I'm with Jess...but-....fine...ok, I'm on my way now...right bye..." and with that Matt hung up.

"Jess, come on. I need to get up." Matt said as he tried,and failed, to unwrap my arms from around his neck.

"No, stay!" I whined "You're always away somewhere."

"I know and I’m sorry, but when this album is finished we can spend every day together." Matt sighed.

I thought about saying 'you'll be away touring when the albums finished.' but I know how hard he, scratch that, they all had been working on this. I was proud of what they had achieved so far, but with the band becoming more successful, it was like he didn't time for me anymore.

I sighed and clambered off of his lap, heading towards the kitchen while Matt ran up the stairs to get dressed.

"What time will you be home Matt?" I shouted to him,while he was looking for his other shoe.

"Not sure babe.A couple of hours at the most." He shouted back.

I heard a few crashes and bangs before a "where the hell did it go?!" and decided to try to help him find it.I almost tripped on something as I was walking out of the room.This something happened to be a shoe.

"Matt ,is this it?" I shouted, and he came rushing in.

"Yes!I love you Jess." He said as he put it on.

He stood up and reached for a can of 'Red Bull' off the counter.He kissed my forehead and said bye,before picking up his keys and going out the front door.

I sighed.The house got very quiet when Matt wasn't around.I was bored already.I looked around and wondered when I last cleaned this place and out of boredom, i decided I would do something.

So while Matt was recording,I was having great fun ironing, hoovering, washing, brushing floors and tidying things away.How flippin' exciting my life is...


I had just finished cleaning the house and it was getting quite late.I put my plates into the dishwasher after eating Mac 'n' Cheese and checked the time.10pm.I couldn't understand what was holding up Matt so I decided to give him a call.

"Hey.You've reached Matt.Sorry I can come to the phone now.Leave a message and I'll call you back! Later."

"Hey Matt.It's Jess.Just wondering where you are.Call me back soon.Love you.Bye." I sighed.

I tried his phone again a few times at 11, but there was no answer.

It was pushing 12 when I decided to call it a night and Matt still wasn't home.

I called him one last time and still no answer.

"Matt, can you come home, please? It's getting late and I'm going to bed, so don't ring me back, but just come home.Love you.Night"

I was beginning to worry. 'What if something had happened?' 'What if Matt was hurt?'

My questions were left unanswered though, as my eyes began to close and I fell asleep alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Alone In This Bed by Framing Hanley.

So yea...I'm aware its rubbish but it will pick up as it goes on. :)
