Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Tonight We Feel Alive

Oli and I were putting the bowls of food on the table when I caught him looking at me again. The 5th time in 60 seconds.

“Oli!” I laughed. He blushed and went back to setting this up with a little chuckle.


I jumped 12 feet in the air and Oli fond it amusing.

“In ‘ere.” He laughed

Before I knew it, four boys stumbled into the kitchen and ran to the table. I rolled my eyes. Typical boys.

“Aye, yeh arses!” Oli shouted, which caught the attention of three of the boys, the other one was opening a beer.

“Yeh gonna say anything teh Jess? “ He shouted, shaking his head.

At this point Carol and Ian came to say goodbye as they were going to a hotel for the night, and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow afternoon.

Oli just said a quick “bye” before they left and with that it was back to the guys again.

“ ’S Jona, Lee and Matt K.” Oli introduced us.

“ ‘M Matteh.” The boy with the beer spoke.

And that was all we needed before we got hammered.

We were sitting in the guestroom on the bed, where I was staying, playing a drunken game of spin the bottle. How cliché.

It was Oli’s turn and he spun it round. And round. And round. It finally settled in between Lee and I.

“Yeh can ‘ave ‘er.” Lee slurred.

Oli leaned over half way and Matt N pushed me the other half.

~~~Next Morning~~~

I woke up that morning to the sound of two boys laughing in hushed tones.

“Shhhhh!! A voice said. “ Don’t wake ‘er up!”

“ ’M not gonna!” Another replied

“Yeh will!” Voice number one whispered again.

“Shut up! “ Voice number 2 retorted.

“Shhhh! She’ll kill us!” Number 1 said.

At this point I’d had enough and opened my eyes to see Matt N and Oli going through my underwear, through all the stuff I like to keep away and secret.

“Look ‘ah ‘is!” Matt said.

What a great way to wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠

Title Credit: Four Year Strong

Thanks for reading :)
