Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Booty Call

Oli came home later that night, with Matt and two blonde Barbie’s followed. The rest of the guys were in the living room with Tom, Stella and I. Carol had to do a night shift again at the hospital and Ian had to look after his dad while his mother was away. Fortunately they didn’t have to endure this like we did.

Oli managed to trip over his own feet and fell on to the sofa.

“Olleh? A yeh drunk again?” Lee asked quietly.

“Nahhhh, whyyyyy.” Oli slurred.

“Why did yeh bring ‘er back ‘en?” Lee questioned.

“Cauuuse I…I…I liiiike herrrr.” He stuttered.

“Oliveh, babeh, why don’t we go upstairs?” The blonde spoke, making me want to throw up.

“Kay.” And with that said, Oli disappeared for the rest of the night.

Our attention then was on Matt.

“A’ yeh plannin’ on doin’ the same fing t’nigh?” Vegan asked.

“Nah, actualleh ‘is Bronách. She’s my new girl.” Nicholls answered as they both smiled at each other.

“Yeh, like ‘e said. I’m Bronách. And fanks to Matteh earlieh I know ‘at yeh a’ Lee, Jonah, Matt and Tom.” She said and then looked at me.

“Good teh know I’m not the onlieh girl ‘ere.” She said smiling and holding out her right hand.

“Haha yea. It can be a bit tough at times.” I replied, chuckling as the guys shouted ‘Hey!’

“Awweh I know jus’ ‘ow yeh feel.” She responded and we both laughed. I was beginning to like her.

“Bronách.” She introduced herself to me this time.

“Jess.” I replied and she nodded smiling.

“Oooh we should go shoppin’ ” she squealed and I laughed.

I guess she wasn’t as bad after all.

We had just exited Pulp with another bag. Our 5th or 6th so far. I was having a good time but I couldn’t get Oli out of my head. How could he do that to me? Why did he?

But the most important thing in my mind was:

Why was I getting so worked up about it?

♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Midnight Beast

Thanks for reading :)

