Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Another Casualty Of Society

I got home that night at about 10. Bronách and I had dinner together and she drove me back. I carried all my bags through the door, walked into the living room and dramatically ‘collapsed’ on the sofa.

“ ‘Bout time yeh got ‘ome.” Tom joked.

“Aww yea, my feet are killing me!” I complained, as Tom sat beside me. I shifted about so my legs were in his lap.

“Rub my feet for me, babes?” I asked/demanded with a smile.

“Fine.” Tom sighed, and began rubbing my feet, causing me to giggle.

Carol walked through and did a double take.

“Is ‘at Tom?! “ She asked in a sarcastic, surprised tone.

“Oh Har, Har.” Tom retorted and Carol and I both laughed.

“Where’s Olleh?” she asked and Tom shrugged.

“In ‘is room?” Tom said and Carol left to find him.

“Tommy, you’ll never guess what I bought in HMV!” Tom rolled his eyes at me but played along anyway.

“What?! ” He squeeled in a high pitched, girly voice, making me laugh.

“The Mighty Boosh!” This time Tom squeeled for real.

“Oh my god, I love the Boosh!” He shouted.

“Wha’s goin’ on?” Carol asked as she came back in, Oli following behind.

“Jess bought the Mighty Boosh earlier!” Tom replied eagerly.

“Well stick it on ‘en!” Carol said, mocking Tom and making Oli and I chuckle.

“Come with us on a journey through time and space….The Mighty Boooosh…” Tom and I sang together, just as Ian came in.

He read the episode title ‘Journey To The Centre Of The Punk.’ and said “Wha’ the ‘ell ah yeh watchin’?”

He got 3 shhhh!s in reply. Nevertheless though he sat down and watched it with us and by the end of it Ian was convinved that he was Vince’s long lost twin.

It’s always nice to know you have people around you that genuinely want you to be happy. That want the best for you. That would do anything to protect you. The people who you could tell anything to. That wouldn’t judge you. That would put everything behind them and start off again. The main ones in my life at the moment seem to be Tom, Carol, Ian and Stella.

But there’s always one person you can trust with your life, and I didn’t expect to see him…..
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Fat Lip by Sum 41

Thanks for reading :)
Sorry it's taken so long!
