Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again


Waking up, I reached over to Matt’s side of the bed, to find it unoccupied. I yawned, stretched and rubbed my eyes before deciding to get up. Grabbing my hoodie from the back of the chair, I made my way down the hall to the stairs. Climbing down stair after stair, I spotted a large figure at the bottom, sprawled out across the floor. Now I was way past pissed. How could he do that to me? On my birthday of all days? I didn’t know if I was more angry or upset.

I just stepped over his sleeping form and strolled into the kitchen, grabbing the Lucky Charms from the cupboard and getting the milk from the fridge. I sat down on the island in the middle of the kitchen, spoon in hand, and started munching on my cereal.

About half an hour later, while I was reading the latest issue of Kerrang! , when Matt decided to make an appearance.

‘Morning.’ Matt said as he reached up to get some painkillers. I just nodded in response.

‘Sup?’ Matt asked. I laughed at this. It wasn’t a ‘that’s so funny’ kind of laugh, it was more of a ‘I can’t believe you just said that’ kind of one . After all the times I called Matt last night, the fact that I was worried sick all night, the fact he couldn’t be bothered to ring me last night, ‘sup’ was all he could come up with. And I was now way beyond pissed.

‘SUP?!’ I was fuming, almost surprised that there wasn’t steam rising from my ears.

‘Oh Jess’ Matt wined as if this was my fault.

‘No Matt. Go away!’ I really couldn’t be bothered with his shit today.

‘Right! Whatever then. Be like that!’ Matt retorted and stalked back up the stairs into our room.

I cringed when I heard the door slam. I sighed and began to tidy up.

A few hours later I was dressed for the day and heading out into the town with Lydia, my best friend since birth, well maybe that was exaggerating but still. I shouted to Matt that I was leaving but I didn’t get a reply, so I assumed he was still huffing. Jess was in her car waiting and we both sped off towards the shops.

Matt P.O.V.

I didn’t say a word when Jess left as I knew I would only say something utterly stupid. I shook my head as if to clear my mind and sat down to watch Rhod Gilbert -Live At The Apollo. As I was laughing at his impression of his mother, the door bell rang. I knew it wasn’t Jess or any of the guys,as we all agreed we needed a well earned break with our families. I decided to stop guessing and opened the door, which I would learn to be my biggest mistake yet. I pulled back the door to reveal my ex, Michelle, in all her glory.

‘I need to talk to you Matt’ she spoke as she sauntered into the living room and made herself comfortable.

‘About?’ I replied as I put the t.v on mute and turned round to face her.

‘Look!’ She retorted in an attitude I can only describe as rude.

I read the paperwork she so kindly threw at me and I’m pretty sure my heart stopped.

I ,Matt Tuck, From Bullet For My Valentine, was going to be a dad. But Jess wasn’t going to be the mum. I wasn’t ready to be a dad. I could hardly look after myself never mind Jess or a baby. Shit!

I had forgotten that Michelle was sitting on the couch still. I looked over at her to see her texting someone with a smug smile on her face.

‘But…..But….No! This isn’t the way its meant to happen!’

‘Yea well it is now, so you’ll just have to get used to it babe.’ She said as she sat down beside me and ran her hand down my torso and brought her hand to rest on my inner thigh. I pushed her hand off and got up.

‘I think its time to go now Michelle.’ I sneered with the same facial expression she had.

‘Its Chelle! Oh and Matt? she said as she left, ‘either you tell Jess soon or I will’ and with that she left.

And that is when my world caved in on top of me.

♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Attack - 30 Seconds To Mars

Thanks for reading :)

