Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Sunshine Of Your Love

I looked at Oli.

"What?" I asked, making sure I heard him right the first time.

"Wanna beh meh girl? I mean yeh don' 'ave teh, just maybeh...if yeh wan' teh...but if yeh don' wan teh...forget I said anyfin'." Oli rambled, turning a bright shade of pink.

"I'd love teh beh yeh girl." I replied, copying his accent and making him laugh.

"Kay,cool." He smiled.

"I better go and get dressed." I told him, and left the kitchen,with a huge smile on my face.

I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a band t-shirt, before putting my hair up and applying my make-up.Making sure I had everything in my bag, I sprayed myself with perfume.I searched the wardrobe for my converse shoes and pulled them on when I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeh ready? Oli asked and I nodded in reply.

We began to leave the house, when Oli reached for my hand and intertwined out fingers.He locked the door and we walked to the car together.Oli opened my door for me and I got in.

"Thanks." I smiled and he leaned down,and pecked my lips.

"Anyfin' for meh girl." He replied and shut the door.He got in and we drove out of the drive and down the lane.

I scanned through Oli's CD collection and none of them were really my type of music.Oli had something to connect an ipod to the stereo though, so I gotmine out. Oli glanced at me a few times,amusement apparent on his face, and turned back to looking at the road.

I scanned down the list of album names before settling on 'We Are The Dynamite by The Blackout. Sean Smith was my best friend back in Wales.Him and Ian Watkins.They always knew hot to make me laugh and Sean was never serious, which was why I loved, and hated, him at the same time.

I clicked on 'It's High Tide Baby' and smiled as 'my boys' blasted through the speakers.I sang along and noticed Oli was drumming along on the steering wheel.

We pulled up outside the Drop Dead offices and Oli unlocked the doors, dis-armed the alarm and flicked the lights on.

"Wow." I said in awe of how cool this place was.

"Nice, aye?" Oli asked with a smile.

"Wanna come see tha' clothes?" He asked and I nodded eagerly.

This place was so much more than i'd of ever had thought.
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Title Credit: Cream

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Love you <3