Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again


It was Oli

"Yeh can keep yeh numba mate, cuz she don't need it." He said lowly and sternly.The poor boy just nodded.

"Sorreh." Oli apologized as we left the shop and went to collect the pizza we ordered.

"What for?" I asked, as he had no reason to be apologizing to me.

"Bein' so ovah protective? Talkin' teh SJ?" He suggested, while throwing his arm over my shoulders.

"You aren't being over protective Ols, and I don't mind you talking t SJ." I told him truthfully, well the first part was anyway.

"Right,okay." He said and pulled me in for a quick kiss, then handed me the keys and said " Yeh can get in tha' car if yeh want, seein' as it's so cold." I nodded eagerly and he laughed and shook his head.

About 5 minutes later, Oli returned with the pizza, and put it on the back seat.He jabbed the keys into the ignition and pulled away from the side of the road.

When we got back to the house, I noticed that Tom ha some friends over The one that caught my eye the most though, was a tall,skinny, blonde-haired boy, called Steven. He looked so much Like a boy I left behind in Wales. I then began to think about all of my mates back there. I realized I hadn't called my mam in week.

"Yeh okay?" Oli asked while handing me a plate. "Oh yea," I said with a small smile, "I need to go and ring my mam." I told him and he nodded.

I walked up the stairs and into 'my' room, looking for my phone, which I'd forgotten on the bedside table and picked it up quickly. I searched through my contacts, until I got to 'Mam'. I rang the house phone and sat down. It kept ringing but no-one was answering. Just as I was about to hang up, someone picked up at the other end of the line.

"Hello?" A voice spoke.

"Hi, is Linda there?" I asked,recognizing the voice that answered.

"Yea, she is. Who is this, sorry?" They asked and I smiled.


There was silence at the other end of the line.

"Sean? Sean?! Are you still there?" I asked.

"Jess." Sean said, sadly.

And that was when I began to feel guilty again
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Swellers

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Ta to anyone that's subscribed/ commented.
