Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again


“Well it looks like we’ve got a bit to catch up on then.” Sean joked and I smiled in relief.

“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” I asked, hopefully.

“Oh no, I’m still cross.” Sean insisted and I laughed.

“Sean, is mam there?” I asked, getting to the point of why I rang in the first place.

“Oh, she’s just gone out.” Sean replied innocently and I laughed.

“I’ll talk to her later then. Thanks Seany. I’ve got to go, but I’ll talk to you soon! Love you!”

“Love you too Jess.” Sean spoke.

“Bye.” and with one final goodbye from Sean, I hung up.

Feeling hungry, I decided to go downstairs and eat my pizza, but it wasn’t in the kitchen where I left it. I asked Oli if he threw it out or something.

“Nahh, ‘s in tha oven, keepin’ warm.” He said and I ‘awwed’

“Thank’s Ols.” I said and grabbed it, along with a beer from the fridge.

I walked into the living room and sat beside Oli, on the rug, on the floor.

“ ‘Ow was yeh mam?” Oli asked trying to make conversation.

He was finishing his last slice and I had only just started mine.

“Oh, I didn’t really talk to her, but Sean said she was ok.” I said, eating some of the pizza.

“Sean?” Oli said, raising an eyebrow.

“Sean Smith from The Blackout? I’m sure you’d know him if you saw him. He was one of my best friends back home.”

“Oh alrigh’.” Oli said.

“Anyway, what’s on t.v?” I asked, as he put an arm around me and I relaxed into his chest.

“Tha Inbetweeners.” He replied with a grin.

“Aww I love the Inbetweeners!” I smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Boys Like Girls


Thanks for reading

Anyone seen You Me At Six before or met them? They were quite rude to me and my mates
