Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

That Girl

"Put some clothes on, Matt and Bronách are here!" Matt hollered, as he let himself and Bronách into Oli's. Matt came in and saw us cuddled up watching t.v.

"Yeh bof so borin" He laughed and Brónach slapped him on the chest.

"I fink it's cute!" She cooed, and it looked as if Matt was making that a mental note.

"Nah teh sound rude or anyfin' but why a yeh bof 'ere?" Oli asked, and this time i slapped Oli.

"Aye!" Oli said and grabbed my hands in his.

He held them to his chesst and looked at me, into my eyes and almost into my soul. I stood up on my tiptoes and reached up to kiss him, as he bent down to my height. He pecked my cheek, forehead, other cheek and my nose before capturing my lips with his own. I quickly remembered Matt and Bronách were still here, and pulled away from him. He pouted so I whispered "I'll make it up to you later, babe."

"Yeh bettah!" He stated with a cheeky grin and I laughed.

I turned my attention back to Bronách, who was smiling at us, at Mat, who was pretending to be sick.

"Aww yeh bof a' so cute!" She exclaimed.

Oli just rolled his eyes jokingly and threw an arm over my shoulder, while I blushed.

"Now why a' yeh 'ere?" Oli asked again, and again i hit him.

"Oli!" I scoulded.

"Bronách dragged meh 'ere actualleh" Matt said, and stuck his tongue out at Oli.

"Yeh know tha' way I work as a photographer,"Bronách began and I nodded, "Well, A been asked teh take pics of...wait fer it... Young Guns!" She squealed and i joined in.

"Oh my gosh, congrats babe!" I said, as we gave eachother big hugs.

"Will yeh come wif meh?" She asked, and I nodded excitedly.

"Of course!"

"Awesome.Oli yeh can come too. Matteh is." She said and he nodded.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"It's a wee intimate gig in Bridgend." She smiled, and I almost forgot how to breathe.
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Title credit: Mc Fly

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Bekah xxx