Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

The Only Exception

After 5 hours of well-needed retail therapy, Lydia decided to accept my offer and came back to the house for dinner. As I opened the door Matt came down the stairs, with a look of fear, guilt and anxiety written across his face, even though he tried to hide it.

‘Jess, I'm really sorry!’ Matt spoke quickly.

‘I’m sorry too. I over reacted.’ I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

‘Look Jess, I need to tell you something so I'm just gonna say it. I-’

‘Yo, yo, yo. Sup my brova?’ Lydia interrupted while attempting to do a ‘gangsta’
voice and failed. ‘Oh but carry on.’

I rolled my eyes. Typical Lydia. I focused on Matt again, who looked angry, scared and upset, which in turn scared me.

‘Mattie, babe, tell me.’ I spoke as I places my hands on either side of his face. I looked into his eyes and smiled, trying to reassure him that everything was ok.

He looked at Lydia once more and dropped his gaze to the floor.

‘I-I-I love you.’ He said although I knew that something was still bothering him.

‘I love you too baby.’ I whispered and he broke out into a small smile as I leaned up to kiss him.

‘Aww!’ Lydia cooed as she wrapped her arms round us both.

We broke apart and I smiled at Matt before winking at Lydia.

‘Seeing as you love me so much Matt, you can tell me what you think of the dress I got to wear at the awards ceremony.’ Bullet had been nominated for Best British Band. He nodded and I squealed happily, before I ran up the stairs with Lydia, leaving Matt in the hall, chuckling and shaking his head.

About 5 mins later Lydia, who wanted to model a dress for her cousins wedding, decided she was ready. I looked at myself in the mirror once more and slowly walked down the stairs ,making sure not to fall over in the heels I bought. We made our way outside, where the weather was actually nice here today. I was kinda shocked. The sun didn’t forget about Wales after all.

‘Well?’ Lydia asked Matt smiling.

He looked up from the issue of Kerrang! he was reading.

‘Wow.’ Matt spoke almost in awe, as we both twirled around.

‘Awww thanks hun.’ Lydia said before dragging me back upstairs to get changed out of the dress and into something more comfortable.

'Hold on this one is better!' Lydia squeeled happily and I just rolled my eyes.

I walked back outside, when we were finished, and looked at the Kerrang! mag that Matt was reading. It was a huge spread about Download festival and a review of Bullet.

Lydia was sitting in the sun, tanning, before coming over to us.

‘I just got a text and I have to leave in an hour.’ She said apologetically.

‘Oh ok. I’ll get started on the dinner then.’ I kissed Matt on the top of his head, walked into the kitchen and began making Spaghetti Carbonara.

♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Paramore

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