Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Just Tonight

Bronách had decided that we had to impress the YG boys, and decided to ‘help’ me find something to wear. Eventually she settled on a pair of high wasted, leather shorts and a floral crop top. I looked at myself in the mirror. Bronách wasn’t actually to bad at ‘doll-ing me up’. She pulled on her other boot and once we grabbed our bags, we went to Matt’s room. Bronách pulled out her key card and we entered the room. Both boys were still sleeping. I tiptoed over to Oli and pressed my lips against his. I kissed him about three times before his eyes fluttered open.

“ ’Ey babeh” He smiled, and rubbed at his eyes.

“We’re ready to go whenever you two are.” I told him and he nodded, before pulling me down onto him on the sofa and wrapping his arms around me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment until Matt started screaming profanities. Bronách was standing on the bed with a glass in her hand, and Matt was soaked with water. Oli suggested that I go and help him find something to wear, and we left the room quickly before we laughed and Matt went even crazier.

After about half an hour, Bronách rang to say they were ready, and that the taxi was on it’s way. I told her we’d meet her at the door when Oli was ready. Five minutes later, we were all crammed into the taxi and Bronách couldn’t calm down. We arrived at some club, and a man looking like the singer of Young Guns was waiting at the door.

“It’s Gustav!” Bronách exclaimed, as she pointed at him and we got out of the taxi.

“Let’s go say hey then.” I said and Matt and Oli began to walk with me towards the door. Bronách refused to move.

“I’ll be right back.” Matt said as he ran to her, picked her up, and threw her over his shoulder. Bronách thumped him on the back a few times and screamed, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She seemed to have gotten everyone’s attention, including Gustav.

We quickly walked over to him and introduced ourselves.

“Hey Gustav. I’m Jess, the girl on the phone earlier.” I smiled and he looked as if he remembered me. I held out my hand and he kissed it, before Oli coughed loudly and stood in front of me.

“Am Olleh, ‘er boyfriend.” He stated bluntly and I discretely hit him.

“ ‘Ey mate, am Matt.” After he introduced himself everyone looked at Bronách, who couldn’t speak, so I decided I would for her.

“This turd here is Bronách.” I said and she glared at me. Gustav laughed and suggested we go inside and meet everyone else.

We walked in and followed Gustav to a table in the back, where the rest of the band was.

I could tell it was going to be a great night already. Matt was exhausted. Bronách was too nervous so speak. Oli was glaring at Gustav. Just perfect. It looks like tonight will be a blast….
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Pretty Reckless

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Jess and Bronách