Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

"See yeh lateh babe!" Bronách said, as we said goodbye.

Oli and I were going to Merthyr without her and Matt, and we were staying with mam for the night.

"G'luck mate! " Matt said and I hit him.

"Stop making him nervous!" I scolded.

"Sorreh?" Matt said ,as he stuck his tongue out at me. I just copied him and we laughed.

" Right, we need to get going if we're want to get there by dinner." I told Oli and he nodded.

Oli and Matt gave each other some 'manly' hug and Bronách jumped on me.

I managed to break free of her grasp though, and Oli and Matt were watching us.

"Thanks for the help." I said sarcastically, and they laughed.

"Righ' well, looks like 's time teh go." Oli said and grabbed one of my bags.

We walked down the long corridor of the hotel and Bronách and Matt waved from their room.

"Have fun!" Bronách shouted and Matt told her to calm down, or someone would tell them off.

Oli and I just laughed and waved, before getting into the lift and pressing the ground floor button.

He reached for my hand, and smiled at me, nervously.

"You'll be fine babe." I told him but he wasn't convinced.

" A hope so." He said, and I just smiled and shook my head.

We put the bags into the car, and began our journey 'home'.


Once we got to mam's house, Oli parked at the side of the road and we both got out.He grabbed the bags from the back, and refused to let me carry anything. I just smirked and then noticed he was shaking with nerves.

I stopped him, and stood on my tip-toes to kiss him.

"Ols, she'll love you.Stop worrying." I told him and he just smiled sheepishly back.

I rang the front door bell, and the light in the hall flicked on. It was 8pm; dark and cold. A figure started to unlock the door, but I couldn't tell who it was because of the frosted glass.
The door swung open, and before I cold say anything, a tall, skinny, blonde haired boy had attached himself onto me, and wouldn't let go.

"Hey Sean." I laughed, and he mumbled a hello into my shoulder.

"Jess!" A woman shouted and Sean pulled away.

"Mam!" I shouted back and she gave me a massive hug.

"And who's this nice looking young man?" She asked.

"Oh, i'm Oliveh, Oliveh Sykes.Nice teh meet yeh Ms Renolds." He said and mam chuckled.

"Call me Linda, honey." She told him with a smile and he returned it.

"Well, we're going out for dinner tonight if that's ok with you two?" Mam asked and we told her it was cool.

"Why didn't ye ask me?" Sean whined and mam rolled her eyes.

"You always want to eat out." She laughed and he pouted.

"Fine. Sean is that okay with you?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yea, that's cool." He said and we laughed as mam hit him on the arm.

He just grinned at her.

"Well why don't you two get ready to go out and call me when you're finished?" Mam asked and we nodded.

"Yea,that's fine." I said and Oli carried the bags up the stairs and into the spare room.

"Are you okay now?" I asked Oli as I hugged him.

"Yeh im okay.Yeh mam's cool." He said and I laughed, before I began to get ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Blackout

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