Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Star Girl

Half an hour later, Oli and I were both ready to go out. Mam said it was a fancy restaurant we were going to and so I should wear a dress. I came out of the bathroom and Oli whistled.

"Shut up." I laughed and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder, as I looked into into mirror. He pulled a stupid face and I laughed and hit his arm lightly.

"Yeh look loveleh babeh." He said and I blushed.

"Thanks," I said, "You don't look too bad either."

I stood up on my tip-toes to kiss him, and he lifted me up and onto the bed, without breaking the kiss.He began to trail kisses down my neck, when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Sean," He replied and Oli stopped and pulled away. "Mam wants to know if you two are ready to go yet."

"Yea, we're coming now." I replied and heard his footsteps getting quieter as he walked away.

I smiled apologetically towards Oli who just smiled back.

"Bettah go, aye?" Oli said and I nodded in agreement. I grabbed my bag and shoes and began to walk downstairs when Oli asked me why Sean called mam by mam.

"Sean's parents were never really here when we were growing up. They were always going away somewhere for months together but they never took him with them. Because he was my best mate, mam decided to take him in and look after both of us. He's like the son she never had." I explained and he nodded in understanding.

"Don't you two look nice!" Mam said and pulled the camera out of her bag. "Smile!" She said and took about twenty... no exaggeration.

"Let's get going then." She said and Sean lead the way. He was going to drive us there in his little blue Clio.

The whole way there Sean complained about how rubbish his car was, and how he wanted the little yellow Fiat from 'The Inbetweeners'. Mam was in hysterics the whole time... turns out, she's a big fan. Oli was impressed by that and I just smiled and shook my head.

We arrived and Mam went first. She walked past the restaurant and pub doors and into the function room entrance. I was confused. Sean put his hands over my eyes and I laughed.

"Sean get off." I laughed, and clutched onto my two favourite boys' hands, in case i tripped up.

I heard a door open and Sean quickly took his hands off my face.


I squealed and jumped up and down, making Sean laugh.

Then I spotted my other musketeer sitting at the bar, with a smile on his face.

"IAN!" I shouted as I ran towards him. He stood up with his arms out and I jumped into them.

"I missed you!" I told him again and again and he laughed.

"I missed you too smurf." He said and I hit him.

"You have to come and meet Oli!" I told him, and dragged him back to where I left him, Sean and Mam.

"It's dinner time,love." Mam said and I nodded. "You four are sitting at that table over there." Mam said and pointed over to it.

I was so happy with things at that moment. I was home. Mam ,Sean and Ian hadn't changed a bit, and Oli was getting along with them...

What more would you want?
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: McFly

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