Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

If You Ever Come Back

“Hey Cayla.” Sean and Ian finally sat down beside us again.

“Uncle Ian! Uncle Sean!” She shouted as she jumped onto both of them, keeping them in a tight hug.

“How’s my fave little princess?” Ian asked and she giggled.

“I’m really, really, really, really good.” I smirked at the repeat of ‘really’.

“Well I’m really, really, really glad.” Ian copied and smirked as she stuck her tongue out at him.

“Is your boyfriend not here?” Sean asked, smirking at me.

“What’s this about a boyfriend, Miss Green?” I asked her and she blushed.

“I have a boyfriend. We’re getting married soon, and then we’re gonna have lots and lots of babies!” She insisted and the four of us laughed.

“Come on, Cayla. Let’s go see where mummy went, yea?” Ian suggested and she agreed.

“I’ll come too. Aunty Jess and Oli will have to find something else to entertain themselves with.” Sean said and winked at me. I just smiled and shook my head as the three of them walked away.

“You okay?” I asked Oli as I rested my head back on his shoulder.

“Yeh, am fine. Why?” He asked.

“You’re just very quiet.” I told him and he just shrugged.

“Not realleh, a jus’ don’ ‘ave much teh say, is all.” He said and I nodded in reply.

“Wha’ ‘bout yeh?” He asked and I sighed, happily.

“I’m great. Never realised how much I really missed everyone.” I told him, and he pulled me closer.


The next morning Oli and I were tangled under the sheets together, and I really didn’t want to go home. Young Guns were playing two nights in Bridgend, so Oli and I would make it back in time to go home with Matt and Bronách.

“Yeh alrigh’ love?” Oli asked, knowing I really wasn’t. I just nodded in response, and he sighed, then pulled me even closer and kissed the top of my head.

We just lay there together for about an hour, before I heard mam’s quiet footsteps patter down the hall towards the stairs, and decided to get up.

I looked through my suitcase for something to wear, and showered, then applied my make-up and changed into the clothes I’d set out. Once both Oli and I were done, we checked the time it was 10am and Bronách and Matt were leaving Bridgend at 2pm, so we really didn’t have time to waste.

Oli insisted on carrying my bags down the stairs, along with his own, and I decided rather then argue with him, to just let him get on with it. He put the bags in the back seats of the car, and then we had to say goodbye.

“Jess.” Mam said sadly, as she hugged me tightly, “I’m really going to miss you.”

I began to get watery-eyed, and started sniffing.

“I’ll really miss you too mam.” I told her and with one final squeeze she let me go.

She held out her arms to Oli, which he awkwardly stepped into, making her chuckle.

“Jess. I’m going to miss you, fag.” Sean said with a cheeky smile and I smirked and shook my head.

“I’ll miss you too, turd.” I retorted and he ruffled my hair.

He and Oli did that boys’ hug thing one last time and before I knew it we were in the car on the motorway, heading back.

I sighed, and Oli rested a hand on my thigh, while throwing concerned and sympathetic looks in my direction…
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: The Script

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