Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again


Oli carried out the coffee and I had the food, when we heard Matt shouting at someone down the phone.

“No! Don’ evah fuckin’ talk teh meh again!” He screamed, and both Oli and I exchanged glances, before quickly walking over to the car.

Everyone in the service station could hear him, and Oli tried to tell him, but Matt replied that he “didn’t give a shit” and Oli just shook his head.

“Nah, I ‘ope yeh ‘appy wif yeh decision!” He shouted and hung up.

He spotted us looking at him.

“Wha’ ?!” He exclaimed and Oli just shook his head. I, on the other hand, had enough of him.

“Seriously Matt, what crawled up your ass?! Don’t be such a dick!” I shouted, and both boys looked surprised.

“I’ve had enough of your crappy attitude.” I told him more calmly.

Matt looked slightly guilty, and Oli then stepped in.

“Wha’s up man? Yeh can tell meh.” Oli told him.

“Bronách and Gustav… fucked.” He admitted, and both Oli and I immediately felt sympathetic to him.

“Ah yeh sure?” Oli asked and Matt nodded, sadly.

“How’d you find out?” I asked and Matt looked up, and then directed his gaze behind us before he began to talk.

“I caught ‘em.” He whispered.

“ ‘Ey mate, am sorreh.!” Oli said and gave him a ‘man hug’.

“Sorry Matt.” I told him and he shook his head with a small smile.

He held out an arm and the three of us had a group hug, in the middle of the car park.

“So I’m guessing it was her on the phone then?” I asked and Matt nodded.

“I’m sorreh fo’ bein’ such an ass.” He apologised and Oli laughed.

“Mate yeh always an ass.” He laughed, and Matt chuckled before hitting him.

“Let’s get going again then.” I suggested and the boys agreed.

Oli pulled out of the services and back onto the motorway for the last small part of the journey.

“ ‘Ow was Jess’ mam, Ols?” Matt asked from the back and Oli smiled at me.

“She wasn’ too bad, realleh.” Oli said and I hit his arm.

“Fine! She was lovleh.” Oli said and I smiled, while he stuck his tongue out at me.

“Jess does have some ‘interesting’ friends though.” Oli laughed and I smiled.

“Matt you know the band ‘The Blackout’ and ‘Lostprophets’?” I asked and he nodded.

“Well the screamer in The Blackout, Sean Smith, and the singer in Lostprophets, Ian Watkins, are my best friends.” I told him and he nodded.

“The lanky blonde?” He asked and I laughed.

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“And Ian is the sarcastic bitch, that doesn’t like Jared Leto from 30STM?” And again I nodded.

“Yep. My two best friends.” I told him, with a smile, as I thought about my two special losers…
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Neon Trees

Thanks for reading :)

