Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Save Me! Said the Saviour

Lydia left not long after dinner, leaving Matt and I some time together. We picked out a few movies and decided what order we would watch them in. We chose 2 each. Mine were ‘Alice In Wonderland’ and ‘Coraline’ because I'm a big Tim Burton Fanatic. Matt chose ‘The Hills Have Eyes’ and ‘The Shining’.

I wasn’t too happy with Matt’s choices as I'm a huge wimp and just the front covers were enough to send chills up my spine. I thought that seeing as Matt would be here to protect me, that id be ok to watch them.

I thought wrong.

By the end of the two films I was in Matt’s arms, crying like a baby for no apparent reason. It surprised me too. Yea the movies were scary, but not enough to cry over.

After I calmed down,Matt suggested it was time we went to bed, and I agreed. I was exhausted after today’s shopping trip and then the movies.

We climbed into bed and Matt switched off the lights, before wrapping an arm around my waist, his heartbeat lulling me to sleep.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a hotel. The bathroom to be exact.

‘Mummy?’ A little boy questioned as he looked at me.

‘Yes, sweetie?’ I replied, not having any control over what I was saying.

‘I’m really scared.’ He whispered, as he clung to my leg.

‘I know baby. Me too.’ I replied, as I bent down to comfort the little boy.

I then heard an axe, banging against the door. Each time the hole got bigger and each time the boy and I screamed.

A man shoved his face through the hole. He looked very, very, VERY similar to Matt.

‘Heeeeere’s Matt.’ He said.

At this point I realised this was the Shining only this time I was the screaming woman running away from her husband.

Matt was standing over me, the axe raised above his head. He brought it down towards me and -

‘AHHHHHHHH’ I screamed as I shot up in bed, tears streaming down my face.

‘Babe,what’s wrong?’ Matt asked as he cradled me into his chest.

All I could do was shake my head as sobs racked through my body.Matt kept whispering to me that things were ok and repeatedly kissing the top of my head.

I didn’t normally have nightmares with me in them. It was confusing me. Why was I acting so weird today?

♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: We are the ocean

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