Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Into Your Arms

I woke up to the sound of Oli whispering to me.

"I realleh love yeh Jess" He admitted, thinking I was still asleep. " I dunno wha' I did teh deserve yeh. Yeh perfect "

I smiled inside. If only he knew it was he other way around. I was lucky to have him. He was perfect.

I pretended to yawn and wake up slowly, smiling tiredly at Oli.

"Mornin' " Oli smiled down at me, before pressing his lips against mine.

"Good morning to you too." I smiled.

We lay peacefully together on the bed, before the contents of my stomach threatened to reappear one again.I quickly threw Oli's arm off of my waist, and darted in the direction of the bathroom.I began throwing up into the toilet, and sat down on the floor.Oli pulled my hair back from around my face. Once id finished I pushed Oli's hands away.

"Go away," I groaned, embarrassed that Oli had seen me be sick. I was considerably less perfect than Oli said earlier.

"Yeh alrigh' love?" Oli asked, sitting down on the floor next to me, just incase I was sick again.

"I'm sure i looked very sexy there." I said sarcastically, referring to the events of the last two minutes. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Yeh always are, babe." Oli said, trying to make me feel better. It didn't work though, as he laughed in the middle of the sentence, causing me to hit his arm.

"Shut up!" I laughed,and decided i was ready to get up and go downstairs to eat.

"Mornin' kids! " Carol sang, as she entered the kitchen. " 'Ow yeh feelin' love?" She asked.

"Mum she were sick again 'is mornin' " Oli answered for me.

"Oh love." Carol sighed, as she came over to me and engulfed me in a hug. "I'll ring tha' doctors now fo' yeh today."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Carol" I assured her, but she was determined to take me today.All that was left to say was 'thanks'.

She left the room again, with the phone and the doctor's surgery number. Oli took her place in my arms and we stood together in silence for a while.

"Ols?" I asked him.

"Yeah, love?"

"When does your tour start?" I asked, remembering the whole excitement yesterday.

"Yeah, about that..." He trailed off.

"Oli?" I persisted, raising an eyebrow suspiciously at him.

"I want yeh teh come wif meh!" He smiled.

"I can't just come with you Oli. I need to stay here and get a job, because at the moment, other than the money I get from babysitting, I don't have any. I hate having to ask to borrow yours." I told him and his smile faltered for a few seconds, before he thought of something that made him smile again.

"Come an' work fo' us! We need a merch girl!" He smiled.

"I don't know Oli..." I trailed off.

"Please?" He begged, and gave me his 'puppy-eyed' look with a pout.

"Oh okay then," I sighed in defeat.

"Yeh tha' best!" Oli exclaimed, and kissed me quickly.

"So when is it?" I asked.

"Two days time." Oli smirked, playfully before running upstairs.

"Oliver Sykes!" I exclaimed, and Carol came back into the room.

" He deserves a slap tha' boy, " Carol joked."I heard it all from the livin' room. "

I just shook my head.

"Oh, an' yeh appointment 's ah 4pm today" I nodded in response.

I had two days to prepare myself for tour... Great...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks For Reading :)
Into Your Arms

Title Credit: The Maine
