Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

In One Ear

I woke up the next morning to Oli playing with my hair, and watching me sleep.

"Mornin' " He smiled, tiredly

"Good morning." I replied

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Someone shouted through the door.

" 'ang on!" Oli shouted back, pulling up the covers around us properly.

"Okay!" He shouted and the door began to open.

" Mornin love. I 'ope I didn't wake yeh Jess!" Carol said apologetically.

"No, its fine. I was already awake." I told her with a smile

"Oh good. I 'ope yeh don't mind me askin' but could yeh both come downstairs? Tommeh's too excited and 'es drivin' us all mad. Yeh can go back teh bed after, though." She pleaded and Oli rolled his eyes, while I just laughed.

Personally I thought Tom's excitement was cute.

"We'll be there in a sec mum." Oli told her

"Thanks kids." She smiled, and left the room.

I pulled on some short, a tank top and my slippers and waited for Oli to finish getting ready. Once he was ready, I grabbed my phone and Oli's hand, and we began to go downstairs.

"Stellah!" Tom shouted and she rolled her eyes as she stood at the top of the stairs, making Oli and I both laugh.

"Stellah!" He shouted again, but this time Ian emerged from his room.

"If 'at boy shouts again i'll kill 'im!" He grumbled and Oli agreed with him

Once we all got downstairs, Tom began opening his presents. He was happy with the camera Stella and I bought for him and so, he sat and messed about with it for the rest of the morning. Carol and Ian went out to buy Tom a cake from ASDA. Oli stuck on 'The A Team' and Stella, Oli and I sat down to watch it.

My phone vibrated on my lap and I ignored it, until I realized someone was ringing me and that it wasn't just a text.

"Back in a sec." I told Oli and he nodded.

I left the living room, closed the door and answered the phone in the hall.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi. I was wondering if I could speak to a Miss Jessica Renolds?" They asked.

"Yes this is her." I replied

"I'm calling on behalf of Dr Bradley. Your test results came back this morning and I can confirm that you are in fact pregnant Miss Renolds. If you could call in and book another appointment soon that would be great." She told me and I began to shake.

"T-thank y-you" I replied,shakily.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I shook my head and headed to the bathroom. I splashed the cold water from the tap onto my bright red skin, trying to calm myself down.Once I decided i was ready to go back to Oli again, I turned the tap off and left the bathroom.

I went back to the same position I was in before, on the sofa cuddled up to Oli.

"Who was 'at?" He asked.

"Oh no one, wrong number." I lied, and Stella looked at me suspiciously.

I just nodded to her and she understood what I meant. She offered a sympathetic smile back and I returned a smile back.

How could I tell Oli?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: Cage The Elephant
In One Ear


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Coming to the end now. Last chapter up soon!

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