Sequel: Maybe Just Once More

Never Ever Again

Take Off Your Colours

A loud rumble of thunder sounded.Tom promised he would get to me soon, because he knew how terrified I was of storms.

A large cackle of lightening flashed across the sky and I screamed.The rain was heavy and the thunder was getting louder.A shadow appeared by my window an tried to open the car door.I screamed and gripped onto the steering wheel.

"Jess!" A voice shouted through the glass.I froze.

"Bloody 'ell Jess.Open the door! " I shivered, chills running down my spine.

"Who is it?" I asked nervously.

"Goodness sake Jess! 'S Tommeh, yeh div!"

I slowly unlocked the door, to reveal a soaked and unamused Tom.

"Geh in the car Jay Jay." Tom sighed and pointed to his car under the streetlight.

I got my bags together and got out,but stopped to ask Tom about my car.

"Umm We'll pick it up tomorreh" He replied and put his coat up over our heads as we walked to the car.

"Thanks Tommy." I said as I gave him a hug and got in.

"No problem" He replied

W drove back to the Sykes' household and ran in, still cold and soaking wet as the rain was still falling.

"Mum, one of ma mates 's stayin' t'nigh! " Tom shouted.

"Wha'?" Carol replied, as she made her way into the hall.

"Oooo's 'is Tom? " She asked.I knew she wouldn't remember me.

"Jay Jay,mum." Carol stood there for a few minutes,looking confused.

Her eyes lit up though and she smiled.

"Jay Jay Renolds?" She asked hopefully.I simply nodded in return.

"Come 'ere love!" She said as Tom pushed me towards her.She swung her arms around me in a tight,warm hug.

" 'S good to 'ave yeh back love." She said softly.

She let go and turned around to face the kitchen.

"Ian! Geh in 'ere now! Look ooh it is!"

"Jaaaaaaaaaay!" Ian shouted as he gave me a hug, making the rest of us all laugh.

It was good to be back here.

Home again
♠ ♠ ♠
There we go :)


And thanks to anyone who has :)

Title Credit: You Me At Six