Status: Work in Progress... I will try to update at least once a week...

A Pirate's Life for Me



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and prince. The princess was fair skinned with mahogany colored hair and brown eyes that were remarkably similar to a doe. The prince, too was fair skinned, but he had unnatural bronzed, copper-penny like color to his hair. His eyes were like emeralds a dark color that were very deep and penetrating.

The prince and princess were betrothed to one another; both grew up knowing this. It didn't bother the two of them since they were so in love with one another.

When the young prince reached the age of fourteen, he decided he did not want to be a prince anymore. Instead he wanted to be a pirate. The prince went to his father and his princess's father.

Both fathers agreed with the young prince and let him go about his journey, with the promise that once he was eighteen he was to return home to marry his princess.

The prince agreed with the promise and went to tell his princess. After he found her in the gardens admiring the roses, he immediatly told her of his plans to go to sea.

The young princess, who was still thirteen, did not want her prince to leave but knew that he must and would. With a promise mad that he would write, he went off to sea, exploring the world.

The princess stayed at home, in her kingdom, but wrote everday to the prince. After a month of him at sea, his letters finally arrived. Letters came everyday for the princess, she carefully read each letter and wrote back to every single one.

Eventually, the letters started to slow, since it was difficult to send letters while aboard a ship.

After a year and a half of the prince being at sea, the letters stopped. The young princess, waited hoping for a new letter. After two years of the prince being out at sea, news came.

Both fathers of the prince and princess reiceved news that the prince had died. A pirate ship had raided the ship that the prince was on, leaving him dead.

Upon hearing this news, the princess cried. She found no relief in losing her prince. The princess was no longer happy or full of joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Disclaimer: LRN: Hey, Emmett guess what!
Emmett: What, Lilly? (he's jumping up and down)
LRN: I now own Twilight!
Emmett: No you don't!
LRN: Fine, you win. I don't own Twilight :(