Status: Work in Progress... I will try to update at least once a week...

A Pirate's Life for Me

Discovering the truth

Chapter One:
Two Years Later Bella's POV

It had been two terribly long years since I had recieved the news of Edward's death. I couldn't believe that he had died, he had only been sixteen, that was a young age to die.

I had missed him so, even if he was dead now. I still find myself crying at night whenever I try to sleep. I have not slept well these last two years. Losing Edward was one of most devastating things that happened in my life. I still mourn over him, everyday.

My father it was time for me to move on from Edward. I didn't want to move on, I couldn't move on without him.

"Bella, it's been two years since Edward's passing. I think it's time to move on and marry," Charlie (King Charles) said.

"But father, it is not fair nor right that I marry another. Not after I've been promised to Edward. I will not tarnish his memory by marrying another!" I was so angry with my father that I could not believe what he was asking me.

I stood from my throne and ran to my room but being as uncoordinated as I am, I tripped on my way out. Charlie tried to help me up but I pushed him away from me; not allowing hime to touch me.

I gathered myself, and my many layers of skirts. Then proceeded to walk stiffly from the throne room. I ran up the stairs, not caring that I was falling and tripping over my own two feet. I just wanted the sancuary of my room.

Once inside the safety of my room, I climbed into my enormous bed and started to cry into my pillow. I wasn't going to marry another. I knew that Edward would want me to be happy but I wasn't happy without him.

"Edward, why did you have to leave?" I asked looking up at my ceiling.

I laid down, listening for his voice but it wasn't coming. I cried myself to sleeping, dreaming of Edward returning to me and both of us, finally, getting married. I saw little children surrounding Edward and I.

"Edward," I asked in disbelief, not really sure if it was him.

"Hello, Bella," Edward's voice sounded deeper than when we were fourteen.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Bella, I'm here to tell you that no matter what anyone tells you I will always be with you. Please don't give up on me for not returning home. Forgive me for being gone for so long," Edward said.

I looked at Edward and quickly realized that everything he was telling me was not making sense. He was dead but what he was saying made it seem like he was still alive and missed me just as much as I missed him. I just had to find him if I wanted to marry him.

"Edward, are you trying to tell me that you're still alive?" I had to be sure that it was true. I didn't want to get my hopes up.

Edward nodded his head. I looked at him to see that he was so much taller than he was the last time I had seen my fiance. I just had to see how differences between then and now. He was so much handsomer but I didn't say anything about his looks. I knew that I would see him soon, as soon as I found him and won him back. I was not going to leave him when I found him, again.

I jolted awake from my slumber. I looked outside to see that it was dark. I walked to my closet and looked around. After a few minutes of searching I found what I was looking for.

I changed out of my dress and into my riding clothes. I collected some jewels and gold that I could use. I also grabbed the box that contained all of Edward's letters.

I silently and swiftly ran out of the castle and towards the stables. Once there I saddled up my horse, Angela and together we left the castle that had been my home for many years.

<><>Four Years Earlier, E POV<><>

I couldn't believe it I was finally able to leave home and become a pirate. I couldn't believe that my father and King Charles, Charlie, had agreed. I was excited about fulfilling my dream of being a sailor. I had heard of the Pirate legends when I was child. I immediatly knew that I was going to be a pirate, it was so much better than being a prince.

The only downside about being a pirate is that I have to leave my princess behind. I didn't wnat to leave Bella behind. I swore to both Bella's father and my own that I would return in a three to four years time to marry my Bella.

I had joined a ship called Midnight Sun. It was run by Captain Jasper Whitlock. Captain Whitlock, was a very military man about how he ran his ship.

We had set sail a week ago. I wrote to my Bella everyday. How I missed my beautiful princess. Many had joined Captain Whitlock's crew. Emmett McCarty, Micheal Newton, Tyler Crowly, Ericson Yorkie, and Bejamin Cheney were some of the men that joined the crew, along with myself.

I got along well with Emmett, Benjamin, and Captain Whitlock. Captain Whitlock, Emmett, and I were like brothers but were close with Alice Whitlock, Jasper's wife, and Rosalie McCarty, Emmett's wife. Seeing the both of them happy and with their wives made me wish that I was with Bella.

I noted that both Emmett and Jasper were sixteen. Rosalie and Alice were fifteen, Bella was still thirteen but I promised her that I would come back. I didn't plan on going back on my word.

I had been assigned kitchen duty with Alice and Rosalie. I was standing at the sink preparing to clean the dishes from breakfast.

"Hello, Edward," Alice said as she entered.

Alice was short, pixie-like, and very petite. Alice was four feet eight, making her seem child-like. She had short black hair that pointed in every direction. Her eyes were an ocean blue that were calm and cool but just like the ocean, when angered could be dangerous as a storm. Not to mention, Alice was a very happy and hyper person.

"Good afternoon, Alice," I said with a nod.

I pulled a rag out of the sink and started scrubbing the dish. I continued until all of the dishes in the sink wer sparkling clean. I dried the dishes and put them away.

Alice had been going in and out of the kitchen as I washed the dishes. I wondered what the pixie was doing but didn't bother to ask knowing Alice, it was just plain trouble.

After the dishes were finished for the moment I resided to my quarters to write my daily letter to Bella.

Dearest Bella,

Oh, how I miss you. I'm counting the days for when I can see you again. I'm sorry that I had to leave, but I know that you understand my decision.

I have become close to several of the crew members, including the Captain. I'm aboard the Midnight Sun, the ship that we've dreamed of setting sail. Captain Whitlock, is a kind, quiet man. He's very intelligent but wise.

His wife Alice is the opposite of her husband. Alice is very short, hyper, loud, and slightly annoying but you can't help but love her.

First mate is Emmett McCarty. He's tall and reminds me of Charlie. He's very funny and seems to help me laugh whenever I feel sad and miss you.

Emmett's wife, Rosalie is something different. She may be a woman but she knows how to use a sword. She's good but not nearly as good as you but she can yeild a sword. I've wittnessed her fight other crew members she's one of the best on the ship.

The only one's that can yeild a sword better than Rosalie are Emmet, Jasper(our Captain), and myself. Alice is fairly well herself but not enough to brag about it but she is feisty when she has a sword.

I miss you, Little One.
Love with all my heart,

Prince Edward Cullen

After my signature was on the letter, I put it into an envalope and sealed the envalope.

I put the newly sealed letter on top of my desk on the others that I had written to her.

I sighed, thinking of Bella and went to my bed as I sank down. I closed my eyes thinking of my beautiful Bella.
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Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. The lovely Stephenie Meyer owns it! :(