Status: Work in Progress... I will try to update at least once a week...

A Pirate's Life for Me

Meeting Baby Princess

Chapter Two, B POV

I rode Angela stealthily throughout the kingdom. I was thankful that Angela was quiet in the dead of the night. I didn't want to alert others of my presense.

I raced Angela to the docks, so I could try to gain passage on a ship. It was early morning so most ships didn't set sail so soon. It gave me a chance to sneak aboard a ship until I could get to the Caribbean.

I looked around for a good ship. I tried to find a ship that I knew would get me to the Caribbean. After minutes of searching I found a ship.

The ship was called Bloody Moon, it was run by a close friend of mine. I could only hope that Emily and Sam would take me to where I needed to go.

I sighed as I climbed up the side of Boddy Moon and was aboard the deck. I walked until I came to the stairs that led me to below deck. I climbed down and walked to quarters that I knew were empty as I had been aboard this ship before. I climbed into the small cot and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep without dreams.


Four Years Earlier E POV

It had been a month since I had seen my Princess Bella. We had stopped at Port Tortuga, it allowed me to send letters to her. I had gotten letters from her. I had a lot to read but I was eager to do so.

I missed my Bella, she is the love of my life. It was difficult to be away from her. I thought back to when, I had first met Bella, I didn't remember it very well, but my mother always told the story.

I was only on at the time that Queen Renee had a baby girl. Renee and Esme were best friends. Renee and Esme, my mother, always said that if they had children that they would get married.

When my mother found out that she was pregnant with me, she was so happy and full of joy. Renee was happy for my mother and was waiting patiently to be blessed with a child of her own. Only when I was sixth months, Queen Renee was blesseed in the womb with a baby girl.

They named the young princess, Isabella, beautiful in Italian. When Isabella was born, both, Carlisle and Esme dragged me to Charlie and Renee's castle, to properly welcome the young babe princess.

Esme, Carlisle, and I walked into the royal nursery where Queen Renee and King Charles were present. I was ushered towards the cradle that had the newly born Isabella. When I put my face over the cradle young Isabella, who had been crying. She looked at me with wonder and curiousity. I was so intrigued by her wide chocolate colored eyes.

According to Esme, I next proceeded to put my hand into the cradle. I softly carressed her soft face.

"Baby Bella, please don't cry," I asked her in a soft whisper. Bell stopped and gave me a toothless smile that meant the world to me. Renee asked Esme if it was alright for me to hold baby Bella.

My mother thought that it was fine. Esme sat me in a rocking chair that was in the corner of the nursery. Carlisle grabbed baby Bella and brought her over to me. Esme gave me a quick lesson on how to hold a baby. After she was satisfied, Carlisle placed my young beloved into my arms. I just sat there holding her while we stared into each others eyes.

We had sat like that for hours. It wasn't until King Charles announced that it was time for supper, did I let little Isabella go. I was reluctant in giving her to her mother. I had been attached to that little girl from the moment I had met her. It tore my heart to be away from her.
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I don't own Twilight. :( Stephenie Meyer owns the series.