Status: Work in Progress... I will try to update at least once a week...

A Pirate's Life for Me

Breaking My Heart

Chapter 3... B POV

I felt myself being shaken. I opened my eyes, I saw that Emily was the one who had disrupted my slumber.

"Emily," I said my voice full of shock and surprise.

"Hello, Miss Isabella. May I inquire why you are aboard the Bloody Moon?" Emily asked in a timid voice.

"Of course you may inquire. I had heard that the Bloody Moon was planning to set sail to the Caribbean, is that not true?"

"Yes, yes tis true but I was curious as to why you would choose to leave Port Royal," Emily said.

"I have importatnt and personal matters to attend to in the Caribbean, Port Tortuga to be more specific." I was hoping to be dropped off at the port, so from there I could continue the search for Edward.

"May I ask of your personal matters?" Emily was always caring and kind, I knew that I could trust her.

"Yes, my personal matters involve Prince Edward," I said in a whisper. I realized how much it pained me to think of him dead. It hurt my hear to even say his name out loud.

"But Prince Edward is dead. He has been for about two years. Forgive me, your Highness, but what does Prince Edward require it he's dead?" Emily said with a loud outburst.

"That, Miss Emily, is my business," I said in a cold harsh tone. It was not her place to judge my choices or my business.

"I'm sorry Miss Isabella, I mean no offense to you but he has been dead for two years. Why would he have business if he was dead? It makes no sense," She said as she took a step back.

"Has the ship set sail yet, Miss Emily?" I asked not feeling welcome.

"No, we have not," Emily said.

I stood up from the cot and left the room.

"Miss Isabella, where are you going?" Emily questioned as she trailed behind me.

"That is none of your concern, Emily," I said as I reached the upper deck.

I smelled salt as I climbed aboard the deck. Sam seemed to have spotted Emily and I, he quickly made his way towards the two of us.

"Hello, Miss Isabella," Sam said.

"Hello, Samual," I replied as I walked off toward the gangplank, that allowed me to leave the ship.

I checked that my bag with my clothes, gold, jewelary, and letters. I walked off the boat and decided to look for another ship that was leaving.

I knew that I would miss Port Royal but I had to search for Edward, he's the love of my life and he's still alive. I walked the docks, hoping to hear of a ship that was going to Port Tortuga. I had been walking and listening for about an hour. As I walked away, about to give up hope, I finally heard what I wanted to hear.

"Yes, Carmen and Eleazer Denali are planning to sail to Port Tortuga. Something about them planning to take Captain Cullen to Shipwreck Cove for a battle," a soft whisper of a female said.

"Ay, that's what I heard. But why take Captain Cullen to Shipwreck Cove, he's done no harm?" A second voice spoke.

"Apparently, Captain Cullen plans to wed Tanya Denali, Carmen and Eleazer's daughter. He plans to marry her at Shipwreck Cove," The feminine whisper replied.

Captain Cullen? That had to be Edward, it's the only thing that seemed to make sense. But wait, Edward was planning to marry another?!

I ran away from the docks and into the trees to hide the tears that threatened to spill over. I ran until I tripped over roots or my own feet. I didn't bother to get up. I just curled into a ball knowing that my Edward had moved on and left me. I was never going to win him back. Why would he want me back? I wasn't pretty, I was rather plain or ugly compared to others.

~*~*~ APOV (A few miles away)

Captain Cullen decided to make port on the of side of Port Royal, away from the docks. The crew followed his orders as Rose and I stood to the side waiting to leave the ship.

"Rosalie, Alice, you may leave now. Be back by sunset!" Edward shouted at us.

I watched as Tanya, went to stand by Edward's side. I sighed as I watched this small exchange. I knew that Tanya was not meant to be Edward's wife. Her strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes were like ice. They were not meant for a former Prince. Of course, only Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and I knew that Edward was Prince Edward of Port Royal.

Edward had once been Prince of Port Royal. So was Isabella Swan, she and Edward were bethrothed but once Edward was captain of the Black Pearl, he changed. He didn't allow himself to think of Isabella, it seemed to pain his hear too much to be away from her.

Eventually, he found Tanya, as a wonderful distraction. He tricked himself into thinking he loved her but I knew that none of this was true. He would always love Princess Isabella in his heart. His heart would belong to her, just as hers belonged to him.

Rose and I wandered the forest. We heard crying after walking for about ten minutes.

"Alice, do you hear that?" Rose asked.

"You mean, what sounds like crying? Come on," I said while pulling Rose.

We followed the sound for a few more minutes. As we walked into a clearing, we saw a young woman laying on the forest floor curled into a ball, bawling her poor eyes out.

Rose and I looked at each other to see that we held sympathy for the girl. She looked so lost and helpless. I felt like I was meant to help her. I took a step towards her. I accidently stpped on a branch and heard it snap.
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Stephenie Meyer owns all... Sorry for not updating sooner.