Status: Work in Progress... I will try to update at least once a week...

A Pirate's Life for Me


A Pov...

At the sound of the snap, the girl's head snapped up. She was beautiful, she had mohogany brown colored hair with chocolate brown eyes. Her skin was pale like snow, she looked familiar, but I couldn't remember seeing her before in my life.

She reminded me of a picture of Princess Isabella, that Edward had shown me but she looked different. The person in front of me looked so sad and pained. I wondered what had happened to her to make her look so sorrowful.

"Hello Miss, I'm-" I was cut off by her voice.

"Alice Whitlock and Rosalie McCarty," she said. Her voice was full of disbelief and shock.

I was shocked at how she knew our names. I've never met nor seen her before how was it possible that she knew who we are?

"How did you know that?" I inquired.

"Edward use to write about you. Before he supposedly 'died'. How is is that you are still alive? I was told that the Midnight Sun was destroyed in battle, leaving no survivors," the girl said.

"How do you know of the Midnight Sun? Who are you?" I asked while becoming more and more bewildered by the second.

"My name is Princess Isabella Swan, I know of the Midnight Sun from letters that were sent to me by my ex fiancee, Prince Edward Cullen. Would you like me to continue?" Princess Isabella asked.

"How do we know that you aren't lieing?" Rose demanded in a harsh tone.

"Prince Edward Cullen is prince of Port Royal. His father is King Carlisle Cullen, his mother is Queen Esme Cullen. While aboard the Midnight Sun, Edward became close to Captain Jasper Whitlock, his wife Alice, First Mate Emmett McCarty, and his wife Rosalie," the Princess said. "Edward was only fourteen when he first joined the Midnight Sun. They were planning to sail to Isle de Muerta, before the ship was attacked by other pirates."

Rose and I looked at each other knowing that she was indeed, Princess Isabella. I felt so sorry for her, knowing that Edward was going to be marrying Tanya instead of her. Edward should have gone back to Bella. He should go back to her, hm. Maybe...


We had just docked off the forest side of Port Royal, the place that had once been my home. The place that held so many memories for me. The place that held my heart and my dead princess. Once everyone had been given orders, I decided that maybe I would visit my dead finacee, one time.

I got off the Black Pearl and headed towards the royal cemetary, where all the royals were buried. I had to be careful not to be seen by anyone else. I knew that I didn't look familiar but my bronze locks could still give me away. I walked into the wraught iron gate. I decided to go to the archives that were here to see where my beloved was buried.

I walked into the archives, it was really just a big map. I searched for Isabella Swan. I searched and searched, after an hour of looking, I gave up. I walked out of the archives and left the graveyard. I wondered where she was buried, traditionally she would be in the royal plot.

I decided to go to the Swan Castle stables. I knew that no one would be there, since the castle was empty after all. He arrived at the gates of Swan Castle only to see that his family's carriage was there.

Odd, why would my mother and father be here?

I quickly snuck onto the castle grounds. I couldn't see anyone so I quickly looked around for one of the secret passages. I finally found one, and made my way inside.

It was the one that led to the throne room. I knew that this passage led to a vent that would allow me to hear everything.

"Carlisle, I don't know what to do. She's gone, I've looked everywhere for her and I can't find her," Charlie said to my father.

I looked at my parents to see that they still looked the same but different at the same time. Father's hair was graying a bit and his eyes were no longer the vibrant electric blue that I remembered. They were now a dull gray and his eyes had wrinkles surrounding them. He no longer looked like the young King that I had portrayed him as.

My mother, Esme, was like father. Esme's caramel colored hair was now gaining bits of gray to it. Her, once, vibrant jade green eyes, that were so similar to mine, were now hollow, shallow green. It felt a pang in my chest as I observed the differences between my mother and father in the last four years that I had been gone.

"Have you checked the stables, Charlie. You know how much she likes to go there. Tis one of the few places she likes to be. Tis, a place that holds the memory of Edward," My mother said. I could hear her voice wave, as sobs started to wrack her small frame. I watched as my father pulled my mother into his chest for comfort.

Why would they think I was I dead? I was still alive, I was planning to come back and reclaim my title as prince. I was even planning on leaving Tanya, I knew that she was whoring around with other men, while I was gone. I still mourned over the death of my Bella but it was hard to be away from her. I wanted to die but I knew that my angel wouldn't want that.
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Sorry for the long wait... I've been uber busy with school not to mention that I've been sick a lot. I'll update sooner...

I don't own Twilight, but I own the books, 5 posters, and about 20 magazines about Twilight...