‹ Prequel: The Tainted Love
Status: Active

The Tainted Hands

Chapter 6:More Trouble Then I Can Handle

"W-What did you say?" I said once again. Jackson's dilated gray eyes turned hard. He said and looked at me sadly grabbing my face softly. "Jackson!" I yelled at him and pushed his hand away from me. "Don't! I know you are lying to me. Is it cause of my brother and my parents?!" I yelled at Jackson. He looked at the wall beside us saying nothing. "Answer me!" I hissed.
"It wasn't your family. It's just that it's not fair for you when...." he didn't finish.
"When what Jackson!"
"When I don't really love you. I didn't mean for this to go for to long. It was supposed to be a joke but it turned out more to you and I didn't know how to it end. But now I have no choose." my heart broke into million pieces. I forgot to breath and I was afraid that I was about to have a heart-attack until he spoke again. "Breath Alison." he said in a soft and warm voice. My lungs began to work once again. We stood there in silence for a while not knowing what to say.
"So this is our break up huh?" he nodded and I gave him a sad smile. "I don't believe you Jackson." I said in a whisper. He shocked his head in disgust.
"You don't have to. It doesn't matter." he said and turned his back towards me. I said something and he came to a stop. "What did you say?!" he turned around. His eyes were wide with fear. I kept my mouth shut. He moved in super speed and next thing I know my back is against the brick wall. "Alison! Answer me!!" he hissed at me. I smiled at the closeness that we were having.
"I said I'll have to find another way to make you stay." it wasn't what he heard. But it was the summary. He glared at me and hissed again that I say the whole thing. "I'll become a demon for you." I put my hand on his cheek. It was weird to say demon though like this was a dream or something but it was far from it. Jackson laughed at me like it was some kind of sick joke but it was no joke to me.
"You wouldn't do that." he laughed again and looked me in the eyes. But he knew me to well to know that I wouldn't do it. "You wouldn't." he said when he saw that I was not playing around.
"I would and I will if you leave me." I said in a calm voice. I walked closer to Jackson and grabbed his hands. "I love you Jackson so much that it hurts. I know I would break without you. Please." I began to kiss his neck softly. He didn't protest or anything so I kept it up. "I love you Jackson. So much." I said between kisses. Once the third go around he began with the noises. I smiled and looked up to his face. His eyes were looking at the wall away from me but I saw all I need too. His face was red as could be and his eyes were soft when he looked down at me. "And," I took a deep breath before I spoke, "that you love me. As much as I love you." and with that I kissed Jackson as hard as I could. Forcing my way to his shirt. I didn't know what I was thinking about but I knew I wanted him right then and there. He stopped me.
"Alison." he smiled at me softly and grabbed my hands pushing them to my chest. "Please control yourself." he chuckled at me and walked towards the car. I sighed and walked right behind him. We didn't say anything during the drive towards the mall but I knew one thing and it was that Jackson loved me still. I smiled at that thought. We went towards the bra's and underwear first. I came out with on black lace thinking that it would look good at me and it did.
"You like?" I said turning around so he could see everything. He blushed a little then pulled himself together.
"Yeah but black makes you look to pale." I huffed back into the changing room and changed into something more sexier. When I was working on my bra someone came in. At first I thought it was Jackson and smiled and turned around.
"So you wanted to see me th-" my words got stuck inside my throat. Instead of Jackson it was Justin. He was grinning a cocky grin. He was wearing a white polo and jeans.
"You look good." he said as he looked at my half naked body. I blushed red and was about to throw something at him. Something hard for sure! "Alison calm down!" he said putting his hands up in the air but his eyes were still mocking me. "Jackson told me to stay in here with you. He's with Tyler and he wants to make sure that you are ok. That's all." he smiled and looked at me with his bright eyes. I hissed at him and began to get dressed. He sat in front of me looking at me like I was some kind of horse that he was thinking about buying. I felt sick in a weird kind of way.
"Do you mind?" I said eying him as mean as I could. He shook his head.
"Nope. I'm having a great time." he said as he but his hands behind his head and leaned back.
"Well I do! Now get out!" I said and glared at him.
He got up and looked at me and then gave me a evil grin, "You wouldn't mind Jackson would stare at you like I am. You would love it. You might even let him have you wouldn't you?" he smiled and leaned closer then for comfort. I blushed and pushed him away.
"It's none of your damn business!" I hissed.
"Kitten got claws now. But you should be careful. Some people wouldn't take so kindly as I am to you." he said and began to kiss me softly on my neck. Before I could say anything he covered my mouth. "Shhh. I'll do all the things he wouldn't do to you for you. I'll do anything for you" he whirred in my ear softly. I didn't now what to do but I knew what was going to happen if I didn't stop Justin. I bit his hand as hard as I could until I tasted blood in my mouth. He screamed and dropped me on the ground. I spit the iron taste out of my mouth.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING THROUGH YOUR MIND JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at him and he looked at me he didn't know what he was about to do. He looked at me and then at his hands. He began to tremble and apologizing over and over.
"I-I-I'm s-s-s-so s-s-s-s-s-s-sorry Alison." he said between his tears. I was dressed in a matter of seconds. I touched his blond hair and kept saying it's ok. He looked at me with his puffy red eyes. "I-I'm so sor-sor-sorry." he said again.
"It's ok. I swear Justin." I said and smiled. But it wasn't fine. What would have happened if he didn't stop? Would he have really raped me?
"Isn't this a beautiful sight. Been awhile my sweet Alison." a voice that sent needles stabbing at my back. I looked up to see Tyler and his red hair. His eyes screamed danger. The real kind this time.
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