It's Never Alright.




Sighing I get annoyed at myself and stop tapping the pen against the store counter. The usually quiet and peaceful store was now buzzing with life. It sickened me. Why? You dare ask. Because it's fucking Valentine's Day. The day where everyone is all lovey dovey, red and pink and white. I'm so glad that my boyfriend wasn't into this shit, or I'd have to hang him. Seriously I would if he pulled some V-Day shit on me.

Rodney. Just one thought brought a smile to my face. We've been dating for a few years now, even moved in together last Spring. Now that was a fun as hell day. In an attempt to be different we decided to switch the basement into our bedroom and have our bedroom upstairs turned into a living room/basement type thing. You try squeezing a mattress down a flight of stairs without laughing, or breaking something. It's a lot harder than it seems.

Shaking my head I let the smile fall from my lips as I scanned my surroundings. The book store I worked at looked like some retarded romance shop instead of its normal library look. I missed that so badly right about now. Each window held some form/color of heart and cupid cutout. In the entrance way there was a huge 'Happy Valentine's Day! <3' Sign that I wished would fall into the depths of hell and burn to ashes. Then someone should vacuum up those ashes.

Grimacing as my eyes laid upon a oh so happy couple laughing with one another I grip the pen in my hand and urge myself not to throw it at them. Stupid fools. They'll learn sooner or later that nothing good could ever come from this so called holiday. Nothing!

All it is is heartaches, sadness, depression, angst, hate, and regret all mixed into one. Gee, doesn't that just sound fucking peachy? Anger and sadness welled up deep within my heart and threatened to spill out through me. All because of the person who had just walked through the door. My father. Luckily Shaylyn my boss noticed the look on my face. I felt her lay a comforting hand on my shoulder. I winced away because it surprised me and the heat from her hand made my skin feel like it was on fire.

"Go take a long break Sky, you deserve it." I simply nodded as a tight not welded it's way into my throat and started burning with a vengeance. I tore of my name tag, tearing my shirt in the process but I didn't care, nothing that couldn't be fixed later, and practically ran for the exit. Unfortunately I had to run right by him. Tears finally spilled over and I wanted to scream my throat raw for allowing him to see my pain.

I didn't bother to grab my coat so when I made it to the back of the store when everyone goes out to eat or smoke, I shivered. The cold air stuck and stung my skin. I saw two of my coworkers look up from their lunch and worry etched across their faces. But I knew they would understand my small break down. Staring straight at the brick surface of the store side I screamed.

Air rushed from my lungs quickly and I was soon taking in another forced breath. Squeezing my eyes shut I screamed harder. I screamed all the pain away, but unfortunately, the sadness just took over. Falling to my knees I ignore the stabbing pain that surged through my knees and I hugged myself. I heard someones voice beside me before I felt their arms wrap around me tightly. I could hear their voice, make out their words, but I couldn't place who they were.

"He's on his way Skylar, sh Honey it's going to be okay," shaking my head I knew it wouldn't. Nothing would ever be okay again. It's never alright. Leaning my weight against the person who was holding me I let sadness take over my whole body and I sobbed.

Tears fell freely over my eyes and down my face, probably streaking my eyeliner. I pushed my palms against my eyes willing the tears to stop, begging them to. But with ever sob that ragged through my body more continued to fall. I was at my breaking point when I felt it. Those familiar arms wrapping around my waist, those gentle kisses being placed against the cooled skin of my head. Heat coursed through me and I pulled my hands away to stare up at my angle.

His doe brown eyes stared down into mine warmly. His light brown shaggy hair whispered through the wind and I smiled before wrapping my arms around his neck and hiccuping. Holding onto him for dear life I let out all the built up emotions from today and knew he wouldn't let me down. Rodney never did.
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Part one of three.