‹ Prequel: Lips of Death
Sequel: Drunk Deductions

Beary Bomb

Beary Bomb

It had been a long month and a half for a little six year old girl, and Detective Kiel. Detective Kiel had been hot on the trail tracking down the kidnappers of Hannah Auburn. She had been taken right off the street when walking home from school with a few of her friends. Her friends tried desperately to save her, but kids can only do so much. So she was stuffed in the car and after a week of silence and weeping the family finally got a ransom call.
The family was a wealthy one and the kidnappers asked for $500,000 dollars for Hannah’s safe return. “What do we do?”
“I guess we just have to pay.”
“Please wait! I’m going to find your daughter before the two month deadline. I promise!” And that’s what Kiel did. Before the two months were over he had found the girl, apprehended the criminals, and was said to be a hero. When the car pulled up to the house, with all the camera men ready to get some snap shots of Hannah, the driver opened the door and out popped little Hannah running to her family. She gave them hugs and kisses galore. She even gave one to Kiel before he left. “Thank you Mr. Detective!” Kiel patted Hannah lightly on the head and walked away. He wasn’t one to be caught in photos or on television, but when home some kind of uneasy feeling came over him.
It had only been a short time since Samuel had appeared. Kiel was staying on his toes and yet he had missed something. He paced around his run down office, until it hit him. “Now that I think about it. Hannah had returned while holding a teddy bear. But where did it come from.” Kiel was puzzled.
He thought of going back to the house to investigate, but he would need a reason for return, besides wanting to inspect a little girls teddy bear. “I guess I should call Henson.” Kiel walked over to the phone and reached for it when, suddenly it began to ring. Kiel jumped back a little, but then snapped out of it. He quickly picked up the phone and said, “Hello? This is Detective Kiel.”
“It’s me Officer Henson.”
“Henson! Why are you calling?”
“Well, the Auburn family invited us to Hannah’s welcome back party. They called me asking if I had your number, I said yes, but that I would call you instead.”
“I see.”
“So do you want to go or not?” It didn’t take long for Kiel to answer. He had found his reason to go see Hannah and her mystery teddy bear. By seven, Kiel had arrived on his motorcycle. He had stopped at a local toy store to get Hannah a present. The man working there said he would deliver the toy around ten to the house.
Since Kiel wasn’t able to ride his bike and hold a toy at the same time. He thanked the man and left in a hurry. Them man just waved and smiled and smug smile. “It’s about time Kiel!” Officer Henson wasn’t one to be late, but Kiel liked arriving in style. “Sorry. I had something important to attend to first.”
“Like what?”
“It’s a secret Officer. Okay?”
“Fine. Just get inside all ready.”
“Okay! Okay! I’m going.” Inside the house was decorated in bright colors. Like green, yellow, blue, pink, and orange. With balloons’ tied to the furniture and streamers hanging from the ceiling. Then something started tugging at Kiel’s coat. It was Hannah. “I’m so happy you could come Mr. Detective!” She had such a sweet and innocent face. Kiel couldn’t help but pick her up and twirl her around the room. She laughed and smiled even more. “Wow Kiel, I didn’t know you were so great with kids.” Kiel placed Hannah back down. “I used to have a younger brother. He was a big cry baby, so the only way to cheer him up was to pick him up and make him pretend he was a brave superhero.”
“What happened? I mean. I’ve never met this so called brother before.”
“That’s because he’s dead.”
“Kiel. I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay” Kiel put back on a smile and said, “Let’s just enjoy the party!”
The evening had gone well and by the end of dessert Kiel was ready to start asking questions. He checked the time, it was almost nine. In an hour his present would arrive. “Hey Hannah?”
“What is it Mr. Detective?”
“I was wondering where your teddy bear went to?”
“I left him in my room. Mr. Ted was getting sleepy.”
“Do you want me to go get him? So you can blow out the celebration candles together?”
“All right, I’ll be right back.”
When in Hannah’s room Kiel immediately noticed the bear lying on the bed. “So you’re the mystery bear that’s mean puzzling my mind this whole night. I have to admit you are kind of cute.” ‘Tick’, ‘tick’, ‘tick’! What’s that sound, Kiel thought to himself. He pressed his ear to the teddy bear and listened. ‘Tick’, ‘tick’, ‘tick’! Suddenly Kiel dropped the teddy bear and raced down the stairs. “Everyone get out! Hurry! There’s a bomb in the house!”
“A bomb? Kiel what are you talking about?”
“No time. Just get out of here!”
“Everyone, out the door and across the street. Hurry!” Officer Henson was leading everyone outside. They raced to the other side of the street. “Is everyone here?” Everyone was silent and in a panic. “Wait! Where’s Kiel?” Officer Henson turned to the house. “Don’t tell me.” Officer Henson quickly dialed 911.
Mean while, in the house. “I need to try and defuse this bomb.” Kiel ripped open the teddy bear to where the circuits were. “Damn! I’m not familiar with this kind of bomb. I guess I have to wing it.” Kiel scanned the bomb and made his decision. “The blue one.” Kiel slowly cut the blue wire with a pair of scissors he found in the room. The bomb had stopped ticking. “Thank God.”
Then suddenly a beeping sound came blasting out of the teddy bear. The count down hadn’t stopped, but accelerated! “Shit!” Kiel didn’t have much time. He back up to the far wall of the room and then started running straight for the window. He busted out of the window and did a flip and landed feet first on the ground. Then sprinted to safety right as the bomb went off. Ten minutes later the officials arrived. “I’m glad no one was hurt Officer Henson.”
“Same here, but what caused this?”
“Well according to the bomb squad and Detective Kiel. The bomb was hidden within the little girls teddy bear.”
“So this was an attempted murder?”
“I’m afraid so my friend.”
“Kiel! You moron! What were you thinking, trying to defuse a bomb?”
“Sorry, sorry. But to the matter at hand. We need to know who gave that teddy bear to Hannah in the first place.”
“I think it was one of the criminals from the kidnapping, just cause it would make it a last resort kind of thing. Right Detective?”
“I’m sorry to disappoint you Mr. Keno (officer), but I’m sure after being kidnapped and held hostage for a month and half, not even a little girl would accept a teddy bear from the villain.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Then what about a friend or family member of Hannah’s?”
“Again no. If that were true then I’m sure Hannah would have acted differently in some way around the person who gave her the teddy bear, or say something like, ‘thank you’, to the person. With her being a little kid and all. Also I can’t think of any kind of motive for such an action, nor did I notice any change of mood when Hannah got near someone. The atmosphere was filled with love and joy the whole time.”
“Then where does that leave us Kiel?”
“My friend, my dear friend. You’re thinking too hard. All we have to do is ask the victim herself.” Kiel pointed at Hannah. “So Hannah, please tell me. Who gave you that teddy bear?” Hannah was still in shock, but was able to say a few words. “Driver, the driver. He got it from. From the toy store.”
The driver? Kiel remembered the man. He was wearing, wearing white! Suddenly Kiel’s phone started ringing. “Hello!”
“Hello, Kiel. I’m sorry to tell you that I mixed up the addresses. So that little girls present may be a little late.”
“Who is this?”
“Didn’t I tell you before, I’m your shadow.” Samuel! It was Samuel! “Who was that Kiel?”
“There’s another bomb! I have to go.”
Kiel hopped onto his bike and drove off. The time was nine-thirty. Only thirty minutes before the bomb was set to blow. Where could it be? Then Kiel recalled what Samuel had said, “I am your shadow.” Of course! Kiel started downtown and stopped in front of an old building. It was his office! Kiel walked in and saw arrows painted red on the floor. They were leading him, leading him to Samuel. “So glad you could make it.”
“Samuel! Where are you?”
“Just keep following the arrows. If you don’t you’ll be lost in the maze.”
“I’m sick of your games, so just leave me alone all ready!”
“Now, now. Once you start the game, you can’t end it until one of the players wins.” Kiel started running up the stairs marked with red arrows.
Finally he reached the top, the top of the building. “Here catch!” Samuel tossed the doll to Kiel. “You have five minute to disarm it, or good by home sweet home.”
“Samuel you bastard.”
“We can talk later, right now you have something to get busy with.” He was right. Kiel had to disarm the bomb before it blew. Although, something was different about this bomb. The design and circuitry seemed familiar, but how. “Wait! This design is.”
“That’s right! It’s that same kind of bomb you used to clean up some of the evidence you may have left behind when you did a massive murder.”
“You mean the bomb Killer Kiel used for his massive murders.”
“Say what you want, but if you can defuse the bomb then that will be some pretty hardcore evidence against you in the future.”
Kiel wasn’t sure what to do. He felt hopeless. Was he going to lose the game? He just didn’t know what to do. He looked back at the bomb and then noticed another strange thing about the bomb. He picked it up and started pulling at the wires. “Yes! Show me the truth Kiel, show me that you are Killer Kiel!” Kiel smiled, and started laughing. “Why are you laughing. There’s only a minute left! Hurry up and disarm it!”
“You really are a joker aren’t you? But I’m an Ace of Spades. And as you know, Ace’s beat Jokers.”
“Kiel tossed the bomb in the air and pulled out his side pocket gun. Then shot into the air and hit the doll start on. Then as the doll fell to the ground Kiel kicked back into the air where it exploded into a million pieces. “No way.”
“Sorry Samuel, but I didn’t know how to defuse the bomb. So I just broke it instead.”
“This isn’t the end Kiel do you hear me! I will prove that you are Killer Kiel.”
“I don’t think so.” Kiel turns to look over the side of the building. “Do to that massive explosion. The cops will be swarming around here pretty soon. I can all ready hear them. There’s no way you can...” Samuel had vanished. Kiel ran to the other side of the building and looked down. Then there, only a little ways down was Samuel on a hang glider soaring through the sky. “...Escape.”
The police arrived, but where not permitted to enter. Kiel explained what had happened, but leaved Samuel out of the picture. This was a game just for two to play. “It’s not often that you lose a culprit Kiel. He must have been pretty tough.”
“You can say that again.”
“It’s not often…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah! No one died!