Status: Active

Well, there's always heartache

Chapter 1

One afternoon Kayden and I were sitting in my room playing Rock Band. I looked over at him and smiled. He is the bestest friend someone could ask for. I swear. If everyone was nice like he was, man would the world be one heck of a place. And his looks are to die for. I swear. Man I need to get over this. I looked back at the television screen and saw that I was about to fail the song. I went into overdrive and got myself out quick.

“Hey Sa’ofai? Why were you failing? Your pretty good at this game.” he smiled.

“My hand was cramping, cause I haven’t played in so long.” I lied.

“We just played yesterday.” he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, well that’s a long time to me.”

“Sa’ofai why are you lying to me?” he asked.

“I’m not lying.”

“Yes you are. If you keep lying to me, I won’t be your friend anymore.” he frowned.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that I was thinking.” I said turning off the t.v, and going and laying on my bed.

“What were you thinking about?” he asked as he got off the floor, and walked over to the bed and laid down beside me.

“Stuff. Like music and new bands.” I lied.

“Oh. That sounds interesting.” he said as he put his hand on my leg.

“Yeah I guess it is. I was also thinking about my dad.” I said pulling his hand off of my leg.

“What about your dad?”

“You know Kayden? You are a very good listener.”

“I know, I get it from my mom.” He smiled.

“That’s cool.” I smiled.

“Yeah. I guess it is.” he said as he leaned towards me.

“What do you think your doing?” I said pulling away.

“Oh... um.. I don’t know.” he said looking down.


“The reason is...” he said as my mom barged in.

“Kayden your mother called and she wants you home now.” she said leaving the room.

“Well I’ll see you tomorrow at school?” he smiled.

“Yeah. See you then.” I said as he got up and hugged me.

“See you tomorrow.” he said walking out of the room. Then my mom came in.

“Why are you always hanging around with Kayden?” she asked sitting down next to me.

“He’s my friend.” I said.

“Really sweetheart. Just a friend?”

“Yeah just a friend.”

“Whatever you say.” she said getting up.

“Wait mom, what did you mean by just a friend?” I asked grabbing her wrist.

“I meant like he’s not just a friend but something more?”

“No he’s nothing more than a friend Mom. Why would you think that?” I asked.

“No reason.”

“Okay.” I said as she walked out of the room.

I sighed. What to do on this boring old day. I’ve got it! I’ll give Robert a call. He didn’t answer, it went straight to his voice mail. I hung up.

I tried calling my other friend Elizabeth. She answered. “Holla?”

“Yellow!” I screamed.

“Blue.” she replied. “How may I help you?” she asked.

“I’m bored.” I said.

“Well where’s Kayden?”

“At his house.”

“Really? He’s normally with you.” she said.

“Well his mother wanted him home. So he left.” I said bluntly.

“Really? How about I spend the night?” she asked.

“That’s cool. Get over here as quick as you can, I don’t want my mom asking more questions about Kayden.” I said.

“Okay.” she hung up.

I look around my room, it looked a little messy. I decided to clean up a bit. Once done cleaning I got out blankets and pillows for the sleep over. I laid them out. Then the doorbell rang. “I got it!” Zac yelled. I sighed. He has the biggest crush in Elizabeth. Whenever she spends the night, he’s always barging in asking ‘how’s everything going’ and Elizabeth just laughs.

“I heard giggles downstairs, so I knew Zac is flirting with her. Only Elizabeth likes both of my older brother’s, Zac and Ryan. She’s so weird. I walked down and both boy’s were talking to her.

“Come on Elizabeth, you’re my guest. Not theirs.” I said poking my tongue out at the boys. They glared at me. I laughed.

“You know we hate you Sa’ofai!” they said. Did I mention they’re twins, Double the pain.

“Aw! I love you guys too!” I said going over and hugging them.

“You’re so weird Sa’ofai.” Ryan joked.

“Thank you I work hard on that.” I smiled.

“Where’s Kayden?” they teased.

“Up in my bed naked.” I smirked at their faces.

“You are so dead!” Ryan snarled.

“Guys she’s kidding. Y’all are idiots.” Elizabeth explained.

They both looked shocked. Did I mention that both love Elizabeth. Not just Zac, but both. Well what guy doesn’t, almost all guys in our school have a crush on her. “Come on Elizabeth. Let’s escape while we can.” I whispered in her ear.

“On the count of three, run.” she smiled.

“One.” I said.

“Two!” she exclaimed.

“Three!!” we said running, and laughing.

“Oh your good girls...” Zac said.

“But not as fast as us.” Ryan finished.

“Don’t you have to go practice your music Ryan?” I asked.

“Yes but...”

“Well bye.” I said pushing him out of the room. Ryan’s in Panic! At The Disco, but you may ask but his last name’s Ross and yours is weaver. Well he changes it constantly. Why I have no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
I deleted my other stories, because I couldn't think of any other chapters or anything.
so yeah.
I'll try to update this one, so yeah.