Status: Hiatus

Here Comes Goodbye

Chapter 1

“Elizabeth, get down here!” the girl’s mother’s voice shouted. She went unwillingly, knowing if she didn’t she would be in major trouble.

“Yes Mama?” Elizabeth asked when she reached the living room.

“Elizabeth,” mother began. “There’s something I need to tell you, it’s about your father.”

“What about him?” Liz asked, her heart thumping. Her mother never, not in the 15 years she’s been alive, told her about her father.

“Honey, I’m sick, I’m dying.” her mother said. “I need you to find him, to live with him.”

“Why? I need to take care of you,” Liz said, walking up to her mother. Eliza groaned in pain as her eyes started fluttering. Alarmed, Liz started shaking her, just as her teacher had showed them in health class. She racked her brain for something else, and remembered to check the breathing.

“I’m fine,” her mother snapped when Liz placed her head on her mother’s face. “Just, go, live with your father.”

“But, I don’t know anything about him. I don’t even know his name.” Liz said, spinning the ring on the third hand of her left hand. It was her purity ring, which she wore to show guys she wanted to remain pure until her wedding night.

“Honey, give me a minute and I’ll tell you,” She said, gulping thickly. “Honey, before you go though, just know I love you, and I’m only doing this because I want what’s best for you.” she took in a deep breath and sighed it out. “You’re father and I broke up, right before I found out I was pregnant with you. I was never able to get a hold of him to tell you. He’s married since then, and he has a daughter with her. She’s a couple years younger than yourself.” She started a coughing fit, taking a deep breath before continuing. “He has a brother, who’s also married with a son and daughter.”

“How do you know this if you haven’t talked to him?” Liz asked, slightly suspicious.

“I still talk to friends that see them every so often.” Eliza replied.

“Who’s my father?” Liz asked her, her heart racing.

“Gerard-” Eliza said finally. “Gerard Way.”

~Two weeks later~

While Liz was packing over the next two weeks, it was more than obvious her mother was sick, but it was also pretty clear that her mother wasn’t dying. She was getting better with each passing day. Finally, on the night she was to leave, Eliza braved driving her daughter to the airport. Her father lived in LA while they lived in Chicago. Her mother promised to send her things when she got settled in, and gave Liz her father’s address. She kissed Liz’s cheek and sent her on her way. The plane ride was long and uneventful. She slept through most of it.

When she arrived in LA, she grabbed a cab using the money her mother gave her. She told the cab driver to take her to the address.

“So, you here visiting?” the cabby asked while they were stuck in traffic.

“Kinda,” Liz replied, continuing to stare out the window. It was warm, a lot warmer than Chicago. She was only here 5 minutes before she had to take off her coat. They didn’t call Chicago “The Windy City,” for nothing.

“Family?” the cabby tried again. Liz nodded. She stared in amazement as they passed many shops and stores. Most of them looked really upscale and pricey.

“Where you from?”

“Chicago.” she replied. The cabby nodded, staring at her for a long moment. She started feeling slightly uncomfortable. The rest of the ride was in silence. Liz breathed a sigh of relief when she got out of the cab. She grabbed her suitcase from the back and looked at the house in front of her. There was a teenage girl sitting on a porch swing, listening to music. The windows were open and she could hear music floating to the street. The cab pulled off as she started walking toward the house. When she was nearly at the porch, the girl on the swing looked up.

“Hello, can I help you?” she asked, taking her earbuds out.

“Is this the Way residence?” Liz asked, looking at the house amazed.

“It is,” the girl said. She stood up and held out her hand. “I’m Bandit,” she said. Liz took her hand.

“I’m Elizabeth,” she said, shaking Bandit’s hand. She saw features similar to her own in Bandit. Long dark hair, hazel eyes. She was athletically built and tall. Liz was short and a little on the heavy side.

“Bandit, what’s going on out here?” A male voice asked, walking out the door. “We heard you talking to someone.”

“Daddy, this is Elizabeth, Elizabeth, this is Gerard Way, my father.” Bandit said. Liz couldn’t speak, she stared at him for the longest moment.

“Hello, are you alright?” she caught him asking. She quickly shook her head and nodded.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” she replied, feeling her cheeks heat up.

“Where are you from?” Bandit asked.

“Chicago,” Liz replied.

“You’re not a new neighbor,” Gerard said suddenly. “No houses were bought up through here that I’m aware of.

“I’m not a neighbor,” Liz said. “Didn’t mom tell you I was coming?”

“Mom?” Gerard asked, confused. “I don’t know who you are, let alone your mother.” Liz felt tears spring into her eyes as she realized what was going on. Her mother never told him she was coming.

“The stupid bitch,” Liz muttered, collapsing to the ground.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Bandit asked gently, kneeling next to her.

“My name’s Elizabeth Siep,” Liz said, looking up at Gerard. He recognized the last name instantly. His ex-fiancé. “I was named after my mother, Eliza.” She said the thing he dreaded. Her mother’s name was Eliza Siep.

“Eliza Siep?” he asked, his voice a monotone. The girl in the grass nodded, wiping her eyes.

“We’re both from Chicago.” she stated. It hit Gerard fully then. This was his ex’s daughter. He looked her over, noting certain things.

“How old are you?” he asked her.

“15.” she replied, sniffling. His heart froze. She was born around the time he and Eliza split.

“Daddy, what’s going on?” Bandit asked, looking at Gerard.

“Go inside, both of you.” he said instead of answering. He followed the both of them inside, but didn’t say anything.

“Gerard?” a woman asked.

“Lindsey, sit down.” he said. The woman sat down, glancing at the strange teenage girl in her living room.

“Elizabeth Siep?” he asked. “When’s your birthday?”

“November 4,” Liz answered. Gerard did the math in his head. 9 months from November was February, the last month he was with Eliza. He remembered sleeping with her that month.

“Damn,” he muttered, staring at her. He looked from her to Bandit, noting the same things Liz had before. “You’re my daughter aren’t you?”
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brand new story...what do ya think?
I don't know if that's Eliza's real last name or not, but it's what I found on her myspace page, so if anyone could help me out, it would be great!
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and more to come soon!