Status: Hiatus

Here Comes Goodbye

Chapter 4

The next month brought around Liz’s birthday, in which to her surprise, Gerard had gave her a little party between the four of them in the Way house and the three people from the Iero house. She even received a present from Bandit and Gerard and even Anthony.

“Thank you so much,” she said, putting aside the watch she just opened from Gerard and looking around. She noticed Lindsey wasn’t looking to happy, and she could understand why. She was resentful of Liz, and Liz knew exactly why. She would probably feel the same way if a girl just showed up out of nowhere and claimed to be her husband’s illegitimate daughter.

“Anything for my girls,” Gerard replied, wrapping his arm around Liz’s shoulder in a hug.
She had received many hugs from almost everyone here, the exception being Lindsey. She was still nervous about being touched, but she knew she would slowly get over it. Two weeks after showing up, Gerard ended up adding another bed to Bandit’s room for Liz. They took her shopping for more clothes and stuff she needed, and Gerard even added a music player.

A week before Thanksgiving, Gerard held a family meeting, telling them the plans for the trip to New Jersey.

“I haven’t told the family over there about you yet Liz, but I’m going to do it today.” He said. Liz nodded, picking at her fingernails so she could avoid his gaze.

“What’s wrong?” Bandit asked, looking at Liz with concern in her eyes. Liz just smiled and shook her head.

“There’s something there,” Gerard pointed out.

“Just nervous I guess.” Liz replied, shrugging.

“Don’t, the family has a lot of goofballs, but we’re very kind hearted and accepting, and we don’t judge anyone.” Gerard assured her. Liz nodded again, this time meeting his gaze. Gerard’s heart jolted as he looked into her eyes, the same jolt he received every time he looked at her. She’s his 15 year old daughter he never knew about, but what pissed him off the most was that Eliza lied to him, she let their daughter got 15 years thinking he abandoned them, and even let her get abused by people who had nothing to do with her.

Gerard sighed and grabbed the cordless house phone, deciding now was the best time to call his parents and brother and let them know about Liz. He decided on his brother first, since he would be the most supportive.

“Hey Mikes, how the music store?” Gerard asked when his brother answered the phone.

“Great, Bob’s been sick so he wasn’t able to do much, but Ray and I handled it.” Mikey replied. “What’s been going on over on yours and Frank’s end?” Gerard sighed, knowing it was time to tell his brother.

“I had a little unexpected visitor,” Gerard began. He looked across the room, where Liz was watching a show with Bandit. They both giggled at a joke like they were each others best friend.

“Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good, who?” Mikey asked, sensing Gerard’s unease right away.

“We’re going to be coming up for Thanksgiving, but there’s going to be an extra person.”
Gerard answered with. “Mikey, remember when right before Eliza and I broke up, she told me she miscarried a baby?” When Mikey replied with a drawn out “yeah,” he continued. “She didn’t lose it bro, she had the baby. It was a girl, I had a 15 year old daughter I was never told about.”

“How the hell do you know that?” Mikey asked, sounding skeptical. Gerard didn’t blame him, considering her knew as well as anyone how manipulative and deceitful Eliza could be, and how much of a pathological liar she is as well.

“I’m sure Mikey,” Gerard said, looking at the two girls on the couch. “I’m looking right at her. She showed up here out of nowhere.”

“She’s really there isn’t she?” Mikey asked, shocked. “Son of a bitch I have another niece?”

“Yep,” I replied.

“Alicia!” Mikey shouted to his wife. Gerard heard her in the background mutter “What?”

“You’re on speaker Gee!” Mikey called.

“Hey Ally,’ I said.

“Hi Gerard, what’s up?” she replied.

“Do you want to tell her Mikey?” Gerard asked, knowing his brother was way too wound up to keep anything to himself now.

“Gerard just found out he had another daughter, with Eliza!” Mikey informed his wife. Alicia remained silent for a long time.

“That bitch swore up and down to me she miscarried that baby,” she said finally.

“She lied to us all Ally,” I said as Bandit and Liz walked up to me.

“Who is that?” Bandit asked, looking up at Gerard with confusion. Liz’s gaze held interest, but indifference as well. She wanted to know, but she would have been okay not being told.

“It’s your uncle Mikey,” Gerard replied, sighing. Bandit squealed and grabbed the phone, going a mile a minute to her uncle. Liz looked Gerard over, knowing he was upset.

“Okay, Liz, they want to talk to you.” Bandit said. Liz felt her heart freeze and Gerard’s head snapped up.

“You’ll have time for that in a few days Mikey,” Gerard said, grabbing the phone from his youngest daughter.

“Gerard, you’re bringing a strange 15 year old over here with you, and you’re claiming her to be our niece, I think I should get to talk to her,” Mikey pointed out.

“No,” Gerard said flatly. He turned to Bandit and Liz, “Go upstairs and make sure you have everything.” He told them. They both nodded and he waited until he heard the door shut before turning back to his brother.

“Mikey, there’s things about her you need to know before you talk to her,” I told him.

“Like what?”

“She doesn’t trust easily. Mikey, she was abused in her childhood.”

“Abused? Fuck Eliza!” Mikey shouted. “Leave me alone Ally, the kids aren’t here, so just drop it just for now please.” he said to his wife. To Gerard he asked, “What kind of abuse?”

“Everything,” he admitted. “Yes, even s-sexual.”


“Not that far, but she was touched inappropriately numerous times.”

“Did you confront Eliza?” Mikey asked him.

“Duh, she claims Liz is lying.”

“Just tell me the truth bro,” Mikey sighed suddenly. “Did you know she was going to show up?”

“I had no idea about her until she showed up on my front porch Mikes.” Gerard swore to his brother. Mikey sighed, but was then silent.

“Have you told Mom and Dad yet?” he asked.

“Calling them as soon as I’m done with you,” Gerard answered. “I knew I’d have some support from you.”

“Always, you better call them though.” Mikey replied. They hung up and Gerard dialed his parent’s number.

“Gerard dear, what a surprise.” Donna replied as she answered the phone.

“Is Dad there?” Gerard asked in reply. “There’s something I need to tell the both of you.”

“Donald!” Donna shouted, but she had put the phone on speaker before yelling. “Go ahead honey, what’s up?”

“I’m bringing someone else with me along with Bandit and Lindsey to Thanksgiving,” he started.

“Who?” Donna asked, sounding confused. Gerard sighed, knowing this was the big moment.

“You’re 16 year old granddaughter,” he replied.

“Bandit’s only 13 though,” Donald said.

“She showed up out of nowhere,” Gerard began explaining.

“Wait, please tell me you didn’t cheat on Eliza, I didn’t like that girl but that was still no good reason to do such a thing.”

“I didn’t cheat on her Ma,” Gerard replied. “Eliza’s the mother. She had a daughter sixteen years ago without telling me.”

“That’s when she told you she lost it,” Donald made the connection right away.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“I’m glad you got away from her when you did Gerard,” his mother told him.

“I’m not, if I would of known about her, she wouldn’t of been put through the shit she’s been through,” Gerard said, looking around him. He didn’t want Bandit to know about the abuse. He knew she wouldn’t take it very well.

“What do you mean? Did she have a hard life?”

“Abusive is more the word Mom,” Gerard replied, rubbing his eyes.

“Well, bring her on over, we’ll be happy to have her in the family.” Donald said.

“I know Dad,” he heard footsteps running down the stairs. “Hey I got to go, we’ll see you in a few days.”

“Okay, see you all soon.” Gerard’s parents both replied with. He smiled and hung up the phone just as Bandit and Liz came back into the room.

“We have our stuff ready for the trip.” Bandit announced. “Can we go see if Anthony wants to hang out?”

“Absolutely, go a head.” Gerard replied. “You girls have your phones?”

“Yeah, and thanks for the new one,” Liz replied. “It’s so much better not having everything blocked.”

“Hey, will you stop it already?” Gerard asked, smiling at her. “You have nothing to thank me for.”

“Yes I do,” Liz replied. “I’m getting over a lot of fears, and it’s only been a month since I got here, thank you.” she walked up to Gerard and gently wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He stroked her hair and he hugged her back.

“Let’s go,” Liz said to Bandit, grabbing her hand and leading her out the door.

“Back before dark!” Gerard called to the girls.

“Gerard, can I talk to you for a minute?” Lindsey’s voice said behind him after a minute.

“What’s on your mind sugar?” He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“If Liz stays, I think we’re going to have to get a bigger house,” she replied.

“What do you mean ‘if,’ of course she’s staying. I’m not letting her go back to that bitch she has to call mom.”

“Maybe it’s where she needs to be,” Lindsey said, looking directly in my eyes.

“Lin, I’ve told you about the abuse she went through. We were lucky the molestation didn’t evolve into rape.”

“What if her mother is right honey?” Lindsey asked suddenly, moving away and looking out the window. “What if Liz really is a pathological liar and is just trying to get into your good graces to sabotage your life?”

“Lindsey, she’s sixteen, what type of reason would make her do that?” Gerard replied, staring at his wife. “Who the hell would lie about being molested and hit and shit like that anyway?”

“Someone seeking revenge?” Lindsey’s reply was more like a question. “Think about it Gerard, she was lead to believe her whole life that you abandoned her and her mother, so maybe she came here to ruin your life because she believes you ruined her and her mother’s life.”

“So you think a sixteen year old girl bought a plane ticket, went through all this trouble, but had ulterior motive?”

“It’s possible Gee, just be careful, that’s all I’m asking of you.” Lindsey said, turning back to face him.

“Believe me, I know how to take care of myself.” Gerard replied, running his hands up and down Lindsey’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
update, crappy and long
hopefully I get more readers and even a comment! please?
more coming soon