The seven worst ways to die...

They called me "normal"

I was just a normal senior in high school. I was like every one else. I was confused on my career, but was already set for college. Things were great! I was enjoying my last year at my high school. I had a job and a happy life. Everything was great until ‘the accident.’ I was driving home when a drunk smashed my car and my small body. I was still child like, I had short brown hair and big brown eyes, and a tiny easily crushed frame. A hit like this was not left unscathed.
From the car my body was pulled, and placed on to a strecher. I was being rushed to the hospital. I could barely move with out feeling a pang of pain run up my arms. My breathing slow, easy and relaxed. The EMT’s attached a mask to my face that forced my breathing to continue. “Can you hear us miss?” A man asked. I couldn’t tell. I was dizzy and felt little headed, and lost in my own thoughts. I then felt my body be lifted out into the cold and in again. I had fainted.
Thats when it happened. I felt like I was falling down...down...down in to the dark. Then all white.
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This ones REALLLYYYY short unforunatly.I have been camped on time so sorry ppl!
--->with love Kat Everlast