I Know It's Hurting You, but It's Killing Me

When Time Soaked With Blood Turns Its Back.

“I’m really, really, really sorry, Gerard. That was so uncalled for. I had no right to-”

“God, Zacky, shut up! Its OKAY!

“No, it wasn’t right of me. I feel awful. I should’ve have invaded your-”

Zacky was unfortunately cut off by a pair of lips meeting his own. He pulled back immediately, gazing back at me for a moment before he threw himself into my arms, holding me so tight I feared he’d break me.

“Zacky, loosen up, or you’re going to kill me.”

Zacky blushed, loosening his grip just slightly, his face buried in my chest. I wrapped one arm around him, stroking his hair with the other.

“How long, Zacky?”


“How long have you had feelings for me?”

“Since the first day I met you. When I woke up and saw you hovering over me, making sure I was alright, that I was properly fed, and that everything I needed was tended to. Since you were there for me.”



Both of our heads shot up as pained screams rang out through the property. Bert was in trouble. We sprinted up the stairs to Bert’s study, stopping abruptly before the door. I pushed Zacky to the side, shielding him from whatever we might see.

Red stained the walls and carpeting, along with the crumpled body laying on the carpet. Bloodstained was the man that stood over Bert’s motionless form. Hazel eyes stared up at us almost innocently, and a smile spread across his face.

It was Billie Joe.

Run, the voice told me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, god, how long has it been?!
Imma try to get another chapter out soon, I promise.
If school wasn't in the way, I'd update more.
And I just got out of a huge writer's block, soooo.....

I'd like to thank everyone who comments and subscribes to this story, it makes my day. (: