Status: in progress.

Excuse Me, Princess


You know, I don't really expect nineteen to be better than eighteen. Eighteen was an exciting year for me, and for my family. My brothers finally started getting big. Frankie scored a role in a movie. Mom and dad were still happy as pie.

Life was going great.

I just turned nineteen about a week ago, and things are already hectic. The family and I have been running around non-stop to concerts and interviews and photo shoots, and all the other crap the guys have to do. Finally, though, we were able to get a break; a vacation. It was only a month long, but after all the things we had to do, it would feel like an eternity. Of which, mind you, I will probably sleep through.

My name is Lillian Jonas. As I said, I'm nineteen.
The boys I were referring to are, indeed, the Jonas Brothers. I was born a year, or so, after Joe. He turned twenty right before I turned nineteen. Mom wanted us to have a joint party, but that didn't work out too well. We wanted completely different things, so we just ended up having separate parties. Anyway, my family is amazing. Kevin, Joe, and Nick are finally getting the fans they deserve, more and more by the minute.

I'm pretty damn proud of my boys.

Frankie's move just got released and is making it's way up the charts. Thatta boy, already getting into acting. The kids only nine, and has done more than me. But, I don't plan on ever being an actress or singer or whatever, so that's expected.

I passed out the first night back home, and didn't get the chance to shower. I planned on taking one when I woke up. But, that plan was ruined when I found Joseph hogging the bathroom.

“Joe!” I yelled, knocking on the door. “Hurry up, I need to shower!”

“La, la, la, I can't hear you!” He sang back.

“Joseph!” I punched the wooden barrier keeping me from the room. “Get out!”

“I'm bathing, woman! Leave me alone!”

“That's not fair! I called the shower last night!”

“You snooze, you lose!” He called, laughing. I scowled, turning for the stairs. Half way down, I spotted my mom in the kitchen.

“Mom,” I started, “where's the key to the bathroom? Joe won't get out.”

“Here,” she dug through one of the drawers, “but don't break anything this time, okay? I just replaced that vase.”

“He broke the old one, not me.” I took the key from her, grinning.

“Whatever you say.” She shook her head as I went back to the bathroom. I unlocked the door, stepping in.

“Oh, Joey.” I sang sweetly, smirking as I heard him fumbling around behind the curtain before his head popped out, his body hidden.

“What are you doing? Get out!”

“I told you to hurry up.” I sat on the toilet, crossing my legs, waiting.

“I'm not getting out with you in here.”

“I'm your sister, stupid.”

“Well, it's still awkward, stupid.” He glared.

“Want me to close my eyes?”

“Yes.” He hissed, frowning. I rolled my eyes, covering them with my hands. I waited a moment, before he said it was okay to look. His, ahem, lower regions, were covered.

“Uh, ew, put a shirt on, will you?”

“Shut up.” He took his clothes, smacking me with his boxers in the process. “There's not much hot water left, by the way.”

“I hate you.” I said, pouting.

“Love you, too.” He left. I kept the key in the room and locked the door. There better be enough water for my shower.

I angrily slammed the door behind me, stomping down the steps. “Joseph.” I growled, seeing him on the couch. He peeked over at me, making a face. “I ran out of water.” He laughed.

“Is that my fault?”

“Yes!” I stomped my foot, a adjusting my towel. “It was freezing!”

“Sucks for you.” He stuck his tongue out at me. “Now, go put some clothes on.”

“Why should I?” I sat beside him. He frowned, scooting away.

“Why should you? Oh, I dunno, you're naked? Anyone can see you?”

“Let them look.” He hated when I talked like this. I knew that, and did it solely to piss him off.

“Lilly...” He warned, eyes narrowing. “Go get dressed.”

“No. I'm comfortable like this.” I huffed, crossing my arms as I tossed my wet hair over my shoulder. “And, besides, you're the only one home. Who's gonna see?”

“Anyone outside?” He rolled his eyes, gesturing to the open window. I looked, head tilting.

“There's no one outside.”

“So? There will be sometime.”

“I don't feel like going back upstairs.” He sighed, annoyed, and looked to the TV. “Can you carry me?”


“Why not?” I whined. “You used to carry me all over the place.”

“Yeah, when you were, like, five. And dressed.” He glared from the corner of his eye, making me laugh.

“It's a towel, Joe. Not a thong or something.” He smacked his forehead.

“You are so stupid.”

“What?” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I'm just saying this covers more. You can't see anything.” He stayed silent, frowning at the television. Oh, Flapjack's on. I watched for a moment, but realizing I had seen the episode a bunch of times already, turned back to him. “Carry me.” I held my arms out.




'Pretty please?” He looked just in time to catch my award winning puppy dog eyes. My lip quivered slightly and he caved in.

Fine.” He grumbled, standing. “God, you're annoying.” I beamed as he lifted me, bridal style, and started for the stairs. I giggled childishly.

“I feel like I'm five.”

“I wonder why.” I smiled brightly and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He sighed, grip on me tightening slightly.

“I love you, Joey-bear.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he softly replied.

“I love you, too, Lilly-loo.”

“That rhymed.” I said, a goofy grin on my face.

“Maybe, I'll use it in a song.”

“That's be awesome!” I rejoiced as he placed me down in front of the bathroom.

“Do you need clothes, too, princess?” I made a face.

“You haven't called me that in years.”

“Well, maybe, I should start again.” I rolled my eyes.

“I'm putting my pj's back on.” I turned, but then looked back at him. His eyebrow rose. I leaned up, on my tippy toes, and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, Joey.” He blushed slightly, mumbling;

“You're welcome.”
♠ ♠ ♠
That's chapter one.

What do you think? :)