Status: in progress.

Excuse Me, Princess


“Keep talkin', talkin' that blah, blah, blah!” I sang, dancing in front of the mirror as I brushed my, now dry, hair. “Think you'll be hittin' this? Nah, nah, nah!”

“Please,” a voice groaned, “stop singing that.” I turned, still running the brush through my hair.

“Why?” I asked an annoyed Joe, pausing my iPod, which was connected to the speakers.

“That song sucks.”

“Does not,” I said, “it's catchy.”

“And annoying.”

“But catchy.” He rolled his eyes, leaning on the door frame. “Are you just gonna stand there?”

“Yep.” I shrugged him off, pressing play on my iPod. I skipped the rest of the song, and smiled as the next one began.

The words are coming I feel terrible
Is it typical for us to act like this?
Am I just another scene
From a movie that you've seen 100 times?
Cause baby you weren't the first or the last or the worst
And I've got to fill the blanks in the past with a verse
And we could sit around and cry but frankly your not worth it

“Mayday Parade,” Joe stated, smiling, “very nice. I didn't know you liked them.”

“They're okay.” I placed the brush down, looking at myself in the mirror for a moment. I could hear his steady breathing behind the music. “Joe?”

“Hm?” I turned my iPod off, turning to face him.

“Am I...” I hesitated, “pretty?” He blinked repeatedly.

“What?” He said. I grumbled, walking past him.

“Nothing. Never mind.” He followed after me as I went to my room.


“Why what?”

“Why are you asking such a stupid question?” I put my iPod on the night stand before looking at him, blushing in embarrassment.

“What do you mean?” I mumbled.

“I mean,” he sighed, “you're beautiful.” My eyes widened slightly and I stared up at him in surprise.

“You-You really think so?” I said softly.

“Of course, I do.” He smiled.

“You're just saying that 'cause I'm your sister.” I pouted. He scoffed, turning me around to face the full length mirror leaning against the wall.

“Look at you,” he said, arms around me, face buried in my shoulder, “you're gorgeous.” He whispered against my skin. I swallowed, a small shiver going down my spine. His arms tightened, bringing me closer. My back hit his chest as he lifted his head. “Sometimes,” he began, “I think about you growing up.” My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


“I mean...” he paused, “I think about you getting married. The lucky guy that gets to steal you away. All the douche bags I'll beat up before him.” I laughed.

“You don't have to beat anyone up for me.”

“You're saying that now. But you never know.” He stayed silent for a moment, staring at my reflection intently. “I don't want you to grow up.” He said, pressing his face into my hair, breathing in.

“Why not?” I bit my lip.

“I don't want you to leave me.” He replied. “You're my best friend.” My breath hitched and I felt tears gather in my eyes.

“I won't leave you, Joey.” I said, turning to face him. “I won't. I'll live with you for the rest of my life.” He smiled slightly.

“I wish you could.” He brushed a stray piece of hair from my face, his warm hand staying against my cheek. I peered up into his soft eyes. They were duller than usual, not doubt from the sad thoughts infesting his mind.

“I love you, Joe. I won't leave you, I promise.” He pressed his forehead to mine.

“Don't make a promise you can't keep.” I huffed, opening my mouth to reply. “Don't.” He said, cutting me off. “Just be quiet.” His eyes closed. I wrapped my arms around him. He held me tightly. “I love you, Lilly.” I lifted my head slightly and caught the sight of the mirror. For a second, I could of sworn I saw a tear stream down his cheek.

Hours later, and our mom found us in my bed, fast asleep in each other's arms. It reminded her of how we used to be; whenever I had a bad dream, Joe would come and sleep with me to make the monsters and bad things go away. He always did things like that. He protected me from the boogie man, from the boy who picked his nose all the time, from the weird noises in the basement. He was my hero.

“Joseph,” My mom's voice floated in, “Lilly, wake up.” I groaned, waving her away as I snuggled deeper into Joe's chest, which I had claimed as my pillow.

“Go away.”

“It's time for dinner. You've been sleeping all day.” I looked up, catching Joe's tired eyes. He gave me a lazy smile.

“C'mon, Lilly-loo, time to eat.” He pulled me up with him.

“Fine.” I stood, stretching. “What a wonderful nap.”

“Seriously.” He moaned as he stretched upwards, his back cracked. I crinkled my nose at him. He beamed, kissing my forehead before dragging me downstairs.

“Morning, sleepy heads.” Kevin greeted. I waved, sitting down beside him, Joe sitting across from me.

“Where were you all day, mister?” I questioned, pointing to Nick at the end of the table. “You were gone when I woke up.”

“He went to see Alexa.” Joe made a kissy face as Nick blushed.

“Shut up.”

“Who's Alexa?” Mom and I said together.

“Little Nicky's girlfriend!” Kevin said, grinning broadly. Nick groaned, ducking his head.

“You have a girlfriend?” The female duo of mother and myself said together.

“Stop doing that,” Frankie said, who sat beside mom, “it's really weird.”

“That it is.” Dad said, smiling at us both.

“Well, this whole family is weird,” I waved my fork around. Unexpectedly, the lasagna that had been on the fork went flying off and hit Joe square in the face. My eyes widened as I gasped, dropping the fork. Nick, Kevin, and Frankie burst out laughing. Kevin went tumbling to the floor and Nick seemed to be struggling to breathe when Joe stood. Joe calmly cleaned off his face as his family laughed. His calmness freaked me out.

“Lillian...” he said, stepping around the table.

“Joey, it was an accident!” I squeaked, standing and shuffling backwards, away from the table. Mom and dad were laughing now, too. I tried to hide my smile, but it cracked through. That seemed to annoy Joe more.

“You're dead!” I screamed as he ran at me and sprinted for the stairs.

“Be careful!” Mom said through her laughter. Oh, no, that's fine. Don't help the daughter that's about to be killed. It's cool. I ducked into his room and tried to close the door, but he was too fast.

“Here's Joey!” He said, smirking as the door flew open. I stumbled backwards, a deer in the headlights as he closed the door behind him.

“Come on, Joe, you don't wanna hurt me.” I said as he back me into the wall. “You love me, don'tcha?”

“Sure, I do.” He smirked. “But you deserve what's comin' to ya.” I gulped.

“Just don't tickle me.”

“Are you physic?”

Guess what?
He tickled me. For a long time, to the point where I nearly passed out from lack of oxygen. I was on the floor with him on top of me, gasping for breath, red in the face.

“You...You...suck.” I gasped out, breathless.

“You suck for hitting me with lasagna.”

“It was an accident.” I hissed as he placed his hands right next to my head to stay balanced, and keep most of his weight off me. “Can you get off me now?” I squirmed. “I'm hungry.”

“Well, so I am. Even though I was hit in the face with food.”

“Accidentally.” I kept squirming. He made a face.

“Cut that out.”

“Why?” I paused.

“It feels....weird.”

“It does? Then get off me.”

“I should keep tickling you.” His eyebrow rose. I squirmed more, wiggling, trying to get out from under him.

“No more tickling!” He pushed his hips down against mine, making me stop. I gasped, freezing at the feeling. He did, too, realizing what he had done. “J-Joe...” His eyes closed. Worried, I moved again, only slightly. He let out a cry and his eyes flew open. He panted, slightly, flustered. I felt something poke me. I knew what it was, too.

“I-I'm sorry.” He stuttered. I moved my hips upwards, against his. He groaned, pushing down. “S-Stop that.”

“No.” I repeated the action. He moaned, hands clenching into fists and his hips rolled against mine. I moaned, head dropping back.

“I'm sorry.” He repeated, whispering.

“Do it again.” I met his clouded eyes. “Please.”

He did, this time, not stopping to speak.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lilly's pajamas.

Oh, damnnn!


;D haha.