I Think I'm...

I think I'm...another year older

"Happy birthday," was yelled in my face as a wake up call form my mom and Andy.
"Can you get out of my room," I asked and they just looked at me."now," I yelled and once they were out I changed my clothes.
It was colder today so I wore a blue v-neck with my favorite gray pea-coat. I pulled on some skin tight skinnies and my favorite pair of black boat shoes. I did my hair and then went downstairs to see everything like normal. My mom and Andy eating without me so I just grabbed and apple and my bag so I could walk to school.
"Where are you going?"Andy asked like and idiot.
"To school."
"Are you walking?"my mom added.
"Yes, I usually do," I replied in and annoyed tone.
"Ok, so you wont be wanting these then," she said holding up car keys.
"You got me a car," I said a bit surprised. I took the keys to see what kind of car it is,"oh its some red sports car," I sighed.
"Ya, how else will you impress the ladies."Andy said.
"Oh you think this will get me girls?"
"Yeah," he smiled.
"I doubt it, but it might get me a few blow jobs from some boys," I smiled and his mouth dropped.
Seeing that my work was done I got into the overly flashy car and drove of to school. You would think a 19 year old would have a car by now but they probably knew I would run away if I had a car. They probably gave it to me now in the hopes I would run away. For a second I wanted to skip school and run away but I wanted to see Beck more. I pulled into the school parking lot and everyone was looking at me and when I saw Andrew and Dirk their mouths were hanging open.
"Happy birthday,"Julia said running over to me.
"Ya man, nice car by the way,"Dirk smiled.
"Yeah,"Andrew agreed.
"Thanks, have you guys seen Beck or Vin."
"Beck's in the class room and Vin is right over their." Dirk said pointing him out.
"Hey Vin," I smiled as I walked over to him.
"Hey, Happy birthday and great news."
"I'm the new bass player in your and Dirks band," Vin said as he hugged me tight.
"Thats great but, I think we should break up." I said quick, wanting to get it over with.
"Oh really , why already," he said in a sweet voice.
"Well honestly I love, I mean, like someone else," I stuttered out.
"Mr. Cramer?"
"What, pshhh no way. hes old," I scoffed.
"No hes hot, and I could tell something was going on, I wont tell anyone. I promise as long as I can still be in the band," vin smiled.
"Of course you can still be in the band,"I smiled and the bell went off."I'll see you later."
Its a good thing I don't have a lot of friends so I only had to deal with people singing happy birthday at lunch, In my forth hour, and now In my fifth. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the singing cuz beck kept smiling at me. It's like we were talking with are eyes but I don't know what we were even talking about.
"Try not to get held back again," Mr.Klinedal joked as the song was over.
"I didn't get held back I just took a year off," I sighed and Dirk touched my shoulder to comfort me.
"Oh, what did you take a break for rehab," he joked but I felt like I just got hit by a car. "well you guys better get to work on your projects or your all going to get f's."
"Are you ok ," Dirk asked.
"Ya, I'm fine."
"Are you sure,"Julia smiled.
"Ya, it's all good," I smiled and me and Vin began working.
I knew he wanted to ask why I took a year off but thank god he didn't. He looked like he was up to something and I studied his face to figure it out but I couldn't.
"Hey Mr. Cramer," Vin called and Beck started walking over.
"What can I do for you guys."
"Will you help me give Guy his birthday spankings later," he giggled.
"Ya,"beck smiled at me."Sounds like fun."
"You bet it does," Vin continued to laugh as I turned bright red and Beck walked away.
"Dirk we need a new bass player," I yelled.
"Why?" Dirk asked confused
"Cuz I'm killing this one later," I joked and we all laughed.
After class I left instead of waiting for beck cuz I needed to trade in my car as fast as I could. I knew a guy Mikey that usually had a lot of old cars in good shape so I went to him. We greeted each other with smiles and a quick hug before I fell in love. It was an old school station wagon, like the one in the Brady Bunch and I had to have it. It was in perfect condition, no dents or scratches and the inside looked brand new.
"Can I get this for that," I said pointing at my ugly sports car.
"Yeah man but you'll have a couple hundred left over."
"Thats fine, just give me the left over cash." I smiled and went in to do some paper work. It only took like ten minutes to sign everything and then as Mikey was getting my money my cell rang.
"Hey Guy."
"Beck, how did you get my number."
"I asked your friend Julia and she......" he began to explain but my attention was brought to what mike just put in my hand.
"Beck, I gotta call you back," I said hanging up the phone.