Status: Mildly Active

I Want Her

Running on Empty

Eric’s hand tightened in my hair, a shudder going through him. His pleasure rippled through my body. Apparently vampires enjoy being fed on as well. The blood had filled my mouth, and I swallowed it, feeling its coolness sliding down my throat. The smell wasn’t pleasant, but the taste was out of this world. It made my taste buds tingle, and after my mouth was empty, they screamed for more.

I closed my lips tightly over the wound, sucking deeply at it. Eric groaned in my ear, and tightened his grip, squeezing me against him. My ribs creaked slightly, making it difficult to breathe. I took another draw on Eric shoulder, and I felt his grip loosen. He slowly lifted me away from his neck, and I swiped my tongue over it one last time. As my feet touched the floor, I felt Eric’s essence flow violently through. It seemed like every feeling Eric had ever felt was surging through my veins. It made me light headed, and suddenly the floor was coming up to meet me really fast. Eric caught me just before my face collided with the floor. He set me down as I began to shake violently, my temperature rising, making me sweat. Tears streamed down my cheeks. So many strong emotions crammed into such a small amount of time, and my body couldn’t handle it.

Eventually it slowed down until I felt myself again. I was exhausted, and I laid with my cheek pressed into the cool floor for a while longer. Then I slowly propped myself up on my hands, and vaguely noticed my wrist felt good as new. Then I threw my arms around Eric in a tight hug.

Eric stiffened under me, and I felt his worry and uncomfort. “Eric, I’m so sorry.”
“Why?” He said, his chest rumbling under my cheek. “What just happened?”

“I-I don’t know. It’s like… I felt everything you’ve ever felt. You’ve been through so much” I said, wanting to hug him tighter. But I could tell he was feeling very awkward, so I let him go.
“And your wrist?” He said, nodding towards it. I wiggled it around for him.
“Good as new.”

“Good. Come here” He said, helping me up and moved back over to a couch. He took both of my hands, stared hard at me, and said “Send an emotion to me.”

“Right now?” I said, and he nodded. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. He was feeling contemplative and determined. I decided to try to send him happy, since that was something I haven’t felt from him yet. I let my aura become warm and yellow. It vibrated softly, buzzing with simple cheerfulness. Then I began to sweep it towards Eric. Touching him helped, as did his preparedness for it. But I seemed to be more connected with him. I could feel him better, understand him deeper and easier. I figured it must have been the blood exchange.

When I opened my eyes, Eric was staring at me still, his eyes intense. “How do you feel?” I asked, a little worried it hadn’t worked.

“Happy” He said, a small smile playing on his lips. “What else can you try?”
“Um… Eric?” I said, looking away. “I know your excited about me and everything, but I haven’t eaten anything in a few days, and if I don’t get something in me soon, I’m gonna pass out. Is there anything I can eat?”

Eric thought a moment. “No, all we have is Trublood and alcohol.” My face fell, and my stomach rumbled.

“Grab a jacket. We’ll go out for food.” Said Eric standing, and pulling his keys out of his pocket. Mildly surprised, I went to the back room and grabbed a jacket. When I got back out to the bar, Eric already had his thick leather jacket on, and was standing by the open door. “Come on.”

I hurried past him, not wanting to keep him waiting. But when I got to the sleek car, he was already in it. So much for that idea. I slowly slid into it, closed the door and buckled up. Eric chuckled. “You really think I’m going to hit something?” Eric said, looking forward.
“No. But I was always taught safety first” I said, untwisting the strap so it laid flat on my stomach.

“Where do you want to eat?” Eric said, looking around at all the closed restaurants. It was, after all, 4 in the morning. Then I saw the shining beacon of yellow and purple coming closer on the street. A twenty four hour taco bell was beckoning towards my stomach. I pointed, and Eric nodded, making a sharp left that made my tummy jerk against my seat belt. See? Better safe than sorry.

Eric pulled into the drive through, but before we got to the voice box, Eric looked at me. “Tell me what they’re feeling.”

After we ordered from the voice box, we pulled up to the first window. There was a young girl, maybe eighteen years old at the window. Her emotions were bored and tired, vacant. However, the moment the light from inside the Taco Bell shone onto Eric’s face, it switched to lust. Embarrassed uncontrollable lust. Her cheeks lit up with a flush of pink, and she couldn’t keep the embarrassed little smile off her face. “That’ll be seven twenty three.” She said a little shakily, her eyes looking down. She was absolutely adorable. Eric handed her a ten dollar bill, and she took it from his white hand, her fingers grazing his. Her aura went to surprise momentarily, and then to mild fear. She made Eric’s change, but her hands were shaking when she tried to hand Eric his money, she dropped it. Eric was out of the car so quickly, the girl’s heart seemed to stop she was so startled. “Thank you” Eric murmured, and drove to the second window.

“And?” Eric asked, slowly pulling up to the next window so I had time to tell him. “She wanted you. So much it made her nervous. I thought it was cute. But then you touched her, and she realized you were a vampire… Instant turn off. She’s terrified of you.” I said, blinking in the white light of the second window. The guy behind the counter glared at Eric in suspicious way. Apparently word had traveled fast.

He passed the food through the widow, dislike twisting his face. Eric took the bag with leisure, and the boy scoffed. “What are you even doing here? I thought your kind didn’t eat.” Eric passed the bag to me, giving me an irritated look, then turned back on the boy.

“Oh, no, we eat. Our meal just fights back” said Eric, eyeing the boys throat. He shot back into his window as fast as he could, tucking his chin to his chest. Eric’s eyes twinkled in amusement, and he quickly pulled away, heading back to Fangtasia.

I was sucking my fingers before we even got back, the empty bag crumpled into a ball in my lap. Eric glanced at me a few times, but otherwise, the ride was silent. When we got back, the sky was beginning to look less black in the east. It looked like there was maybe an hour before sunrise. I looked at Eric as we walked in the back door of Fangtasia. He was looking a bit tired, and a little paler. I didn’t blame him; it had been a very long night.

Yawning, I found my blanket in the back room, and lumbered off to my couch. Eric was already gone; the only light left on was the light behind the bar.

I pulled my covers over my shoulders, snuggling deeper into the couch. As I was laying there, I let my mind run along the events of the night. My fingers slowly skimmed my healed wrist. I looked up at the ceiling, wondering what this new blood exchange would bring. But suddenly, I was far too tired to think about my night anymore. Wiggling between the crack in the couch, I yawned and drifted to sleep.
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please tell me what you think :3