Sequel: Hold Your Breath
Status: Dead. Under Process of Re-Writing.

Life Like This

When a fourteen year old Decklan Clare Annister met a fifteen year old JF Trotter, she thought it was love at first sight. And it went pretty smoothly... Until Last Call For Camden got invited to tour, and JF had to leave. Something happened to him on that tour. He never came back to Scottsdale. He never came back to Decklan.

Now he's touring with a new band, under a new name, and Decklan's struggling to move on. She needed closure, that was all. And she's about to get it.


For those unfamiliar with the news, JF Trotter is Kennedy Brock of The Maine. It was his "real" name, back when he was the frontman of Last Call For Camden in like... 2006. He changed it for reasons he'd prefer not to specify, which is totally cool. :) I SAY IT WAS A FIGHT WITH HIS PARENTS

I've made it harder for you to scroll to the actual story bit by showwing off WHATS THIS IS A BANNER I WON IN A CONTEST BY HanaLett!!

(PS Im not fixing any typos just yet because it shows off my excitement. Okay.)

Decklan Clare Annister belongs to me and me alone, however if you'd like her to cameo, lt me know and I'll be glad to let you borrow her (so long as credit is given where credit is due).

So... Read on!