The Truth About Heaven


“WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?’ Sarah screamed at the guy standing before her. He turned around, obviously dumbfounded. ‘Do you want to get yourself killed?”

“I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU! Your father just treated you as if you were a piece of trash. Do you not realize he didn’t give a fuck you just nearly died?” Frank exploded.

“You want to help me? Go back to your sleazy band, and forget all about this. You don’t know nothing about me, or the world I live in.”

“That’s too bad.’ Frank sneered. ‘I’m not leaving until I’ve made sure you’re all right. I got you into this mess; I’ll get you out. Get used to me babe. I’m not going anywhere yet.”

Sarah burst into laughter.

“YOU got me into this mess? Buddy, you’re giving yourself too much credit. YOU didn’t do anything but remind me how ignorant and big headed males are.”

“Oh yeah? Well if I didn’t get you into this mess, then what did? Did Chanel run out of the handbag you wanted? Gucci didn’t have your size pants? What a shame!” Frank snapped back sarcastically, as a nurse came and pulled back the temporary sliding door between beds.

Sarah stared into Frank’s cold angry eyes. She nodded every so slightly.

“Yep. That’s what happened. I’m selfish and a cow. If you’re going to stay, well, I can’t stop you but right now I need some rest.” And with that, she rolled over and went to sleep.

Frank collapsed into the armchair next to Sarah’s bed. He sat his head in his hands, and tried to fight back the tears he could feel trying to fight their way through his barriers.

He didn’t know what it was about this girl that had effected him so much, but right now he felt terrible.

“I’m sorry.” he whispered, but he doubted that she heard it through her drug induced slumber.