Razia's Shadow: A Story

Hello! Welcome to another installment of "I get inspired by songs so I write stories based on them" Excpet this time it's an entire album.

So basically, if you haven't heard of Razia's Shadow, which you might not have because it seems to be very unknown, it's a musical album written by Forgive Durden, a band from Fueled By Ramed, with guest singers such as Greta Salpeter, Max Bemis, Brendon Urie, Dan Young etc. It's very cool and I haven't stopped listening to it in days, I won't give you the storyline because if you go listen to it or just read my stories you'll eventually get it. Whenever I listen to it I always think, man I really want to see it made into a movie, but since that probably won't happen, and I don't own a camera, I decided to write stories based on the songs, doesn't that sound like fun? There will be thirteen chapters, one chapter for each song. Most of the dialogue will be from the lyrics, some chapters might be really short, some longer. This is pretty unoriginal since i'm getting all the material from the musical, but I wanted to do it for fun while I procrastinate on my other stories, lol.

Confused? Look up Razia's Shadow on youtube, you'll get the whole soundtrack and hopefully understand what i'm rambling about.
  1. Genesis
    Chapter one, song one on the album.
  2. The Missing Piece
    Song 2
  3. Life is Looking Up
    Part 3
  4. The Spider and The Lamps
    Part 4
  5. Toba the Tura
    Part 5
  6. The Oracle
    Part 6
  7. A Hundred Year Intermission and The Exit
    Part 7 and 8
  8. It's True Love
    Part 9