Status: Fully active.

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

The Wolves Gonna Blow You Down.

I pushed the large branches out of my way, the cold snow pelting my face, turning it raw, still my focus was reaching him.
My feet tripping over the roots, rocks, anything in my path that threatened to bring me down, I pushed myself harder, I couldn't be late.
My lungs begged for the air, instead I gasped, my last breath would be his, to tell him the truth before everything ended, I'd owe him that much. I felt the tears rush down my face, as I thought of what I was about to do.
The thought made me run faster, my feet felt like they didn't even hit the ground, I just needed him, to see his face before I did the most dumbest thing I could ever do.
"Please let me reach them, please let me reach them before it's too late"
I cried out, slipping on a root, my head smashing against the tree just as I heard a loud snapping noise, then the screams and yells followed. I curled up on my side, trying to hold myself together as I felt the sobs rack my body, blood seep down my cheek in a rush.
More screams followed by ripping sounds, I was too late, Time had not been my friend, it had been my enemy. I felt anger course through my body as I pulled myself together, No I would not let them fight alone, I was one of them which meant I fight along side my brother's and sister.
Slowly, I stood to my feet, nothing was going to stop me, I was stronger, I was going to end this. My feet rushed forwards continuing on the path I was running, I would make it to help them, I would be strong.

I felt myself slowly drifting back to reality, why couldn't I just stay in my own little peacefully world? I mean what did I do to deserve this? I use to take everything I had for granted, now I wonder who I will loose next.
Something hot was gripping my hand with a grip that felt like my hand would break at any moment, I heard mummers above me, trying to be silent, but still sounding harsh as if they were arguing, trying to get a point across.
I just laid there trying to collect my thoughts as I heard the voices snap at each other, I was confused by my dream, was I suppose to help more then one person? If so who the hell was it, and why?
So if Jacob was just one of the people I was suppose to save then who else is in that picture? Leah maybe? or it could be Embry! But that wouldn't make sense since they would both be fighting with Sam.
Why couldn't my dream just tell me straight forward what I was suppose to do, seriously I was getting sick of trying to guess.
Whoever was holding my hand, squeezed it and I almost yelped at how strong he was, I seriously think he broke my hand! Whoever this jerk was seriously was getting bitched out when I woke up.
I tried to take a deep breath, but my air way was constricted as if something or someone was choking me, I freaked out, it felt as if my oxygen was being blocked from reviving me, was I dead?
The feeling of fear, made me realize it was time to wake up, I shoot up just as the choking feeling died down, letting the air painfully fill my lungs.
The room grew silent as I coughed, trying to find the person who was choking me, but my eyes were blurring in and out. I shook my head lightly, making my hair fall in face, hiding whatever emotions were there.
Taking a few deep, calming breathes I pulled my hair back, taking in the room. Sam was standing by the window looking out at the darkness, Jacob was standing next to him, his face intent on mine. I felt my cheeks flush as I looked over at my right, Billy sat next to me, holding my hand.
So he was the one who was squeezing my hand, well I wasn't gonna bitch him out, he must not know how strong he really is.
"um, hello" I croaked, my throat thick with sleep, my eyes wandered to my hand in Billy's grasp, it was shaking badly. This was ridiculous it was only a dream, I needed to calm down.
"Hey Taylor, how are you feeling darling?" asked Billy as he let go of my hand, giving me a huge smile that lit up his entire face, it was so hard to be around him without wanting to just grin along with him.
"I'm fine, why you ask?" Jacob sighed and took a step forward, his prefect face torn between anger and worry, apparently Sam had just ordered him to do something he didn't, I remember how that felt so well.
"You passed out when we followed Carol" he muttered, looking at me with those amazing, sparkly, brown eyes filled with pain. I wanted to reach out and comfort him, my heart ripped at the thought of him in upset.
I think he knew what I wanted cause he grabbed the hand his dad just dropped, a sigh escaped my lips as a feeling of relief spread over me, he gently applied pressure to my hand, letting me know he was here.
"Did you destroy her?" I was hoping he had, so I wouldn't have to to it.
He shook his head, a frown on his full lips, god how I wanted to just tell him how I felt, how much I truly deeply wanted him. I looked away, keeping my head in it's correct place.
Billy grunted, I looked over at him. "Well I'm going to go." he said, slowly rolling towards the door, guess he was gonna let us talk. To bad I couldn't be passed out for this part.
"So what happen while I was down?" I asked, as I slid to the edge of the bed, Jake's hand still in mine. Sam looked over at me, before starting.
"I started after her, trying to catch her, but she crossed into the Cullen's territory"
Of course they would know where we can't cross, stupid Vampire Werewolf treaty, it is useless, but it keeps us from killing them.
"The Cullen's tried to bring her down as well, but she kept dancing on the lines where we couldn't go" muttered Jacob as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"She then met up with the other woman before slipping under the radar" Sam finished, as he started pacing back and forth, something obviously bugging him.
It was silent for a few more minutes before Jacob decided to speak, "We have to meet the vampires tonight for a training on killing newborns". I felt myself stiffen up, did that mean I was going to be alone?
"o.oh I see, so am I staying with Billy then?" I shuddered, my heart race racing again as I thought of Carol coming to me at my moment of weakness.
Jacob shook his head, "No your coming with us, Billy's going to Chief Swan's place" his voice sounded sadder when he said the last part, and I knew why.
Before he turned into a protector of human lives, he use to go to the Swan's resident all the time, he'd hang out with Bella and Charlie, that's around the time I started loosing him.
I looked away, and got up, ripping my hand out of his, I didn't wanna feel like this. He stood up, his face held a slight look of shock at my actions but I didn't care.
"We will wait for you downstairs" said Sam as he made his way to the door, giving Jacob the look of 'come now', I nodded and waited till Jake shut the door before I slide down to the floor.
This imprint thing had to be a serious joke, a trick, he still cared for Bella I could sense it, Why couldn't I just let my heart be made of stone?
No prince charming was going to save me, no one was going to fix me, I realized what I wanted more then anything in this world.
I wanted to be a wolf again, and I was going to find someway to make that possible again, I took a deep breath before pulling myself together and heading downstairs.
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Long Chapter, so Comment and tell me what you think.
Tomorrow I'll have another one up, but for now this is it.
Love you all.