Status: Fully active.

Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

The Wolf Unleashed.

Who would of known that a night meant to make me forget, would actually make me realize everything wrong with me.
I couldn't remember much much expect for puking in front of Billy's and praying for someone to kill me, that was before I blacked out, As for now? I still wanted someone to kill me, my head pounded so hard, I felt like shit.
The feeling of being sick pulsed through me and I slowly pulled myself up to heave into the toilet, my long hair shaking loose in my frail grip, a cold sweat broke out over me, here I was sick to my stomach due to my stupid actions. Alone, holding my own hair up, I was a loser.
I pushed everyone I loved away from me, and in the end when I needed them the most, they left me here to suffer alone. I laid my pale cheek, against the cold tile floor, trying to hold in my sanity, the room was spinning horribly, nothing could stay still so I closed my eyes trying to keep the urge to be sick again down.
"oh kill me" I muttered, everything was falling apart, as if it hadn't already. I felt the urge to get sick shoot up stronger, why wasn't I dying yet? pulling myself up to the porcelain bowl, my left hand automatically going to my hair, that's when I felt another presences with me, someone else's warm hand lightly grabbed my hair, holding it back.
I didn't have time to see who it was before I got violently sick again, tears falling from my already puffy eyes as I trembled, "Does this teach you a lesson?" the person above me whispered. I flicked them off, as I lifted my hazel eyes to the sparkly brown ones above me.
"Screw you Jacob, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in this mess!" then I sank back down to the floor, secretly happy as hell that he was here, he was the one who came to me. Jacob tied my hair back the best he could, an action I didn't see coming, how right it felt. Taking a damp wash cloth, he started to wipe the sweat off my face, making me loose my breath instantly.
"You can be as mad as you want, but you need me and besides you called for me" then he got a smug look on his face and that's when it hit me, I had called out for him last night. My cheeks burned as he got some aspirin out of the cabinet for me. Jacob ran his fingers through my ponytail as I too the pills dry before I could press my cheek to his wrist, he smelled so good, like wolf, pine, and woods.
A low moan escaped my mouth, Jacob moved his hand to my cheek slowly rubbing his thumb over the cut that was there, my eyes automatically shut, the feelings inside me, I just couldn't put them into words. I couldn't control myself, it was like the beast, no the wolf inside me had been unleashed.
My mind ran wild with thoughts of how my next actions would escalate this situation, my hormones ran on an all time high, Jacob was my drug, he was mine. I pushed forwards till my mouth smashed on his, fire sprang through me as Jacob deepened the kiss, making me moan loudly as I looped my fingers through his belt loops, pressing my lower half into his.
My sickness was long forgotten as I grabbed his shirt, yanking him harder to me, I wasn't going to stop, Jacob slowly picked me up, before slamming me into the wall and kissed down my neck, I wrapped my legs around his lean waist, he moaned loudly and that sent me into a frenzy.
I wanted to get closer, but there was still so much space between us, I pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the ground. He ripped my shirt from my body, making the fire roar higher in me.
"Bed" he whispered, his voice so low and sexy, "Bed" I agreed, before running my hands through his dark, hair.
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Sorry for the wait, my computer blew up.
So Jacob and Taylor! It took awhile to finish this chapter but I think it turned out great.
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